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Anyone here play on Shadowlands?

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Oh boy! This sounds like fun.


To all of you expert SL players out there: Which side should I transfer to, to get the most competitive matches? Cheers ;)


whichever, its pretty evenly matched even when people group up.

Imp side seems to have a slight advantage. in my short time on Shadowlands, I have been on the recieving end of stompings only while on pubside, and hand them out on occasion on impside. never the other way around.


but like I said, its mostly even. had several TDM matches in a row with scores along the lines of 50-48 (and being on fire during the last minutes of it, for extra tension)

Edited by DreadzKaiser
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Oh boy! This sounds like fun.


To all of you expert SL players out there: Which side should I transfer to, to get the most competitive matches? Cheers ;)


SL could clearly use a good, solid, thorough scrabbing.


whichever, its pretty evenly matched even when people group up.

Imp side seems to have a slight advantage. in my short time on Shadowlands, I have been on the recieving end of stompings only while on pubside, and hand them out on occasion on impside. never the other way around.


but like I said, its mostly even. had several TDM matches in a row with scores along the lines of 50-48 (and being on fire during the last minutes of it, for extra tension)


Extremely small sample size caveat - but this is what I've seen too. @Scrabs - you may also want to make a decision based on what hours you plan to play. I've only played pub side (though I just rolled an imp) and it seems that wins are a lot easier to come by during AM/afternoon hours (ET) . Later on imp side seems much stronger. Though the balance swings based on which side Xi'ao & friends are playing.


FWIW, the mini super serious games were at night, and would have been total imp roflstomps if we hadn't gathered our cross-server forces. I'm thinking if you want to experience some of that action, pub side is your better bet.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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Shadowlands has always been Republic-dominated. The typical match is 5 or 6 Pub veterans against a mostly rookie Empire. That is, until later in the evening, when Xi'ao shows up and other serious pilots join him to (rightly) annihilate the Republic.


So if you are looking for a moderate challenge, fly Empire before 0100Z or 0200Z. For a chance of an impromptu super-serious fight, probably fly Republic 0200Z to 0500Z. The serious Shadowlanders were not showing up much a month ago, but hopefully will fly more regularly now.


Tobias, your best bet to improve on your already impressive stats records would be to fly Empire until Xi'ao shows up... but then you would miss the fun :)


EDIT: I posted my rant before I saw Tobias' post but it seems we mostly agree...

Edited by Linuxizer
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Scrabs, when you were here last you saw what kind of **** Impside is during the day. I'd say play impside during the day and pubside late at night. Though really the the regulars have toons both sides so we can make whatever balance we want.


And stream that **** if you're doing it during the day!

Edited by Fractalsponge
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Very fun matches the other night guys. A big thanks to all who came out on both sides, and a warm welcome to the new pilots from POT5 and other servers who are taking a stab at the Shadowlands GSF scene. Shadowlands is a funny server, with a very large skill gap, thus, getting competitive matches has been a challenge in the past. I think we did it the right way on monday, and I hope to see more like it.


That being said, I think we should do this again. What times would work best for everyone?

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I *********** hate you, matchmaker. 3rd wargame in a row...


It's really a shame, both sides had some good teams lined up. Would have been some really good matches. 'tish is right though, we had a good one right after you left. Until next time I suppose!


And Sam? He found the entire situation rather amusing

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Wow, A topic for a simple question turned into all of this.

not that I am complaining


for pubside dominating during the day....I have not seen that. when I played Pubside (Genal) during the day, we got stomped. Lost shipyards TDM 3 times in a row.

RNGesus really hated me that day. Every Gunship shot me though D.Field, every Gunship I shot BARELY lived (3-6 health)


then my guild qued up and wargames happened. Stomping my own guild felt better then it should have.


then again, I have only been around for....what a week?

Edited by DreadzKaiser
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its definitely been a lot of fun the last week or so. I wanted to do a brand new version of Gaa'ra redo the story from start to finish with him. And ive had to fast rebuild from stock compared to his The version which has 5 mastered ships.


its been a fun experience. :D

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Been having a lot of fun flying recently. It's nice to see all these new names and still some of the familiar pilots i knew from a year ago. It also seems like now there are more competitive matches going on, and those are always fun.
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I don't think it's cheesy. You guys could have countered it by killing mines/drones with ion railgun and then sending in evasion scouts to kill our gunships. You could even add in a healing Imperium to tank the damage from any newly popped railgun drones. Edited by RickDagles
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Some awesome matches tonight guys.


I still maintain the TDM was cheesy, but it was well executed and I can't begrudge you the win on it :)


Well, I don't know if I'd go so far as to call it cheesy, but I'll certainly admit it isn't the most entertaining way to play out that kind of matchup. No one said "Hooray! We get to hole up in a box!"


Still, it a was a perfectly valid and obviously viable strategy against your lineup, which included, what, 6 GS? Or was it 7?


And as Siraka noted, it's counterable.

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I know the counter. I'm mostly annoyed that I closed the night and burned the one TDM had and didn't get the same kind of crazy moving fights that we got in the dom matches.


Consider what I was looking at at first:



The nest got set up immediately, and then everyone that could eventually swapped to GS I think (wasn't running TS, so I have no idea during the match).


This lead to a purely deterministic conclusion given the team layout: http://fractalsponge.net/swtor/swtor 2015-07-19 22-44-09-61.jpg


I and X19 could've rushed the nest with battlescout, but we would've gotten attrited down every time, and our newbs got farmed to death against the gs wall. We also would've flushed your gs into our...oh wait, dronelayer and rycers.


You guys are all great (I mean that), but don't blow smoke up my *** telling me that hunkering down in the shipyard from the start of the match and waiting the clock down isn't cheesy.

Edited by Fractalsponge
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