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Corellia, worst planet ever for class story?


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I dislike almost all the original planets now. It is very apparent that they followed the WoW (and earlier?) model of twists and turns to make a map look larger. Its OK the first time ... but on the 5th+ go ... ugh.


Contrast that to the later planets. Makeb is disguised with all its mesas but it still flows better than the original planets.

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Corellia would be great if devs used the planets for what they are and represent, for events, for exclusive planetary content, etc.


Corellia holds factories for building space stations! Instead of "buying" a one type guild ship, players could have quests of gathering bazillion of materials and move them over to Corellia to build their personal guild ships / or ships.


But... yes the planets are very dry...they dont use them to enrich the interest of the player, the environment of star wars... Corellia could be a paradise of industry with all these guild ships, etc. As well as HOTH, with all these destroyed spaceships, we could move there and collect rare parts...


so its not that Corellia is bad...the way BIOWARE does it, is very boring and bad. They dont point into details and make it feel and be more real, more better. It was one of my suggestions years ago, but they dont give attention to things that make them work harder....

Edited by Oyranos
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With the 12x bonus, I now ONLY do class missions on Corellia in order to get done with it as soon as possible. I tend to pick up at least the main planet quest chain along with my class quests as I have leveled up some alts lately, but certain planets I skip, and Corellia is one I plan on skipping way before I get here. The constant back tracking, winding around trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B sucks..
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You kidding me? At least on Hoth there is no worry about getting lost in the maze of buildings. Not only do you travel back and forth do to your quests on Corellia you also do a lot of backtracking because all of a sudden the road you where heading has a dead-end or it turns out that, now that the map has revealed itself, you are heading the wrong way.


Hate Corellia and Belsavis for the same reason :mad:



It has it better now, you shoould try it out. The areas and quests are revamped to make the leveling really a nice expirience :)


i guess i'm the opposite of you guys then. personally, i've found to spend less time on corellia than on hoth.

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Taris rates as the worse planet IMO. There are no short cuts on that planet. You stick to the path and take the long scenic route. Any attempts to shortcut around and you find yourself facing some wall or impassable debris field. It just gets beyond annoying.


As for Corelia, it rates a close second. I can't agree with people more. You have to go some crazy paths just to get to your destination. And then there is the mobs. You don't know if what you are coming up to is friend or foe. I tend to constantly tab as I'm traveling just to see if enemy mobs pop up.


And then of course some paths lead to dead ends and into buildings. Buildings which may or may not be friendly controlled.


With 12 XP I get on and get off planet as quickly as possible. But even without 12 XP, I try to avoid Corellia like the plague. It is like the last bit of annoyance you have to go through to finish your class story. Which just makes it all the more unbareable.

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I don't like Corellia much, but probably because of the story. I'm just not hooked - either with the planetary story or the class story. It seems they just wanted to bring all the characters to Corellia and show the apex of the Second Galactic War, but we ended up with corridors and more corridors. And Selonians.


The only class story that resonated and really made sense on Corellia was the Agent's. That worked really well for me - it had urgency, intrigue, and much more.


But, yeah, the planetary story seemed kind of pointless for the Empire, since the Republic wins in the end, and too bland for the Republic - we're the good guys, let's hang the bad guys in the name of humanism and democracy, blahblahblah. Nah.

Edited by Kulyok
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JK is the worst class for levelling. way too much travelling and time wasted doubling back. Sentinels in particular have been battered with the balancing bat - ridiculously squishy, constantly knocked off speeders and have crap dps compared to other classes.

The sent was my first toon I rolled at launch (I have over 30 at lvl60 so far) so I rolled another for nostalgia. Big mistake. I have seen how bad they are compared to the others.

Shadow and sniper are the best pve classes by far


I couldn't agree more. Just finished leveling a sentinel a few weeks ago. I simply can't get my head wrapped around the class. I feel like in PVP I spend more time chasing people swing a stick than I do anything else. In PVE it seemed like it took forever before you got your healer. Far too much down time. Constantly healing up between fights. And energy management is just bad. The worse of any class that I have played so far (not that I have played all of them).


There were some points to the overall class story I liked. Some points I didn't. But the Corellia story just didn't feel right. All these jedi resources at your disposal and you still are the one who is the errand boy. The story would have felt better if you were just a lone wolf on your mission and you just happen to be in a situation where you could help the Repub and rebels out every once in a while.

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