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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rakghouls back on Tatooine until July 7


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Thanks for the warning. Raktrolls incoming, avoid fleet (and trolls saying "herpderp, use a vaccine if you don't want anything to do with it, herpderp").


Edit: not directed at post directly above mine, where poster appears to be making genuine attempt to help.


You know that there is a daily and achievements to infect other players, right? The trolls you are speaking of are the devs who made it this way.

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I suspect the casinos might be an amusing place to infect people. On the left we have three people desperately trying to throw away their money at the slots while running away from the infected that's chasing them, on the right we have someone constantly getting interrupted with coughs when they try to click. ^^
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Anyone else having trouble with the daily? I've literally done 5 circles around Anchorhead and not found one infected citizen to use the mission item on. Very annoying.


There's about four that spawn in the Cantina (Imp side and Pub side). Seems a good place to do it, when I was doing it yesterday there was only me in there. Everyone else was running around outside looking for them.

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Anyone else having trouble with the daily? I've literally done 5 circles around Anchorhead and not found one infected citizen to use the mission item on. Very annoying.

Look inside the houses around the market area, usually plenty of lucky citizens awaiting vaccination :)

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