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Consular Story Glitches


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These are glitches in high end consular story mission i noticed. Dont read ahead since it contains spoilers.


1) On the mission where you confront Vivicar he seems to have a melee attack which instantly kills you. I did not check the actually damage but i was 4 level higher and he killed my companion which was full health and had force armor on instantly, he also did the same to me. Only way to get around was to kite him.


2) Since i cannot run the mission on Vivicars ship again i dont know if i just missed something or its a bug. Like 3 times i had enemies rushing me from nowhere with like 2 or 3 strong mobs and a few normal ones. Happened while enganged a group already so i got wiped of course.


3) When you leave Voss on your way back to your ships airlock when Sarah confronts you they guards arriving give her a lightsaber but in combat she does not use it instead uses fists and no skills at all.


4) On the Javelin mission the holograms of my crew members in the conversation scenes, all my crew members do not wear any gear so they are all naked. Looks weird.


5) On the Javelin mission when you disarm the first bomb and start hologram with Qyzen he is of course naked and also there is my active crew member Iresso there overlapping him in the holo conversation.


6) Again on Javelin mission. There is absolutly no music running after you talk with the droid on bridge and go disarm the bombs. There is nothing that makes you feel like the whole thing is about to blow up really soon. It feels like you can wait forever and there is actually no threat at all.


7) I do not know the name of the mission but it is the last class mission on Alderan where you confront the jedi master there at the meeting. The one you travel to with a shuttle....

When you fight the jedi master all the NPC there are just standing around the table like nothing really going on. I think they should look scared and run away a bit.


8) I know everyone will have noticed that your companions wear different outfit when you have them in group and when you meet them before they join in conversations. Its wierd. But the most wierd thing is about Nadia. She is a force sensitive but not a jedi yet. Once her father is kidnapped and you allow her to join you for rescue. She suddenly has a jedi robe and outfit and a double bladed lightsaber. Also she has all the skills she will ever learn already. Since she will be your Padawan this does not feel right. Where did she get the lighsaber and jedi gear from. And where did she learn all the techniques from? The whole point about having a padawan and train her is non existing. This one really made me sad since i figured out they did not care one moment about the part of having a Padawan.

No love for details :(


Okay thats the major points i still remember. Although i submitted a ticket for the important glitches i felt like posting it.

Edited by gtrunks
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  • 3 weeks later...
These are glitches in high end consular story mission i noticed. Dont read ahead since it contains spoilers.


1) On the mission where you confront Vivicar he seems to have a melee attack which instantly kills you. I did not check the actually damage but i was 4 level higher and he killed my companion which was full health and had force armor on instantly, he also did the same to me. Only way to get around was to kite him.


2) Since i cannot run the mission on Vivicars ship again i dont know if i just missed something or its a bug. Like 3 times i had enemies rushing me from nowhere with like 2 or 3 strong mobs and a few normal ones. Happened while enganged a group already so i got wiped of course.


3) When you leave Voss on your way back to your ships airlock when Sarah confronts you they guards arriving give her a lightsaber but in combat she does not use it instead uses fists and no skills at all.


4) On the Javelin mission the holograms of my crew members in the conversation scenes, all my crew members do not wear any gear so they are all naked. Looks weird.


5) On the Javelin mission when you disarm the first bomb and start hologram with Qyzen he is of course naked and also there is my active crew member Iresso there overlapping him in the holo conversation.


6) Again on Javelin mission. There is absolutly no music running after you talk with the droid on bridge and go disarm the bombs. There is nothing that makes you feel like the whole thing is about to blow up really soon. It feels like you can wait forever and there is actually no threat at all.


7) I do not know the name of the mission but it is the last class mission on Alderan where you confront the jedi master there at the meeting. The one you travel to with a shuttle....

When you fight the jedi master all the NPC there are just standing around the table like nothing really going on. I think they should look scared and run away a bit.


8) I know everyone will have noticed that your companions wear different outfit when you have them in group and when you meet them before they join in conversations. Its wierd. But the most wierd thing is about Nadia. She is a force sensitive but not a jedi yet. Once her father is kidnapped and you allow her to join you for rescue. She suddenly has a jedi robe and outfit and a double bladed lightsaber. Also she has all the skills she will ever learn already. Since she will be your Padawan this does not feel right. Where did she get the lighsaber and jedi gear from. And where did she learn all the techniques from? The whole point about having a padawan and train her is non existing. This one really made me sad since i figured out they did not care one moment about the part of having a Padawan.

No love for details :(


Okay thats the major points i still remember. Although i submitted a ticket for the important glitches i felt like posting it.


I just ran into that last night. I was little hurt b/c Nadia and the gang looked like they were having one big orgy and we are supposed to be getting married. :rolleyes:

Edited by Nocturnalis
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These are glitches in high end consular story mission i noticed. Dont read ahead since it contains spoilers.


1) On the mission where you confront Vivicar he seems to have a melee attack which instantly kills you. I did not check the actually damage but i was 4 level higher and he killed my companion which was full health and had force armor on instantly, he also did the same to me. Only way to get around was to kite him.


2) Since i cannot run the mission on Vivicars ship again i dont know if i just missed something or its a bug. Like 3 times i had enemies rushing me from nowhere with like 2 or 3 strong mobs and a few normal ones. Happened while enganged a group already so i got wiped of course.


The first one isn't a bug, it's a game mechanic about the fight with Vivicar. He has an attack that has a fairly lengthy activation, and it's an insta-kill. Took me three or four shots trying to burn him before a remembered a certain ability on my bar... (hint hint).


The second one is most definitely a bug. One that I submitted a report for in fact, but I did so laughing hysterically. Basically from what I remembered, whenever you finished one of the first two "Squad Leaders" (can't remember the order of the colors), it would open up the door to the next length of hallway etc. Once that door opens, I'm instantly pushed into combat, and my companion rushes out the door to start tanking. The second time it happened to me, I specifically told him to come back, which he did, but about a minute later 30-40 mobs walked around the corner and completely ganked me. It really was hilarious. But, it only happens two times, one you open each of the doors between the Squad leaders, so it's not hindering completion.

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I've had similar 'naked' glitches of some but not all of my companions during cutscenes.


Also, I -think- something odd happened with the Javelin escape pod thing:

it seems that you are supposed to temporarily lose your romance interest when they have to escape down to Corellia in the escape capsule. However, if they were with you when that holocall is initiated, you get the other gender romance interest in the escape pod, which rather lessens the dramatic tension as it were -- I wasn't really in THAT much of a rush to go rescue Iresso :p Possibly due to this, I actually couldn't deploy either the companion that was with me or the one on Corellia till after I'd rescued the latter.


It might be a bit cheesy, but one of those "explosions"/"sealing doors" Hollywood-style cliches might be used to forcibly separate you from your romance interest and ensure that the emotional shock works as intended.


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