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Emperor's Wrath???


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Why is this dick waving still going on? The Warrior and Inquisitor are never going to meet in the story, much less fight each other. They're different people whose skills, motivations, and paths in life are all very different.
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And nobody knows how to purge Force Ghosts, something like that would take a long time to learn.

And yet the SI learns how to bind them in a day or two

all thanks to his ancestor - another one that saved his sorry life before the end credits would roll :rolleyes:

, cannot be hard to learn a reverse to a more eductaed sith, really :) Thanaton wasn't aware of the full potential of the ghosts - that's why he failed (and the SI plot-armor of course :p ).


I am just amazed and put down by the sheer amout of times the SI gets pushed around, ghost or no ghosts. The Wrath enters a room and chokes a few guys, gets right to business, consoles crash, people run for their lives and in the end all die because the SW is ****** this way...now the SI enters a room and either gets laughed at or simply smacked if not by enemies than by his own ghosts...lovely.


Story-wise SI is a pushover, no idea why Bioware decided to portray him as a comic-relief - that or a crazy, no other options to RP here - but there is nothing that says "yeah, this guy has power". Even his companions are a laughing stock most of the time, Xalek seems to be the most serious of them all but it's just because he canot put a longer sentence toghether :(


That's not the sith manipulator we were promised.

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LMAO, below are quotes from the same post. :D

I'm having to explain the most simple aspects of Star Wars lore to you. What do you mean check my facts better?

OK, fair enough, i will concede this point, its not something I've looked into in extensive detail.



Karkais, i must say i am genuinely concerned for your wellbeing, your posts are becoming less and less coherent. You say things that are completely and utterly idiotic (such as "The Emperors voice and the emperors host body are not the same thing") You say my point is wrong and then give evidence that actually confirms my point, you seem to miss whole chunks of my posts and then take offence when i bring them up and you seem to be recycling the same points every other post. You sure your alright?


That part was aimed at typenine, who said that JK killed Emperors main host body. The quote was wrong so sorry.

But you should realize that sometimes people make posts that are not specifically responses to you.


Most of your posts are very emotional which is why you seem to miss details of our posts (and sometimes you forget the beginning of your own post once you get to the finish, like above).


Also I agree with others that this is getting personal for no good reason. SI and SW are not going to meet in the story, thus us players are free to imagine whatever we want about their relationship. I however took deep exception of you portraying SI as supreme force-user of the empire, especially when I think that SI's story is the most poorly written of them all.


If i make a statement and nobody disagrees then it gives the impression that everyone agrees, until somebody says that they disagree, and nobody did.


That is not how arguing over internet works. I didn't contest it because the statement was ludicrous. It was not worth responding to. Your posts are full of exaggerations which makes me purposefully ignore them as ravings. I mean look at this:

Because i feel that we established that the SI with the ghosts out was somewhere in the area of 10-12x more powerful with the force then the SW.

Where did this come from? What are the 'facts' that this is based on? Who would take this seriously?

Edited by Karkais
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And yet the SI learns how to bind them in a day or two

all thanks to his ancestor - another one that saved his sorry life before the end credits would roll :rolleyes:

, cannot be hard to learn a reverse to a more eductaed sith, really :) Thanaton wasn't aware of the full potential of the ghosts - that's why he failed (and the SI plot-armor of course :p ).

Being Taught a ritual is one thing. Creating a means to undo it from scratch with no notable abilities in the force is another thing altogether. This is assuming that the SW survived finding out about the ghosts the hard way. Hell, if i was the SI the first thing i would do after becoming a dark councilor would be to go and learn Thanatons "Kill Button". Without ghosts of their own the SW would be dead, and i don't belive the SW would be capable of it.

That's not the sith manipulator we were promised.

I fully understand what your saying, and agree with you to an extent but the SI faces the member of the dark council who's main tasks include the upholding of Sith Tradition, and this task then falls to the SI. The SI must stick to tradition, to the Kaggath and respect for your superiors. They've got to play the game so to speak. Prove that you can uphold the sacred traditions of the Sith better then Thanaton can and you immediately begin to threaten his power. To quote the SI: "It's wise to respect your superiors, at least until your powerful enough to kill them" This is what the SI does in both aspects. If you go to far up the ladder too quickly, the Dark Council will send you back to the bottom, alive if your lucky. Its a game of Snakes and Ladders, take your time and climb to the top or get eaten. This is why most Sith try to move straight up in one big power play to a position where they can hold there own, or do it in secret to avoid drawing the attention of the DC. Even Baras realizes the danger of this, hence why you kill his master, and not him.

LMAO, below are quotes from the same post. :D

The very few times you provide a source (twice i think) i acknowledge it. The many times i provide a source you have ignored it. As i said, the history of the role is not something i have looked into in any great detail. So i haven't read one book, big deal.

Most of your posts are very emotional which is why you seem to miss details of our posts (and sometimes you forget the beginning of your own post once you get to the finish, like above).

The only emotion I'm feeling right now is irritation, mainly due to the sheer amount of stupidity being spouted by some of the SW's supporters.

portraying SI as supreme force-user of the empire

Thanaton, who's job it is to learn the force and all its secrets, is in awe of the level of power the SI wields at the end of Chapter 2. He is not the supreme force-user, that is the Emperor, and by no means is the SI even close to the power of the emperor, but i think its safe to say that the SI is as skilled with the force as the SW is skilled with a lightsaber, and both have been told numerous times there respective skills are beyond anything that most have seen.

That is not how arguing over internet works. I didn't contest it because the statement was ludicrous. It was not worth responding to. Your posts are full of exaggerations which makes me purposefully ignore them as ravings. I mean look at this:

Where did this come from? What are the 'facts' that this is based on? Who would take this seriously?

I cant list facts because there are no facts. I'm sorry that i cant provide you with the exact amount of Midichlorians the SI has, or the exact amount of joules of energy per second the lightning of the SI is equivalent to. The information just doesn't exist. All we can do is make educated guesses, and mine would be that the SW is twice as good with a lightsaber as the SI, which should mean that the SI is twice as good with the force then the SW. Tell me what part of that is unreasonable.

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The only emotion I'm feeling right now is irritation, mainly due to the sheer amount of stupidity being spouted by some of the SW's supporters.


Okay, see THAT is what I'm talking about when I said you're coming across as hostile. You're being insulting, and at that point you either need to go post in another thread so you aren't annoyed, or try to be less aggressive and rude. These threads were not made to insult other players.


BACK ON TOPIC, I can't wait to see what's in store for an Outlander Sith Warrior. To my mind, they're in the perfect place to make a comeback. They'd be able to redefine who and what they are according to their own goals, not the goals of others. It's going to be so exciting!

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Okay, see THAT is what I'm talking about when I said you're coming across as hostile. You're being insulting, and at that point you either need to go post in another thread so you aren't annoyed, or try to be less aggressive and rude. These threads were not made to insult other players.

And I appreciate that, but more or less 4 pages of topic has consisted largely of completely incorrect points by the people arguing in favour of the wrath. I have had to quote myself repeatedly because people aren't reading my posts. The few times (twice) they provide a source they act high and mighty and bring it up repeatedly for the next few posts, the many times I have provided a source it has been completely ignored. They say the SI is useless and yet the SI has killed one more DC member then the wrath has. I'm having to tell them the most basic elements of the story, such as how vitiate couldn't keep Revan on the dark side and that the voice and the host of the emperor are the same thing. They demand I provide information that obviously doesn't exist. I could go on, do you understand my frustration now?

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How can an opinion be incorrect? :rolleyes:


The thing that irritates me to no end is how Nazgren presents his own opinions as facts and when other people do so, he starts claiming they are 'incorrect'. We are all interpreting the same information here.


Reminder: Darth Arkous that EVERYBODY gets to beat in Rakata Prime flashpoint, was also a dark council member and according to wookiepedia (that source of flawless wisdom) "extremely powerful Dark Lord of the Sith".


Being a member of the dark council means little as such. When talking about dark council, I am sure that word 'power' is used to describe 'influence'. This tells nothing of their prowess in combat.


ps. I'm now putting Mr N on ignore and moving on with life.

Edited by Karkais
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How can an opinion be incorrect? :rolleyes:
when have I ever claimed someone's opinion was incorrect? If someone says something that I am reasonably sure can be disproven then I will do so. Saying the Wrath is more powerful then the SI is not an opinion because there is a right or wrong answer to it.someone could say, (and this is not my view at all, to avoid any "misunderstandings") that the nazi party was right and justified to commit genocide on the Jews and ethnic minorities. That's there opinion, but it's still wrong.

The thing that irritates me to no end is how Nazgren presents his own opinions as facts and when other people do so, he starts claiming they are 'incorrect'. We are all interpreting the same information here.


Ask me for sources and i will provide.


Reminder: Darth Arkous that EVERYBODY gets to beat in Rakata Prime flashpoint, was also a dark council member and according to wookiepedia (that source of flawless wisdom) "extremely powerful Dark Lord of the Sith".

It still takes 4 people and jakkaro.

Being a member of the dark council means little as such. When talking about dark council, I am sure that word 'power' is used to describe 'influence'. This tells nothing of their prowess in combat.

Then it means equally little that the SW killed Baras, it works both ways

ps. I'm now putting Mr N on ignore and moving on with life.

Good, now I can concentrate on talking to Yermog who actually reads my posts.

Edited by Nazgren
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when have I ever claimed someone's opinion was incorrect? If someone says something that I am reasonably sure can be disproven then I will do so. Saying the Wrath is more powerful then the SI is not an opinion because there is a right or wrong answer to it.someone could say, (and this is not my view at all, to avoid any "misunderstandings") that the nazi party was right and justified to commit genocide on the Jews and ethnic minorities. That's there opinion, but it's still wrong.


There are literally tons of analogies you could have used, but you pull this card lol gg.



ON another note, I do really wish I could have sided with Vitiate in SoR and Ziost... at the end of the story for SW I outright told the Dark Council I'd tear them down if they would oppose the Emperor. First chance that happens I play lap dog to Marr and Vowrawn. That being said I did tell the Hand that if Vitiate needs that he can come to me himself, and that just makes me wish there was more special dialogue and meetings between the Emperor and his Wrath.

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There are literally tons of analogies you could have used, but you pull this card lol gg.

It's used so often because few show just how wrong an opinion can be as well as this. Allow me to go into more detail:

"In my opinion Oranges are nicer then Apples" This opinion cannot be proved right or wrong. This is down to the individual person.

"In my opinion Half life 2 is boring" this opinion is tricky. HL2 is one of the most well received games of all time. There may be a point here or there that could be used to justify this opinion, but the person giving this opinion would have a hard time backing it up.

"In my Opinion digital distribution of video games is not viable" This opinion is so utterly ludicrous the person giving it would have no chance of justifying it whatsoever. In less then 12 years steam has ousted such companies as Game to gain a near total monopoly on the PC game market.

ON another note, I do really wish I could have sided with Vitiate in SoR and Ziost... at the end of the story for SW I outright told the Dark Council I'd tear them down if they would oppose the Emperor. First chance that happens I play lap dog to Marr and Vowrawn. That being said I did tell the Hand that if Vitiate needs that he can come to me himself, and that just makes me wish there was more special dialogue and meetings between the Emperor and his Wrath.

Yeah, I kinda feel the same way. A non-canon vitiate / (Valkorian?) storyline would be pretty cool. As much fun as it was telling Vitiate to ST*U and then stabbing him through the chest on Voss (only to to be told moments later that the emperor was most pleased ^^) I felt he coulda given us a bit more direction. The only time he does talk to the wrath after voss is to tell them that" he will kill them last!" The wrath of the emperor without the emperor is just wrath, and that more or less sums up most sith.

Edited by Nazgren
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  • 5 weeks later...
Yeah' date=' I kinda feel the same way. A non-canon vitiate / (Valkorian?) storyline would be pretty cool. As much fun as it was telling Vitiate to ST*U and then stabbing him through the chest on Voss (only to to be told moments later that the emperor was most pleased ^^) I felt he coulda given us a bit more direction. The only time he does talk to the wrath after voss is to tell them that" he will kill them last!" The wrath of the emperor without the emperor is just wrath, and that more or less sums up most sith.[/quote']


Exactly! I went from being the loyal and powerful servant of the Emperor to being Marr's lackey in no time. No extra dialogue between me and the emperor that shows why I changed my loyalty. I feel like the Wrath really would've helped the emperor and then tried to face him in a final battle. Of course that can't happen in the game so instead of trying hard to keep the SW story line realistic, they just make you turn to Marr's side.

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Exactly! I went from being the loyal and powerful servant of the Emperor to being Marr's lackey in no time. No extra dialogue between me and the emperor that shows why I changed my loyalty. I feel like the Wrath really would've helped the emperor and then tried to face him in a final battle. Of course that can't happen in the game so instead of trying hard to keep the SW story line realistic, they just make you turn to Marr's side.


I felt the same way with my Inquisitor, who chose options to go against those who enslaved her (The Empire) to now being forced to side with the Empire. :/


I haven't played a character to 60 yet who joined the Revanites on Kaas, how does that play out anyways? Totally forgotten?

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I felt the same way with my Inquisitor, who chose options to go against those who enslaved her (The Empire) to now being forced to side with the Empire. :/


I haven't played a character to 60 yet who joined the Revanites on Kaas, how does that play out anyways? Totally forgotten?


Yeah totally forgotten. You do the mission, become a Revanite, and then completely disregard it. Whenever SoR comes around you turn a blind eye to it, just like the Wrath with the Emperor.

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Being a member of the dark council means little as such. When talking about dark council, I am sure that word 'power' is used to describe 'influence'. This tells nothing of their prowess in combat.


not only this, but the dark council as ORIGINALLY FORMED were the most powerful sith - however, it too was changed out -

<from GH 85 - to paraphrase, the entire dark council was purged - and replaced - when they rebelled against the Emperor's desire to make war on the Republic.



Re: post on Revanites - no, it doesn't make a difference. My BH was full light-side that joined the Revanites on DK, only to have that, except for an aside to Marr - be completely ignored during the rest of the SOR dialogue.


One of the shortcomings of story dialogue at the present time is - there do not seem to be any acknowledging by any of the people to whom your conversation as to which companion is with you <except for actual stories that involve that companion in which you are specifically "made" to use a certain companion for <i.e. JK with Kira - "let go of my padawan", etc., and the Sith Warrior with Vette <if the Warrior has Vette with him - which is the only companion he has yet > - has an 'interesting" conversation option during conversation with Granthan's widow...>


For example, if you do the Maelstrom flashpoint mission with Scourge - no comment from Raven.

yes, the companions can approve or disapprove affection -wise of the conversation. But no specific acknowledgement of differing companions by ones antagonists.


For instance, you confront one of Xalek's species during your time on Belsavis - having a reaction by the NPC would be an interesting option.


Back to original topic - the Wrath is no longer "employed" by the Emperor, I believe this leaves him/her a bit more under the thumb of the Dark Council than his/her original position.

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The Warrior and Inquisitor are never going to meet, and their stories will probably never even acknowledge the existence of the other. Stop the dick measuring contest.

In FP's will the heroes not meet? Is not the strike force made by them?

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I see sith warrior as someone with incredible force power. My sith is somewhat neutraly sided. She does, what she believes is best for the Empire.

After Emperor went against the Empire, I didnt see sith warrior powerless. Yes, she doesnt have power base or moffs behind her back. But thats only because she has never desired it. She had a respect and was serving the Empire. I imagine after losing the post of Emperors Wrath Darth Marr was insecure. Dark council is in ruins, Empire is growing weaker and now there is very powerful sith, who can now act purely on her own will. She could act same way as Darth Malgus. And maybe she could even be sucessfull. I believe, that by offering her a post of Empires Wrath, Darth Marr asked what her current intentions are. By accepting the tittle, she simply expressed she wants to fight for the Empire and doesnt care about any power play, for now.

By official hiearchy I´d say Empirers wrath is under Dark Council. Yet Dark council is carefull about her and wouldnt desire to angry her.

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The Warrior and Inquisitor are never going to meet, and their stories will probably never even acknowledge the existence of the other. Stop the dick measuring contest.


Except I'm pretty sure they do acknowledge eachother, atleast on the inq side. Just like they acknowledge the presence of the SW etc on Republic side.


but yeah, honestly "Emperor's Wrath" right now is just a glorified title.

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I see sith warrior as someone with incredible force power. My sith is somewhat neutraly sided. She does, what she believes is best for the Empire.

After Emperor went against the Empire, I didnt see sith warrior powerless. Yes, she doesnt have power base or moffs behind her back. But thats only because she has never desired it. She had a respect and was serving the Empire. I imagine after losing the post of Emperors Wrath Darth Marr was insecure. Dark council is in ruins, Empire is growing weaker and now there is very powerful sith, who can now act purely on her own will. She could act same way as Darth Malgus. And maybe she could even be sucessfull. I believe, that by offering her a post of Empires Wrath, Darth Marr asked what her current intentions are. By accepting the tittle, she simply expressed she wants to fight for the Empire and doesnt care about any power play, for now.

By official hiearchy I´d say Empirers wrath is under Dark Council. Yet Dark council is carefull about her and wouldnt desire to angry her.


Here's what I'd say: the SW has immense strength, but very little power right now. The Wrath is extremely deadly and can defeat almost anyone in one-on-one combat. This would be his strength, like that of an elite spec ops soldier of today. He has very little power though. His influence is almost nonexistent, as he is basically just Marr's lackey. Power is something that a president or general has. Baras was powerful, but not strong.


So the Wrath is extremely deadly, but he is basically being kept on a leash and controlled by Marr. He doesn't have the power to actually make decisions for the Empire, he is just being used for his incredible strength.

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The Wrath exists outside the power structure of the Dark Council, but his (or her) role was never was never to make decisions for the Empire. But I'd say he's only "controlled" by Marr because mechanically the game's story needs quest givers.


The wrath is more of an executioner. Which comes with it's own benefits and flaws. Marr still finds the wrath's role important as he still tells you that he views you as the Empire's wrath. Which means if someone in the empire needs killing the wrath has the authority to kill them with impunity. There's roles like this in the Empire. If you have Dark Side Jaesa she gains a similar role. She gets the authority to kill those she believes follow the light side of the force and she gained that by killing the previous guy with that role. A guy who was abusing that role and using it to kill sith he simply didn't like.


The wrath has the right to be judge, jury, and executioner for those he believes are traitors to the Empire. He doesn't make war decisions. He doesn't make rules changes. He's an enforcer and a very powerful one. Probably the Empire's ultimate enforcer.

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Here's what I'd say: the SW has immense strength, but very little power right now. The Wrath is extremely deadly and can defeat almost anyone in one-on-one combat. This would be his strength, like that of an elite spec ops soldier of today. He has very little power though. His influence is almost nonexistent, as he is basically just Marr's lackey. Power is something that a president or general has. Baras was powerful, but not strong.


So the Wrath is extremely deadly, but he is basically being kept on a leash and controlled by Marr. He doesn't have the power to actually make decisions for the Empire, he is just being used for his incredible strength.


Depends if you are dark side or light side. If you are light side you have some resources and allies if dark side you have nothing.

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