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Hayete's Carnage Marauder Guide


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Afternoon all,


If you've been actively following my Combat Sentinel Guide thread lately I've had an increase in request for information in the guide to be translated into Marauder terminology. As such i felt the best way to handle those requests was to just translate the guide. Please keep in mind I main a Sentinel so the Sentinel version of the guide has "extras" the Marauder does not, namely video additions, min/max'd parse, etc. A link has been placed at the end of the guide to the Combat Sentinel one and visa versa. You can access the guide through the link posted below.


As with all my guides and forum posts here please feel free to comment with your feedback and questions. As always I aim to keep my guides and posts informative and progressive. Feel free to talk shop and offer advice and opinions as that is the only way we learn. With that said please no trolling, negative "Sentinels/Marauders Suck" comments, etc. Doing so will be reported and we already have enough of those out and about. Lets keep this a positive post for those who enjoy the class and are looking to progress Thank you and enjoy!


Edited by Bahadori
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Excellent work as usual and much appreciated. For those of us who revel in the power and corruption of the Darkside, the translation into Imp-enese is a great asset as we strive to bring the greatest amount of mayhem and destruction to our enemies. (Which is pretty much everyone =p). You're practical approach and the context you provide cuts through a great deal of ambiguity you sometimes find in other guides. It seems everywhere you look these days most of the marauders/sentinels you come across are Anni/watchman practitioners. I have tried the other specs, given time to trying them out, but I cannot let go of the speed, grace, and power that is Carnage. I hope at some point it is given it's do as I do not feel that just because Anni/Watchman has been seen as the best single target DPS spec that it has some divine right to always be so. Carnage can be very powerful and you set a outstanding example that testifies to that. While it is seemingly simple in terms of rotation and expectation, it's a fast ride and you have to hold on tight to keeping it flowing through it's DPS peaks and valleys and not go off course. But when it's good, its REALLY good and you can almost feel it sometimes heh.


Thank you for your efforts and your continued support of what sometimes seems a dying breed. It's carnage or it's nothing as far as I'm concerned! I look forward to your future works and please know that it's all appreciated.


~ Grim


"The Darkside is more powerful. I don't care what Yoda says."

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Easy to read. Well done.


Two critiques:


1. In the writeup for devastating blast, you mention the 'precision' window instead of 'gore.'


2. It is a 'dual' sabre throw, not a 'duel' sabre throw.


Thanks for the link. I've added it to my favourites.


LOL I must have read this like 5 times over trying to make sure that didn't happen. Thanks for the heads up, edits have been made :D

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One thing here I need to give you kudos for: Thank you SO friggin' much for providing an opener rotation. Every 3.0 onward carnage guide I've managed to find has lacked this, and I've never properly adjusted from the 2.9 -> 3.0 transitional nerf. Your opening rotation gave me an extra 250 dps on the ops dummy.
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One thing here I need to give you kudos for: Thank you SO friggin' much for providing an opener rotation. Every 3.0 onward carnage guide I've managed to find has lacked this, and I've never properly adjusted from the 2.9 -> 3.0 transitional nerf. Your opening rotation gave me an extra 250 dps on the ops dummy.


You're welcome man. One of the great things about that image is it contains the entire spec rotation infinitely. What i mean by this is you can take the information in that image and literally do a 1 million or 1.5 million parse indefinitely with no issues. The way to accomplish this is in the following manner. There are 6 lines in the image. The first two lines are your "Opening Rotation". The second two lines are your "Filler Rotation". The last two lines, if you look closely enough, are the EXACT same as your opening rotation minus the Dual Saber Throw that has been added in to produce proper rage management. As soon as you complete the last two lines you'll start again at the second two lines. Then basically it's back and fourth... last two lines, second two lines, last two lines, second two lines, etc. etc. In all though i'm glad this has been a helpful tool for you and congrats on your DPS increase :D



Now that i think about it that is a great explanation to add to the guide so.... i'll go do that now :p

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You're welcome man. One of the great things about that image is it contains the entire spec rotation infinitely. What i mean by this is you can take the information in that image and literally do a 1 million or 1.5 million parse indefinitely with no issues. The way to accomplish this is in the following manner. There are 6 lines in the image. The first two lines are your "Opening Rotation". The second two lines are your "Filler Rotation". The last two lines, if you look closely enough, are the EXACT same as your opening rotation minus the Dual Saber Throw that has been added in to produce proper rage management. As soon as you complete the last two lines you'll start again at the second two lines. Then basically it's back and fourth... last two lines, second two lines, last two lines, second two lines, etc. etc. In all though i'm glad this has been a helpful tool for you and congrats on your DPS increase :D



Now that i think about it that is a great explanation to add to the guide so.... i'll go do that now :p


Doesn't seem to be adding up.


I gave this a whirl and found that my Slaughter was not proccing anywhere near fast enough to perform a repeat cycle of lines 3 and 4. This became possible to work around once I have the dummy in -30% execute range because then I have the unprocced VT at my disposal for line 3 and then slaughter would properly proc for line 4. Though this obviously causes a bit of rage starvation a couple cycles later.

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That was my fault brother not yours. I've added the following to the note within the guide.


"However the vicious throw in the third line will no longer be available after the first rotation through the original 6 lines. This means that you will omit that vicious throw as it will not be available for you. All other abilities should happen as depicted. "


So basically go through the image in it's entirety then when you jump to the middle two lines omit that vicious throw (the first one not the second one) then go to the last two lines, then back and forth etc. etc. Sorry about that oversight in the explanation.

Edited by Bahadori
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Hey there All!


So last night I trained my 200th Sentinel/Marauder. I wanted to remind you all if you're having trouble or looking for advice to improve your gameplay please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions. I've analyzed dozens of parses/parsing videos, sent hundreds of email communiqués, spent hundreds of hours in game with players all working to aid them in progressing their gameplay. I've seen quite a few guides out there (covering all types of classes and specs) where if you hit a wall your questions go unanswered or the author is unwilling or unavailable to lend any help. With the negativity that surrounds Sentinels/Marauders in PvE I dont want that for us. With that said I have a direct presence on Jedi Covenant (Sentinel and Marauder) and Shadowlands (Sentinel) so if you are on those servers and need direct help let me know otherwise feel free to email me (Click my name 'Hayete' in my signature) and of course i'm always willing to meet up and talk shop through TS, Vent, Mumble etc. Ok guys that's all i've got. I just wanted to pop in and let you all know i'm available if you need help. Take care and enjoy SWTOR!

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Hey there guys,


Recently a post surfaced concerning a mathematical analysis using high level engineering software to run scenarios considering optimal in game stats for all 24 Disciplines. As it relates to Combat Sentinels and Carnage Marauders the information presented is the following.


5060 DPS | 4201 (6xAug) Strength | 2164 Power | 0 Critical | 338 (4xAug) Surge | 532 (1xAug) Alacrity | 756 (3xAug) Accuracy


As shown the average high with these optimized stats is 5,060 DPS. For all those who have emailed me or caught me in game and have asked if I plan on trying this out the answer is yes. I've yet to test Alacrity out and am very interested in testing this out if anything out of sheer curiosity. Being that with my current gearing model and set up I have already exceeded these numbers (5083 DPS) so my goal is not to prove which is the right method my aim however will be to report my in game dummy and live raid analysis of this build in the coming weeks. As soon as I am able to obtain the required Enhancements i'll fully test this build and get back with you guys on my findings and results. For the full post please refer to the following link http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=821885

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Hey all!


Just wanted to post a link to a new parse. I understand this is from my Combat Sentinel main but just wanted to give you guys the numbers pulled to showcase capability. Note that this parse is very much a "lucky" one, lots of good crits happened which usually will not be the case... not this high anyway lol. http://parsely.io/parser/view/46798/0

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Evening all,


Just wanted to communicate a slight update/edit that has been added to the note following the rotation image in the text guide. The following has been added (please see the text guide for proper context).


"Additionally, as you rotate back around to line 5 you will have to swap Battering Assault and Massacre (Assuming you're around 45-50 APM) to maintain the rotation indefinitely."

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Afternoon all!


I wanted to let you all know, if you have not already seen, that my Analysis of the Alacrity build released earlier this month on the forums by Psy-Ops has been updated, reposted, and supersedes my prior one which I messed up a bit (Doh!) If you would like to view this post please click the following link found here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=824875 Furthermore, I've updated the guide with the following...


- Updated Stat Images for my current in game build

- Sections detailing both Alacrity and Surge item level 198 build stat numbers

- Sections detailing both Alacrity and Surge item level 198 build breakdowns (What pieces you should get to min/max)

- Parsing analysis and example for the Alacrity build (Found through Combat Sentinel Guide but a link is on the Marauder one for those looking to view it)

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  • 1 month later...



Hey guys! So I've just completed transferring the guide over to a new medium (Google Doc). With the transition it was finally possible to add a table of contents to the guide. You should now be able to click on a chapter in the table of contents and directly jump to the selected chapter. Please note that it seems you have to, on occasion, click a few times for it to direct you to the selected chapter. So, if you click a chapter and it doesn't take you there give it a few more clicks and it'll take. Finally, as with any transition there may be errors or things that i did not catch myself when proofreading the guide. If you find something please bring it to my attention so I can promptly fix it. Thanks all and enjoy!

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Thanks for converting your guide to the darkside, it's a much easier read for me.


I had been stuck in mid to high 4300s for a while, and had given up parsing for a bit. Got another couple Revanite pieces and decided to go back at it. Reviewed your rotation and corrected a minor issue, got a fairly lucky parse (40% crit on last tick of mh ravage ) and eclipsed my old best parse by 250 dps. Thanks!


I was looking at that 5100+ parse...that was some magic right there my friend. 90% crits on the mh last tick of master strike /ravage and looks like 50% of non auto crits on vicious throw / dispatch. A thing of beauty.

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Thanks for converting your guide to the darkside, it's a much easier read for me.


I had been stuck in mid to high 4300s for a while, and had given up parsing for a bit. Got another couple Revanite pieces and decided to go back at it. Reviewed your rotation and corrected a minor issue, got a fairly lucky parse (40% crit on last tick of mh ravage ) and eclipsed my old best parse by 250 dps. Thanks!


I was looking at that 5100+ parse...that was some magic right there my friend. 90% crits on the mh last tick of master strike /ravage and looks like 50% of non auto crits on vicious throw / dispatch. A thing of beauty.


Glad the guide helped you mate. As far as that parse is concerned, absolutely! Doubt i'd ever have a "lucky" parse like that again with such a high crit percentage.

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Got a free sub for a couple of days so wanted to chime in to say thanks for the guide. Rotation works beautifully.


I also tried out the suggested optimised build for all disciplines and it is slightly better (thought I do not have any numbers to back it up). The tad bit of extra time during gore is quite handy if there is some latency going around.


One thing I would like to add, can't recall if u mentioned this. In the opener u can replace ur first basic attack with dual throw. CD will be done exactly when u would use it again! Slight dps boost there for free :p.




I think somewhere in the guide u mentioned berserk on cd maybe frenzy was in there too. To me that ability has become largely meaningless other than for using it for BT. So...... midway do u do anything particular with it? Were u able to fit it in for double berserk back to back in some intense burn phase? Or a free predation if u have ur utilities set up differently? I dont really do HM content with my mara any more (swapped over to PT cause quality of life), but still love the class and I like such intricacies:P and u have clearly a ton of experience in the HMs.

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Got a free sub for a couple of days so wanted to chime in to say thanks for the guide. Rotation works beautifully.


I also tried out the suggested optimised build for all disciplines and it is slightly better (thought I do not have any numbers to back it up). The tad bit of extra time during gore is quite handy if there is some latency going around.


I did some testing on this point shortly after that post was put out, it should be here on the forums somewhere. I saw the same result though. For my testing it was an average increase of 190 DPS.


One thing I would like to add, can't recall if u mentioned this. In the opener u can replace ur first basic attack with dual throw. CD will be done exactly when u would use it again! Slight dps boost there for free :p.


I dont believe I go into that in the guide however you're right that is a minute DPS increase for the opener. For the sake of the rotation and image I left that out of the opener. I felt having the image show the repeatable portion as a mirror of the opener would help players new to the spec pick it up easier, but you are correct in your observation :D




I think somewhere in the guide u mentioned berserk on cd maybe frenzy was in there too. To me that ability has become largely meaningless other than for using it for BT. So...... midway do u do anything particular with it? Were u able to fit it in for double berserk back to back in some intense burn phase? Or a free predation if u have ur utilities set up differently? I dont really do HM content with my mara any more (swapped over to PT cause quality of life), but still love the class and I like such intricacies:P and u have clearly a ton of experience in the HMs.


I'm assuming by BT you mean Bloodthrist (lol I tend to avoid acronyms) and am assuming your questions pertain to live content and not a dummy parse.


The way that I personally stack my utilities I always maintain Brooding so I start fights off with a 30 stack and on a 3, 2, 1 countdown I pop Bloodthirst on 2 and then Frenzy on 1 and then initiate combat. Outside of that I use Frenzy only if the fight pushes my procs to far beyond what is manageable to keep the rotation on a "every other Gore + Ravage" basis. For example Gore and Ravage are 5 seconds from coming off cooldown and you've just gained your 30 stack. Delaying Berserk would be a DPS loss (this is what i'm referring to in the guide by saying to use it on cooldown) so i'll use it and spend the 6 stacks then as those stacks end and Ravage + Gore come off cooldown i'll use Frenzy to push myself back into the optimal rotation lining it back up with my procs. Other than this i'll use Frenzy towards the end off a lengthy fight to reapply Bloodthirst. A good example is Colossal Monolith HM. Its such a long fight that I utilize Bloodthrist at the start and then again at under 30%. I'll let my stacks build naturally then once I have a 30 stack i'll pop Bloodthirst, Frenzy, then back to my rotation.

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