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Question: what happened to The Sith Emperor after Zoist? In expantion or no?


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So before the new expansion was announced I thought it would be about the sith emperor…but now that I see the announcement (which sound great btw). I am left wondering what happened to the Sith emperor…will he be in or mentioned in the new expansion? Or is Zoist(not sure I spelled that right) where it ends for us and him?


just some guesses will do for now

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It was my impression that the "Dad" in the cinematic IS Vitiate and that he is the current voice, or vessel of the Emperor. Just my 2 cents though.


Oh, like he farmed Ziost for enough power to create the two boys and ultimately obtain his apprentice. I can see that.

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Oh, like he farmed Ziost for enough power to create the two boys and ultimately obtain his apprentice. I can see that.


I don't think that's the case. While it's possible ye olde Valkorion is a Child of the Emperor - Ziost to KOTFE beginning is a little over five years (it was confirmed we're stuck in carbonite that long) so that's not enough time to raise two obviously evil children.

Edited by Diviciacus
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I did some research and came to the same conclusion myself. Valkorion could have been programmed to go off and have kids and to train them to become a suitable apprentice to the Emperor 20-30 years ago, vitiate has been planning this for a very long time. If this is true and Valkorion is a CotE then the he may not be the emperor and remains one of the children and that the son will become the vessel of the emperor. That or he started as a child of the emperor and is now the current vessel, taking over the training personally. I suppose we must wait and see. Edited by Nazgren
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I don't think that's the case. While it's possible ye olde Valkorion is a Child of the Emperor - Ziost to KOTFE beginning is a little over five years (it was confirmed we're stuck in carbonite that long) so that's not enough time to raise two obviously evil children.


Not exactly, according to some people who saw demos of KOTFE. The freezing part takes place at the end of Chapter 2 of KOTFE.

It's possible Vitiate will be dealt with in those first two chapters.

I agree the timeskip is insufficient to raise Arcann and Thexann especially if their invasion happens at the beginning of it (Once again, spoilers claim they were the one to beat the **** out of you since you were a danger to their plan).

Valkorion probably has ties to Vitiate but I seriously doubt he is him.

An idea I had was for Vitiate to come back in the middle of KOTFE and try (and/or suceed) to hijack Valkorion's body for whatever his new plan is (He mentions having new plans on Ziost).

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Not exactly, according to some people who saw demos of KOTFE. The freezing part takes place at the end of Chapter 2 of KOTFE.

It's possible Vitiate will be dealt with in those first two chapters.




Valkorion probably has ties to Vitiate but I seriously doubt he is him.

An idea I had was for Vitiate to come back in the middle of KOTFE and try (and/or suceed) to hijack Valkorion's body for whatever his new plan is (He mentions having new plans on Ziost).


Therefore you suggest that ...


... BioWare created the "strongly immortal" ex-Sith Emperor Vitiate in order just to somehow terminate (!!) Him and just after that to sell us -out of nowhere- another "Immortal" (!!) Emperor, someone with another name who runs an Empire that also came out of nowhere!!... :eek:


Or perhaps ... Vitiate somehow (through the Force that is) became aware of Valcorion's presence, He fell in love with Val (better than trivial SGR...) and He somehow decided to invent a way to sacrifice His "strongly immortal" self in order to transfer His abilities at the body of His lover!! ;)


Do you really consider BioWare's people so irrational?!? :p


If Valcorion is Vitiate, then He has created the Empire of Zakuul the same (more or less) way He had created the Empire of the True Sith...

Edited by cunctatorg
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Therefore you suggest that ...


... BioWare created the "strongly immortal" ex-Sith Emperor Vitiate in order just to somehow terminate (!!) Him and just after that to sell us -out of nowhere- another "Immortal" (!!) Emperor, someone with another name who runs an Empire that also came out of nowhere!!... :eek:


Or perhaps ... Vitiate somehow (through the Force that is) became aware of Valcorion's presence, He fell in love with Val (better than trivial SGR...) and He somehow decided to invent a way to sacrifice His "strongly immortal" self in order to transfer His abilities at the body of His lover!! ;)


Do you really consider BioWare's people so irrational?!? :p


If Valcorion is Vitiate, then He has created the Empire of Zakuul the same (more or less) way He had created the Empire of the True Sith...


The only thing that doesn't fit the Vitiate is Valkorion theory is the timeline. He was "dead" from the end of Chapter 3 (And before that he was imprisoned on Voss for who knows how long) to the near end of 5. After that he was on Ziost, at best a few weeks after Revan defeat. And it was revealed that it's the Eternal Empire led by Arcann and Thexann who freeze your character, so the twins weren't raised during your cryo sleep.

I think people are making the wrong assumption that immortality only comes through eating people via Force Ritual like Vitiate does. As seen on Rishi with the Inquisitor, there are technologies that can extend a person's life expectancy. For all we know, it's Eternal Empire's technology or it's a technology they "found" and used on Valkorion. Meaning his immortality isn't so much immortality as it is "Screw aging".

Vitiate IS immortal. He is untouchable and doesn't get old anymore. Valkorion seems to age in "Sacrifice".

Now, I don't reject the possibility that Valkorion and Vitiate are linked (Allies? Rivals?) if only because Vitiate, at the end of Ziost, claimed that "something" had piqued his interest and he was not interested in munching more planets for the time being (Apart from Ziost, apparently), but I don't believe Vitiate IS Valkorion.

His quote on the KOTFE fact sheet doesn't fit Vitiate at all (He is offering power if the player bow to him. Vitiate seems to find our efforts to stop him hilarious but he doesn't seem to want our allegiance.) and the Eternal Empire only seems to intervene in Chapter 2, in a surprise attack on the players ship meaning we might get two chapters dealing with the fallout of Vitiate's plans. That is, if he doesn't hide during KOTFE to profit from the war against the Eternal Empire (Only reason it is unlikely is because they did it in SoR already. He could also be defeated at the beginning of KOTFE, maybe at the cost of Marr and Satele's lives (That would explain the crushing defeat against Valkorion's troops.).

But hey, we're only speculating.

Edited by Leklor
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The only thing that doesn't fit the Vitiate is Valkorion theory is the timeline. He was "dead" from the end of Chapter 3 (And before that he was imprisoned on Voss for who knows how long) to the near end of 5. After that he was on Ziost, at best a few weeks after Revan defeat. And it was revealed that it's the Eternal Empire led by Arcann and Thexann who freeze your character, so the twins weren't raised during your cryo sleep.

I think people are making the wrong assumption that immortality only comes through eating people via Force Ritual like Vitiate does. As seen on Rishi with the Inquisitor, there are technologies that can extend a person's life expectancy. For all we know, it's Eternal Empire's technology or it's a technology they "found" and used on Valkorion. Meaning his immortality isn't so much immortality as it is "Screw aging".

Vitiate IS immortal. He is untouchable and doesn't get old anymore. Valkorion seems to age in "Sacrifice".

Now, I don't reject the possibility that Valkorion and Vitiate are linked (Allies? Rivals?) if only because Vitiate, at the end of Ziost, claimed that "something" had piqued his interest and he was not interested in munching more planets for the time being (Apart from Ziost, apparently), but I don't believe Vitiate IS Valkorion.

His quote on the KOTFE fact sheet doesn't fit Vitiate at all (He is offering power if the player bow to him. Vitiate seems to find our efforts to stop him hilarious but he doesn't seem to want our allegiance.) and the Eternal Empire only seems to intervene in Chapter 2, in a surprise attack on the players ship meaning we might get two chapters dealing with the fallout of Vitiate's plans. That is, if he doesn't hide during KOTFE to profit from the war against the Eternal Empire (Only reason it is unlikely is because they did it in SoR already. He could also be defeated at the beginning of KOTFE, maybe at the cost of Marr and Satele's lives (That would explain the crushing defeat against Valkorion's troops.).

But hey, we're only speculating.

I'm not sure I follow you. My current head canon is that vitiate has realised that if he consumes all life in the galaxy then he will no longer have anything to consume and thus will eventually starve and die. Or that all force comes from living things so no living things = no force = no vitiate. To this extent he has decided to eat a little bit at a time for a very long time, in the same way as the emperor of mankind from Warhammer 40K. To this end he has fallen back on his contingency plans before he decided to turn the galaxy into an all you can eat buffet. He has turned one of the "Children of the Emperor" that he sent to go off and produce offspring(presumably to create champions or apprentices or vessels, it doesn't matter) known as Valkorian into his vessel, the new Voice of the Emperor and using his mind controlled armies has forged a new empire from the ashes of the Republic and the old empire. As he requires life to be eternal to be able to be eternal himself, he has dubbed the new empire "The Eternal Empire". This eternal empire shall, like its name, remain eternal, to provide sustenance to Vitiate / Valkorian forever. Assuming his vessels still age he shall turn Arcann into his next vessel, then Arcanns offspring, and so on, keeping it in the family so to speak. The reason he has had a change of heart as to allowing the PC the option of serving him, is because as he no longer wants everything dead indiscriminately, he now actually has a use for the PC, as a henchman, peace keeper, right hand man, back up vessel, you name it. Anything the character wants, he can have, so long as he "sacrifices everything" namely there loyalty to the empire / Republic, there morals, and whatever else Vitiate / Valkorian sees fit.

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I think Vitiate will be one of those villains that comes and goes through the game. In a way he is the ultimate villain but since he doesn't does till around 67 bby a final death, he will come, be defeated, then go back and try something else. he may have links to the new empire Zakuul but he may not. Just have to wait and see how they write the story.
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