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What event started the War/officially broke the Treaty of Coruscant? (Spoilers)


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I feel like I know this, but can't remember. I think it was in the Sith Warrior story. At any rate, which class story saw the official breaking of the Treaty of Courscant. I know in all the class stories, they keep talking about how a "war is coming" and things like that, but I forget which story shows the actual start of the war.



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Take this with a grain of salt since it's been literally three years since I played through the Warrior story.


Anyway, I'm not sure it's any one particular event that reignites the war (unlike, say, the real-world assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand kicking off WWI), rather it seems to be many small sparks. The Consular on Balmorra certainly fits the bill, and I think Imperial Taris world-quest, pushing the Republic right off the planet counts.


Or maybe it's something on Quesh. Either way, by the time you make planetfall on Hoth, the war's back up and running.

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Pretty much half the classes are implied to have relaunched the War by themselves.

As far as I can remember:

-The JK is told that Angral's death was used as a pretext for a renewed war by the Dark Council.

-For the SW, I'd say going after the War Trust pretty much constitutes an act of war.

-The JC actions on Balmoraa fit the bill too.

-Trooper directly engages Tavus at the end of Chapter 1 and he is considered Imperial (Though they don't heavily support him, I felt. Still a good pretext).

-The final contract in the Great Hunt is classified as a terrorist act sponsored by the Empire for Bounty Hunter.


Can't remeber the rest, honestly.

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I feel like I know this, but can't remember. I think it was in the Sith Warrior story. At any rate, which class story saw the official breaking of the Treaty of Courscant. I know in all the class stories, they keep talking about how a "war is coming" and things like that, but I forget which story shows the actual start of the war.




The war was going well before the player storylines. it started on Korriban 3681BBY 40 years beforehand. However the empire was building upto this centuries before hand while the emperor slumbered and the sith gathered their strength and hatred.


The treaty of Coruscant was signed under duress by the empire 3653 BBY because of the recently sacked Coruscant to make a point. At this point the republic had no chance against the empire, but 11 years later and the players storylines on Balmorra and Taris specifically made the point that they both defied the treaty and thus nullify the treaty, 3642 BBY. open warefare resumed between the sides but presumably it lasted just a year by the time the zakuul arrived.

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Definitely the Sith Warrior storyline.



Yes, good find.


The specific events are kicked off by Darth Baras. First with fabricating a skirmish and then by striking to assassinate much of the Republic's high command.


The Republic is flagrantly violating the Treaty before that on Balmorra but this is treated as compromising the Republic's position rather than "okay, going to full war now."

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The war was going well before the player storylines. it started on Korriban 3681BBY 40 years beforehand. However the empire was building upto this centuries before hand while the emperor slumbered and the sith gathered their strength and hatred.


The treaty of Coruscant was signed under duress by the empire 3653 BBY because of the recently sacked Coruscant to make a point. At this point the republic had no chance against the empire, but 11 years later and the players storylines on Balmorra and Taris specifically made the point that they both defied the treaty and thus nullify the treaty, 3642 BBY. open warefare resumed between the sides but presumably it lasted just a year by the time the zakuul arrived.


I was under the impression at least 3 years of warring has been going on since the ToC

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