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A generic I am pissed post


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During the NYC cantina on October last year this question was asked:


Why so long between Operations?


Looking ahead at the project plan they knew this was going to be a problem. However they only had two options that they could realistically go with. The first was to release an operation before the expansion, but have it quickly become obsolete come 3.0, and only have one operation available with 3.0. Or they could wait and have two for 3.0 but have a really long time without anything. It was really crappy and high end PVErs got "f*****". It is something that they don't want to ever do again (have that much time between operations).




People who were getting frustrated and ready to leave ate that up and decided to stay and pay money month after the month because supposedly BW is not going to take 14 month between operations again. Result ? Someone took the decision to straight out lie to the players. Anyway, they didn't tell us about the change of plans, they waited till July to inform us of this new direction, that's 9 month of lying to their PvErs who kept on paying because BW was going to release new content faster than they did between DP/DF and RaV/ToS.







Then last year we had this post:


Hey folks,


At our fan event in Las Vegas, one of the things we stated is that we are working to address the concerns of things like queue times and uneven server populations and that we would provide an update before the end of the year. As you might expect we're not ready to tell you exactly what we are working on yet, but we did want to go into what our goals are for next year.


  • To address issues of queue times across all types of content, both PvP and PvE.
  • To rethink how we approach “server separation.”
  • Remain sensitive to things like character identity.
  • The continued ability to define your chosen server playstyle, PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP.
  • We also would love to use this opportunity to enhance/create social systems. It’s a big ole’ galaxy and we want it to feel that way.

In the coming months we will be releasing more details. We appreciate your patience as we work towards these goals.




In the coming months ?? In the coming months of which year ? 2017 ? 2018 ? How long do we have to wait for the next post that will simply say "We can't talk about it right now" ?







And as always there was this from the whole contraband controversy, best summed by Andryah:



It was them, not us, that decided to put mats into the loot table. If they had not done that... then they would not have had to nerf the slots back to the stoneage. Once they realized their mistake, they went in the extreme opposite direction.


I really don't care much about the slot machine one way or the other, but I do care about a lack of integrity.


I get that they have to be careful what they communicate and how.. but I'm sorry.. it is not a license to lie to the players. Nor is it a license to wrap every bug in waffles and toss them around the forum as CM-Facts.


If they cannot even figure out in advance if something is going to have a negative impact on the game, then things will get progressively worse. Because they clearly are lost, and have no idea where they are.


If they cannot figure out how to actually balance something that is so simple to adjust without resorting to draconian measures, then things will get progressively worse. Because they are clearly lost and have no idea where they are or what they are doing.


If they can be so dishonest in their communications to players on basic and fundamental inquiries about "is something working as intended or not", then what exactly is the point in playing their game, much less putting money into it? IMO.. no point at all. The silence this week, in the face of widely discussed dissatisfaction with how they have handled this latest debacle ----> extremely telling IMO.






Funny thing about this, I don't really care anymore about Operations, PvP or the Contraband machine. But this ? This is the m.o. of something very dysfunctional.

No you can't have my stuff, my guild is going to get my stuff. I still have like 3 month of game time, I will be droping in from time to time. Good luck to whoever is staying and I wish you the best.

Edited by znihilist
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I imagine they consider the level cap raise and new gear tables suffices for new content. furthermore they where clear ever since the expansion announced we wheren't getting new ops in the inital expansion, so why the rage now?


Are you sure you read my post ?

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They have a skeleton crew and interns they do not nor will they ever have a dev team like they did at launch BW was woefully unprepared about making a MMO Story and cutscenes are nice I enjoyed them at the start. The OPs for what ever reason never really mattered I cant even remember why we went back to Belsavis for SOA I mean he didn't feel like a threat same with Karagga why am I here whats the context.


I wont even talk about PvP we know what happened:confused:


Malgus was not used properly, Revan was I honestly think the new devs wanted to trash on him as a character but thats me.


They simply can't do the things we really want them to do they made a very linear game that feels more like a console game with a sub option and people you can talk to the ONLY reason this game has survived is well the IP.

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I don't understand your analogy. I was under the impression that McRib sells really well when they offer it.

They don't do well enough to make McDonald's sell them year-round. If they did, they would sell them all the time.


The analogy: McRibs are a niche item, raiding and PvP are niche items. Just as McRib sales do not make or break a McDonald's store, raiding and PvPing do not make or break SWTOR.


From what I understand it is a big seller.

In winter, yes.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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