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Infernal Council encounter broken after 3.0 changes (Eternity Vault)


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I'd like to report a bug in the Infernal Council encounter of Eternity Vault that was introduced with 3.0.


Before 3.0, whenever you attacked a neutral mob with a yellow nameplate, you would only trigger that mob. But since 3.0, whenever you attack a yellow mob, it triggers the whole group.


While this change is not a problem in most of the content, it broke the Infernal Council encounter (last boss before Soa) because in that fight, every player is supposed to take his own boss. However, because of the changes to neutral mobs, now once the first player attacks a boss, all bosses become active and start moving.


Please fix this encounter so attacking one boss won't trigger the whole room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bug fix would be appreciated, yes.

However, even though the infernal council members that were NOT attacked now turn red, they walk very slowly towards the player with aggro, and they are not truly fixated. Another player can hit them and take them on without getting the wipe debuff. It certainly makes the fight way trickier to short-man, since you have to be very careful which walker you hit, and you must finish fights before the walkers reach you, but it can still be done.

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