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<Remnants of Hope> & <Vestige of Despair> "Light from a few can be a beacon to many."


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Still a busy fun time in RoH with all the DSvLS characters running around - lots of FPs, leveling buddies, PvP, and general fun. But even with the focus on leveling new alts, operations and PvP are still seeing lots of action with of a total of 10 different group runs of SM/HM ops last week! If you are a new or returning player, I suggest you check out member Scya's (Lady Admiral on the forums) youtube channel featuring The Academy, a series focused on the basics of SWTOR. Swtorista The Academy


If you are looking for a guild that focuses on community and the player behind the avatar, check us out at Remants of Hope SWTOR

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This does seem like a nice guild.. BUT it seems like it does more pve / pvp than rp and I want to rp as equally as pve / pvp.

PvE is very busy atm and a lot of the guild members' primary focus - and with the LsvsDs event I think that might continue as alts are leveled. But we do have two scheduled RP events a week (although our RP officer is on a short LoA - those should pick back up shortly.)


If you decide to investigate us further to see if we are a good fit for you, or have questions, don't hesitate to contact me. Either in game (some characters are below - others include E'lesal, Starsong on pub - Boudicia and Elesal on imp side) or here on the forums :)

Edited by Asileth
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  • 2 weeks later...
It's been a busy week for RoH! We've had an Ops group (sometimes two!) nearly every night for the past few weeks. A little bit of something for the new players up to the hardcore ones with Storymode through Progression Hard Mode. All is going great in the crafting department with Conquests and the pending completion of our Guild Ship. Of course there is also our PvP department who's numbers continue to grow! Great time to be in RoH, especially with the DS/LS event. Come join the fun!
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  • 3 weeks later...

We are starting roleplay nights again!!! They will be hosted by Vil on Tuesday nights at 10:15 PM EST.


Here is the introductory post from Vil...


An encrypted message comes in, looks safe enough, based on current encryption standards. Opening it, there’s a sweeping view of a vast canopy of lush greenery, occasionally broken up by rocky peaks. The view drops down showing a break in the trees, revealing a plateau with what looks to be ships docked and activity, speeders parked and tall stone structures with brightly colored canopies on.


A masculine gravely voice begins to speak while the camera continues to pan over the structures and greenery. There are glimpses of heavy cannons pointing skyward making for an interesting juxtaposition so near to fountains, benches and statuary.


“Republic, Empire—anyone care anymore? Who’s to say. Think of a way out of this mess yet? Need a place to lay low.” The speaker finishes with a laugh.


The camera pans to the front of the largest building, which looks like it was a well lit temple with a glow of bright lights inside.


“There are always places to hide, even in the darkest most tumultuous of times. Pirates, smugglers, remnants of the empire and republic who are looking for change, a removal of the Eternal Empire and Arcann—a return to the old days where war was a bit tamer. Or for some (probably of the Jedi persuasion) thoughts of peace. Silly—but whatever floats your star drives.”


The camera sweeps up, showing a natural waterfall with benches nearby, before showing a gaming table on the roof, complete with myriad races of people hoovering over their game. A waitress arrives with drinks serving the group.


“Or perhaps something with potential for fun and credits, a round at the tables or the slots. Need a hot soak in a warm spring, a bit of dancing. There’s a place for that. You in for the ride? Come by for a visit—be sure to knock first”


A frequency code comes up.


“Blue Bastard out…”


The speaker ends, the view pans out, ultimately showing a world, backing out to show a moon orbiting a big red gas giant then a system before fading too black, leaving the code hoovering on a black field.


That has to be the oddest message. Well maybe not there was that one time… thoughts trail off, as curiosity peaks an interest into the whereabouts of the system and the moon. Bringing up the star chart, the system is found along with the planet, or rather moon--Yavin 4.

Edited by LadyAdmiral
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We are hosting our roleplay night tonight thanks to Vil! We've gotten more of a teaser introduction too....


Small lights and and the pale glow from a heads up display gave faint illumination to the figures nearby. One sitting before the console. The other standing behind.


"Welp the message is off. How you're right about these republic characters." the gravely voice said.


"Of course I'm right. When have I ever been wrong?" the second person spoke, sounding masculine.


There was a deep laugh, "don't get me started. We'll see how this works out. Need an inflow of credits around here and maybe you'll get your overthrow. I've set the system to respond with the coordinates if the code is used. Better go get things ready." the seated man stood with a gleam of red eyes. "if your wrong..."


"I'm not." The second man said before leaving the light of the console.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello SWTOR players!!!


We have been having a great time within Remnants of Hope. In the last Total Galactic War we were able to conquer Quesh thanks to the help of all our members.


We have been having a pretty active PvE department, with at least one run every night, some of them being learning grounds for new players or those who seek the starter gear.


PvP nights are always happening, with members looking for every single player who wants to join them, doesn't matter if you are new to PvP, our members will gladly help you out and guide you.


As LadyAdmiral says, our Tuesday RP nights have been a success, always looking for new members to join the fun!


Every week we invade on both Republic and Imperial side, most of the time getting into the top 10 guilds on Republic side.


If you are looking for a friendly guild to call home, come take a look at our website and official forums @ remnantsofhope.com/swtor.

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Latest news for our guild...


We are currently electing our next Division Commander, who leads our SWTOR guild. Thank you so much to ViVShotFirst for being our loyal commander until real life pulled him away. Currently running for the position are two members from our recruitment department, and the votes are very close. One of the neat thing about our guild is that many of the most important positions are elected... so all members get a chance to choose who leads them. The two candidates are currently answering open questions while members vote. Here is one of the great tough questions I have seen asked so far...


If a SWTOR member is being harassed and/or the target of hate from another member of RoH, how would you go about protecting this member of your division? If the victim tells you about the situation personally and doesn't want everyone to know about it, how would you go about the situation?


Really nice to see that both our members and our candidates really care about those who play in RoH and their well-being :)




Apart from the important election, we've been doing Operations off the charts... more than I can even keep track of haha, and on the Imperial side as well! Lots of people are also working on Dark vs Light.

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Hello remants of hope!


I would like to join your guild... iam not sure if a have applyed correctly.. how do i apply to your guild?




Hey retsamfluff,

I see you applied on our forums. You applied correctly. Now just hang tight and keep checking your application thread and a member of the recruitment team will reply to you :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lots of changes in the guild lately!


1. We have a new Division Commander! Dymlos is the new leader of our SWTOR division. He was voted in and promoted from Recruitment Officer.

2. We have a new Recruitment Officer! Donut is returning from past leadership to help the newest members of our guild.

3. We have a new roleplay Officer! Dreyest is taking up the mantle of roleplay and is starting to get forum roleplay rolling.

4. Sassy our beloved crafting officer is stepping down to spend more time with her 1-year-old, and we'll be lookimg for a new crafting officer soon!


As for what we've been up to...


  • Wayyyy too many operations on both Republic AND Imperial side. Never though I'd see the day!
  • A chunk of our members are working on the last tier of DvL, and trying to hook up for HM Flashpoints. Good luck guys!
  • KOTET is coming soon! Lots of specultation and news-sharing.

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  • 1 month later...
Greats news! With all our members checking out KOTET and the new Galactic Command system, we've made it even easier to apply to our guild. Just make an account on our forums, and then you can fill out an application form so we can learn more about you! We also have a nice new robot that reminds you where you application is in case you lose it, and our Recruitment team is really excited to say hi to you :D Seeya ingame!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi guys! Do you also have an enjin or a forum thread on enjin? It would be great if we could get to know all of the TEH community especially in RP

As far as I know, we don't have a thread on Enjin. The administrators built our own website, so we don't use Enjin's boards for our forums. :)

Edited by JaeOnasi
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