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Cartel Market, what to buy?


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You can buy packs/crates/boosts then resell them for credits. Check what they go for on the GTN first to see what gives you the best credit to cartel coin ratio.


As for the revan set ( old one ) that drops from the current blockade runner cartel pack. You can also get the mask and nihilus mask from the contraband resale corp vendor in the cartel bazaar part of fleet. You will need legend reputation ( can be gotten by playing the cartel slot machine fairly easily or from opening many, many packs ) and cartel certificates which also drop from packs.

Nihilus mask also drops from the current crime lord pack you can buy.


The revan stuff is pretty easy to drop ( pending how many packs you buy ) except the mask which is much more rare as is the nihilus mask.


New revan set only drops from the pilgrim shadow packs.

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Why don't sell hypercrates? Do you get a better return by breaking them up into individual crates?


Sometimes. And if they had something cool in them; wait until they are no longer available on cartel market for a while.

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Why don't sell hypercrates? Do you get a better return by breaking them up into individual crates?


depends on the price of the hyper crate. the way I do it is I scan the gtn for hypercrate prices. then divide by 24 the price. this gives me a price per pack. then I remove the gtn fee which is 6 or 7% not sure. then if the price of the actual packs are higher than that I can turn in a profit. I have made 1 mil profit multiple times. the only thing is you gotta wait 36hrs before selling the packs which is kind of a gamble.


example : hypercrate =2.4 mils. the individual pack is 100000$


let's say the pack sells for 150000$ - gtn fee ( 150000 x 7% ) = 139500$


profit is 139000-100000=39000


total profit 39000×24 = 948000


just gotta be careful to monitor the market on multiple days to get a low, median and high price of packs and hypercrates.


I do the same with xp boosts. and some cartel market items like unlocks. I got a couple items on my watch list that I buy at a certain price or below cause I know the price always end up going over that especially on Tuesday nights and weekends.


hope this helps!

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In order to either make cash (creds) or get lewt like Revan / Nihilus-style gear.


Some like to buy items that F2P and preferred use, like warzone and ops authorizations. I have not tried this myself but I see quite a lot of them on the GTN.

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