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Warzone AFK exploiters


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report them and they get banned...


No, they won't. Bnailfe is a level 50 sniper on Keller's Void. Guild mates have been reporting him for the last TWENTY FIVE LEVELS, and nothing has happened. He's still there, dressed in nothing but level 40 PVP gear (no relics), doing nothing but afking. Really obviously a gold farmer.


I've personally opened a handful of tickets on him, and gotten nothing but a brush off.


This is a problem that happens in EVERY MMO that has PvP and gives rewards for being present in a battleground. This is nothing new, and there is no reason why SWTOR should have gotten to retail with this being allowed.


Not impressed.

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I totally understand people wanting this exploit out of their zones, however, doesn't this apply pretty much equally to both sides/teams ? Does it not pretty much balance out over time. I mean you will lose some close matches due to the afk'ers, which is annoying, but you will also win some you wouldn't have due to the opposition having the same problem.


So yes it would be nice to get this dealt with as soon as possible but it's not as big a problem as, erm, other problems that are bigger in PvP. (not derailing thread listing other problems)

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I got a /rude emote from some lvl 50 when he realized he was 5% life. As i jammed my knife into his skull i laughed and drank the blood dripping from my blade. His tears make me stronger.




BTW i actively seek out afk'ers, its become a new meta game for me. If they are on my team i do everything i can to alert the enemy to their presence.

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when they /fix pvp they fix AFKers ppl are only afk cuz lvl20 cant compare to lvl50..


im lvl20 and tho best gear constantly get 1hit in Warzones by lvl50 tho im tank... what more reason is there to be afk?



Either you are spouting BS or you are just really bad. Im a healer (OP), I've stacked Cunning way more than Endurance and i have never been one shotted in pvp. Ive been pvping since lvl10.

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Some people get out of hand throwing the AFK name around especially on my server. I've been called an AFKer for defending an objective and/or staying away from the action and handing out heals. Here's a few pointers to help you determine if a player truly is AFK.


- Player hides in an area not easily found by the enemy.

- Player doesn't say anything in chat.

- Player makes no effort to defend themselves if under attack.

- The only ability player uses is stealth.


These players are often mistaken for AFKers:


- Players who defend objectives or likely routes of enemy movement.

- Players who only pick off enemies that are almost dead.

- Players who don't blindly rush into the fray.

- Players who don't listen to whoever spams the ops chat with orders.

- Players who wait for the perfect opportunity to take an objective.

- Players who tell you that they're not AFK, which they're not since they're at their keyboard.

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I Think best thing to do is to wait for server forums, and then post their pictures on those forums... Maybe community will help (if all people on server will start complain about particular individuals)


But other than that I dont see a way to ban then... Biowware may later make a new fixes like 2 minutes of inactivity anywhere on the map will kick you out and etc...


PS.I played Warhammer, people there where doing many things to afk in sc, usually they died and then never respawned, they also left party so we cant see them on party screen and on the map. Some people had macro, they just where somewhere in tiny corner of the map jumping all sc... There is nothing you can do about it...

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Seems to me like there would be a logical and fair way to end this problem, and it is probably not too hard for Bioware to implement:


rewards already scale based on effort (i.e. the more kills or medals etc. the higher your rewards) so.....


set the minimum reward to a big fat zero. If no effort is put in (no kills, no heals, no dmg, no defense) you get...wait for it... no xp or comms or money.


Granted this still wont help others playing a man down at first, but soon the afk'ers will realize they arent getting anything out of being there and will not join wz anymore.


problem solved right?

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Someone on my server has been spotted multiple times AFK'ing. He is level 20 now and has yet to pick an AC and just runs to a corner and AFKs. I bet you 11-20 was done all AFK in warzones. Needs to be a vote kick option or something for AFK'ers.
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Someone can help me to remember how long this game was in development?


Six years? And they have not done something with AFKers?



Can someone help me remember how long WoW has been out and also in development 10+ years and they still havent done anything about AFKers. It seems the problem isnt that easy to fix as you want it to be.

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Can someone help me remember how long WoW has been out and also in development 10+ years and they still havent done anything about AFKers. It seems the problem isnt that easy to fix as you want it to be.


pretty sure they have a vote system in WoW...

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Need to be careful with implementing votekick. VK is a mechanic more capable of abuse than AFK ever will be.


4 man premades are already the gods of Warzones without giving them the tools to rid the zone of anyone they fancy. Good luck to lowbies in that case as they will get kicked before the fat man shouts 'Huuutball'.

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pretty sure they have a vote system in WoW...



cant kick people from BGs only instances. Also i ran a botting program in WoW for 4-5 months before I quit when this game came out and never once got banned. But then again my bot script played better than most players so maybe thats why.

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Quit blaming the players, blame the people responsible for giving them the ability. I dont do it but I dont blame the guys for using a game mechanic that was put in place by the creators of the game. They knew about it in the creation phase, in the alpha and beta phase, and the definatly know about it now. If they wouldnt have been so lazy about wanting to control pvp they would have realized the monster they created. Open world pvp would have been the perfect solution. The "true" pvp'rs would be out there looking for victims while the quick fakers would be on the pve grind. Its really not fair for people to be able to just do this on a whim with no work involved. Level 50's in 3 days should have been a huge flag.
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Seems to me like there would be a logical and fair way to end this problem, and it is probably not too hard for Bioware to implement:


rewards already scale based on effort (i.e. the more kills or medals etc. the higher your rewards) so.....


set the minimum reward to a big fat zero. If no effort is put in (no kills, no heals, no dmg, no defense) you get...wait for it... no xp or comms or money.


Granted this still wont help others playing a man down at first, but soon the afk'ers will realize they arent getting anything out of being there and will not join wz anymore.


problem solved right?



This right here makes sense. Base it in all categories...if you hardly do any damage, kills, healing, objectives etc...then why should you get XP and credits?


If the person is not afk and cannot generate enough damage, kills, healing, objectives, etc, they still should not get credits or xp.


You should be rewarded based on contribution, not participation. Otherwise it's like giving a trophy to the losing team. If you die in PvE you don't get rewarded, so why not make that be the case in PvP?

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They get a debuff that states something along the lines of you must engage in combat in the next 60 secs or you will be removed from the BG and receive no exp or honor...


To be fair though, this is not the same thing as a vote kick. The player that gets the debuff can take action to remove it themselves.

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Marcellus and Juveynile where afk warzoning on Anchorhead after the Maintenance shutdown.


BW should be giving these fools a character reset all items and xp taken away.


Play the dam game the way its ment to be played. Servers are going to be full of level 50 noobs flashing their epeens off.


Didn't take long for the community to start ruining the game.

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Such hate towards the AFKers. People pay their monthly bill. If they want to go to a PvP warzone and AFK/not engage, they have the right to. I'm not saying that it's something I would do, but it's well within their right to do so, just like it's well within your right to not AFK.
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