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A bit harsh Bioware ? The one chair infraction.


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Why didn't you just throw the chair away? You accidentally bought 1 extra at 1 credit and then broke a rule you knew they were actively (maybe even aggressively) enforcing to get that one credit back?


If trolling 10/10. If this actually happened it's a tough break to be sanctioned but just throw the chair away man!!!! Cut your losses.


Also out of curiosity did you do a shifty glance right to left before selling the one chair back? Because I would have.


Most items have timers on them to allow you to sell it back if you dont want it. This guy is NOT trolling.

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If there's not a chair smashing scene and/or mission in KotFE, I'm going to be very disappointed.



I kinda wish they took every exploit/bug and did some sort of "Meat Tree" decor for it, lol. Remove the chair from the vendor and turn it into a "Commemorative 'Chair Exploit' Chair"

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I kinda wish they took every exploit/bug and did some sort of "Meat Tree" decor for it, lol. Remove the chair from the vendor and turn it into a "Commemorative 'Chair Exploit' Chair"


I would buy 50 of that.

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I don't agree with bioware banning players for there error even if players took advantage of it, but its something that us players are going to have to except going forward. I have never been banned or even given a warning by bioware before anyone says something.


All I can say OP is at least it was a warning and not a ban. But yes a bit harsh going by your post.

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Whats that? You got no penalty for selling back a single chair because you honestly bought too many, except for a verbal warning you could completely ignore because you didn't actually do anything wrong? Yea, real harsh, Chicken Little
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