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Hayete's Carnage Marauder Guide


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The way that I personally stack my utilities I always maintain Brooding so I start fights off with a 30 stack and on a 3, 2, 1 countdown I pop Bloodthirst on 2 and then Frenzy on 1 and then initiate combat. Outside of that I use Frenzy only if the fight pushes my procs to far beyond what is manageable to keep the rotation on a "every other Gore + Ravage" basis. For example Gore and Ravage are 5 seconds from coming off cooldown and you've just gained your 30 stack. Delaying Berserk would be a DPS loss (this is what i'm referring to in the guide by saying to use it on cooldown) so i'll use it and spend the 6 stacks then as those stacks end and Ravage + Gore come off cooldown i'll use Frenzy to push myself back into the optimal rotation lining it back up with my procs. Other than this i'll use Frenzy towards the end off a lengthy fight to reapply Bloodthirst. A good example is Colossal Monolith HM. Its such a long fight that I utilize Bloodthrist at the start and then again at under 30%. I'll let my stacks build naturally then once I have a 30 stack i'll pop Bloodthirst, Frenzy, then back to my rotation.


Oh!!!!!!!!!! I think I understand what ur trying to convey. I completely forgot about getting hit building fury too, so in ops, as that happens a lot, u stick to berserk on cd regardless (should come earlier a bit each time due to aoe raid dmg), and then "fix" up the berserk timing with frenzy. Okay that is really clever, I was popping berserk right b4 every dual throw (assuming standard single target roration) even if I had it ready earlier, guess I did not do it enough/hardcore enough to realise this tiny but very very important detail, thanks for sharing!


Another thing: what do u think about running 2 new 4 old set pieces? I stick with that personally cause I find a couple of things really neat. Such as ur second Devastating blast with ur second gore getting the buff too (sweet cause auto crit and full dmg), and I think the second move after that too, though im not 100% sure about that, should look at some combat logs. And of course there is the bonus to ravage which is super awesome cause it also does 100% dmg during gore. I find the 1 auto crit kinda underwhelming in comparison to be honest, though I never tested it since I was reluctant to spend set tokens just for that XD.


So since u have more experience with the new set, what's or opinion (feel free to go into all kinds of miniscule technicalities, I love'em).

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Oh!!!!!!!!!! I think I understand what ur trying to convey. I completely forgot about getting hit building fury too, so in ops, as that happens a lot, u stick to berserk on cd regardless (should come earlier a bit each time due to aoe raid dmg), and then "fix" up the berserk timing with frenzy. Okay that is really clever, I was popping berserk right b4 every dual throw (assuming standard single target roration) even if I had it ready earlier, guess I did not do it enough/hardcore enough to realise this tiny but very very important detail, thanks for sharing!


Yep you've got it mate! A very good example of this idea is Malaphar. Since raid wide propogates the field every 5 seconds you build extra fury very quickly and it pushes your rotation off by quite a bit and will do that constantly. The tiny amount of downtime you spend popping out of the circle to drop stacks helps to reset this offset a bit but overall you'll fight against this idea the entire fight. Malaphar is a very good test of this idea as well as proper rotational priority management.



Another thing: what do u think about running 2 new 4 old set pieces? I stick with that personally cause I find a couple of things really neat. Such as ur second Devastating blast with ur second gore getting the buff too (sweet cause auto crit and full dmg), and I think the second move after that too, though im not 100% sure about that, should look at some combat logs. And of course there is the bonus to ravage which is super awesome cause it also does 100% dmg during gore. I find the 1 auto crit kinda underwhelming in comparison to be honest, though I never tested it since I was reluctant to spend set tokens just for that XD.


So since u have more experience with the new set, what's or opinion (feel free to go into all kinds of miniscule technicalities, I love'em).


I have not tested this in quite some time honestly. I'm completely min/max'd in 198/204 MH (On my Sentinel :D) and have not since tried. I did do some testing with this idea back when i was 192 min/max'd and results seemed to favor the new 6 set (by a small amount). This is just my personal opinion but based on those results I would assume that with 198 gear it would be a definite improvement over the old 186 set bonuses.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi there guys!


So I wanted to give you all, who follow the thread, an update on a few things since KotFE is about a month away now. First and foremost I want to address those who have messaged me asking if i'll be playing the game and doing a guide for 4.0. The short answer is Yes. I've been playing SWTOR without interruption since launch and still plan on playing far into the future.


Okay, on to what most of you want details on, the 4.0 guide! A few weeks ago I was approached by Dulfy.net and asked if I would be interested in writing the 4.0 Combat/Carnage guide. After some back and fourth email Q & A I want you all to know that I accepted and am super excited about the idea of helping not only all of you who follow the thread but those in the community that enjoy the spec but do not actively engage the SWTOR forums. With that announcement I want to be a bit transparent on my intended objective with the 4.0 guide. As I am a full time husband, employee, and electrical engineering student my schedule during KotFE's launch is going to be jam packed! With that said though my guide will be done in the same level of detail it is currently. What that means however is it is going to take some time to test, analyze, and plug n play the new additions in 4.0. The guide i put out for 3.0 in its first iteration took about 3 weeks to compile, write, and edit. I'm expecting the guide for 4.0 to take less time than this as 4.0 is not introducing many new variables to the Combat/Carnage gameplay scheme. At the moment i'm assuming that most of the time will be spent on testing gearing and stats at the onset of the expansion. So with that I want you guys to let me know if there are any topics you would like to see included in the guide or any information about the spec in general that is not currently included. I've already had some suggestions on adding a small section on Pacify/Obfuscate in the defensive's section to highlight it's usefulness on certain boss fights and adds. This was a fantastic suggestion so i'm looking for more of the same from you guys. Let me know if you come up with any :D


Lastly, I want to let you guys know that i have a website up and running. The site will be host to a plethora of information as it relates to the Sentinel/Marauder class. It's been up and running now for two days (Yay! *applauds*) and has some good information on it already including links to both guides, a DPS calculator guide, Utility guide for 3.0 SM/HM content, etc. I highly encourage you to take a few minutes and check it out. One of the features on the site that i'm really excited about is the contact feature. I've had people contact me through email, SWTOR PM's, Enjin, this thread, etc. The website contact feature will allow you to send me a message directly to my phone which i will receive in real time as you send it. For those of you who I've met with you know I'm always more than willing to answer questions and help those who ask for it. This is an awesome tool for you to do just that.


Alright guys thats all that I have. Send those suggestions as you guys come up with them and give the site a look. See you all in KotFE! Thanks all!


Website Link: http://www.Hayete.net

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Okay, on to what most of you want details on, the 4.0 guide! A few weeks ago I was approached by Dulfy.net and asked if I would be interested in writing the 4.0 Combat/Carnage guide. After some back and fourth email Q & A I want you all to know that I accepted and am super excited about the idea of helping not only all of you who follow the thread but those in the community that enjoy the spec but do not actively engage the SWTOR forums.




I main a mara and a sent; but I am not on your level. But your guide is a great help and I hit it frequently to 'refresh' after playing other classes for a bit or to see if something new 'clicks.'


I'm glad to hear that you'll still be here and happy for you that your passion has been 'rewarded!'

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I main a mara and a sent; but I am not on your level. But your guide is a great help and I hit it frequently to 'refresh' after playing other classes for a bit or to see if something new 'clicks.'


I'm glad to hear that you'll still be here and happy for you that your passion has been 'rewarded!'


Thanks for the support man :) It is always much appreciated!

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