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Emperor's Wrath???


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Thanaton was nothing to the SI, even without the ghosts the SI is swatting away the lightning. The SI literally does 2 things and 2 things alone while the spirits are out. Break out of the tornado and throw thanaton into the wall. after that the spirits vanish, and thanaton pulls out his saber.


No, the ghosts don't give the SI his power - they strengthen them. He "uses" them all the time since he got them, I refuse to believe they are at work only when the SI's eyes glow because he wouldn't be able to get to the point where he is now without their help the whole time.


Face it, the SI knew nothing about the Force until arriving on Korriban (whereas the Wrath had training prior to that - just btw), there is no way he could gain so much power and knowleadge without the ghosts guiding his steps. So no, Thanaton was was not a simple nothing - he was an equal to the SI, perhaps still superior, but lacked the extra punch the ghosts gave the SI, and it was them that swatted away the lightning - not the happy-go-lucky sith that still has the knowleadge of an apprentice.


That is what I hate about the SI storyline tbh. He/she does nothing on his/her own. Nothing.



Khem, Azshara, Zash do the research, dig up inetresting things. The SI is an errand boy, he/she goes where they point, takes the artifacts by force, brings them back to the ship...and his/her companions do the work of uncovering it's secrets. SI runs around binding ghosts and sitting in the ship while his/her powerbase builds itself without his/her help. The moff calls to you, not the other way around. It was not "I want you to serve me and build a weapon to destroy my enemies" but rather "hey, you are that upstart opposing Thanaton? Look, I need a sith to skip the paperwork, care to watch MY untimate weapon of destruction? I will let you play with it afterwards."


And in the very end some nobody Darth steals the kill that should be ours to take. Come on, does the SI ever do anything on his/her own? :(


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Also, remember: Thanaton flat out killed the Inquisitor. She survived by deus ex machina, but the game makes it very clear that Thanaton genuinely one-shotted the Inquisitor, and it seems likely that the only reason she survives round two with Thanaton is all the Force entities she's bound and harnessed (and probably the events of Belsavis). All it would take is undoing the Inquisitor's bindings - you know, like the Warrior did to Baras - to make her very mortal again, assuming she didn't release that power of her own will.


Realistically, the Warrior and Inquisitor are never going to fight of course. They're PCs, their stories are never going to directly intersect. The Warrior is one of the most powerful Sith of her time, and the expansion is very likely going to reflect that even if she's not interested in political power.

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No, the ghosts don't give the SI his power - they strengthen them. He "uses" them all the time since he got them, I refuse to believe they are at work only when the SI's eyes glow because he wouldn't be able to get to the point where he is now without their help the whole time.


Face it, the SI knew nothing about the Force until arriving on Korriban (whereas the Wrath had training prior to that - just btw), there is no way he could gain so much power and knowleadge without the ghosts guiding his steps. So no, Thanaton was was not a simple nothing - he was an equal to the SI, perhaps still superior, but lacked the extra punch the ghosts gave the SI, and it was them that swatted away the lightning - not the happy-go-lucky sith that still has the knowleadge of an apprentice.


That is what I hate about the SI storyline tbh. He/she does nothing on his/her own. Nothing.



Khem, Azshara, Zash do the research, dig up inetresting things. The SI is an errand boy, he/she goes where they point, takes the artifacts by force, brings them back to the ship...and his/her companions do the work of uncovering it's secrets. SI runs around binding ghosts and sitting in the ship while his/her powerbase builds itself without his/her help. The moff calls to you, not the other way around. It was not "I want you to serve me and build a weapon to destroy my enemies" but rather "hey, you are that upstart opposing Thanaton? Look, I need a sith to skip the paperwork, care to watch MY untimate weapon of destruction? I will let you play with it afterwards."


And in the very end some nobody Darth steals the kill that should be ours to take. Come on, does the SI ever do anything on his/her own? :(

From the codex:

Requiring a sith of great strength of will, the ritual of force-walking allows the user to bind the restless ghosts of dead sith to himself. Once the ghosts are bound, the ritualist may draw from their power, channeling it into a powerful exertion of force energy against his enemies.


I believe what you described is the devouring of spirits to gain there power permanently, which was done by Tulak Hord. Khem does it to some extent as well, this is why he is so feared by force users. Ergast tried to replicate this and created Force-walking instead. The SI definitely only gains the power when the spirits are unleashed (the eyes glowing is a side effect of this, caused by the greatly increased power of the dark side in the ritualist). This is why the SI isn't knocked out every time they try to use the the force during chapter 3, between the onset of force sickness and the curing of it. It is said very often how naturally skilled the SI is with the force, just like the SW is naturally skilled at dueIing.


You claim the SI is an errand boy but then claim he never gets to do anything on his own. It can't be bot.h Up until alderaan is spent fetching artefacts for Zash. Then your an errand boy fetching ghosts. I will admit, the filler for the SI is painful at times, but then for much of the SW story your are merely Baras' attack dog, killing whomever he points you at. Now the wrath has broken his leash and must simply go off and mindlessly kill the enemies of the empire. The SI can put his feet up and let his imperial reclamation service lackeys bring him secrets and artefacts of the force, causing his power to grow further, Wheras the wraths power can only stagnate. Practice can only get you so far. Remember, Vitiate is an Inqusitor, not a warrior ^^. A warrior could never get to where vitiate has, but another inquisitor technically could.

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i dont care about JK story. When does the Inquisitor get KO'ed? the end of chapter 2? The SI get knocked out by the amount of power that he/she unleashes, not by thanaton.

As others pointed out, Thanaton actually kills the inquisitor.


Dark Council members are the 12 most powerful sith of there time.



omg... and you say i don't read what you write... The Inquisitor diddn't use the spirits until right at the end, using them to humiliate thanaton, nothing more. Thanaton was nothing to the SI, even without the ghosts the SI is swatting away the lightning. The SI literally does 2 things and 2 things alone while the spirits are out. Break out of the tornado and throw thanaton into the wall. after that the spirits vanish, and thanaton pulls out his saber.


Are you even listening what youre saying anymore? Inquisitor had no chance against Thanaton in the first place, and the thing that resurrected him, so to speak, were the spirits. Thus he sets on acquiring more of them, and in the process acquires power necessary to overcome Thanaton. Did you completely forget the curbstomp that Thanaton dealt to the inquisitor originally?


The comical thing is, that when Darth Baras does essentially the same thing as SI, you claim that Baras is weak. Make up your mind please. :p


Also noteworthy that Wrath defeats empowered Baras without any help whatsoever.

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That is what I hate about the SI storyline tbh. He/she does nothing on his/her own. Nothing.





Khem, Azshara, Zash do the research, dig up inetresting things. The SI is an errand boy, he/she goes where they point, takes the artifacts by force, brings them back to the ship...and his/her companions do the work of uncovering it's secrets. SI runs around binding ghosts and sitting in the ship while his/her powerbase builds itself without his/her help. The moff calls to you, not the other way around. It was not "I want you to serve me and build a weapon to destroy my enemies" but rather "hey, you are that upstart opposing Thanaton? Look, I need a sith to skip the paperwork, care to watch MY untimate weapon of destruction? I will let you play with it afterwards."


And in the very end some nobody Darth steals the kill that should be ours to take. Come on, does the SI ever do anything on his/her own? :(


Yep, you feel the same way about SI story as I do. Its nice not to be alone. SI was my first pick as character and I genuinely wanted to feel the same way as Nazgren about him. Unfortunately, thats not who the story portrays the inquisitor as. I was bitter about SI story for years, and still am. If only the writers would have made SI even a strategist that outmaneuvers his enemies... but no. His strategies are just as straightforward as Wrath's, while possessing considerably less raw power and relying on others all the time. Utter failure.

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As others pointed out, Thanaton actually kills the inquisitor.

Tell me at which point Thanaton kills the Inquisitor. The force walking does its job, thanaton is launched into the wall and isn't seen again, the Inquisitor is knocked out and wakes up a little while later.



"The Dark Council are the galaxy's most powerful Sith."

―Moff Valion Pyron

"When the Sith Emperor established his new Empire on Dromund Kaas in 4980 BBY, he also gathered the twelve wisest most powerful Sith Lords who had accompanied him during their long exodus and created the Dark Council."

--Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia

Are you even listening what youre saying anymore? Inquisitor had no chance against Thanaton in the first place, and the thing that resurrected him, so to speak, were the spirits. Thus he sets on acquiring more of them, and in the process acquires power necessary to overcome Thanaton. Did you completely forget the curbstomp that Thanaton dealt to the inquisitor originally?

Yes i am

Yes they did

No, the SI has never died

Thanaton never touches the SI Thanaton: "You fool, you cant control that kind of power!" (Thanaton is launched across the room) Nope, no Curbstomp here

The comical thing is, that when Darth Baras does essentially the same thing as SI, you claim that Baras is weak. Make up your mind please. :p

What does Baras do thats the same as the SI?

Also noteworthy that Wrath defeats empowered Baras without any help whatsoever.

Baras isnt empowered. Where did you get that idea? What is he empowered by? It certainly isn't the force entity that Darth Vowrawn releases so that its no longer empowering Baras by the time the wrath fights him, so i have no idea what it could be.

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Tell me at which point Thanaton kills the Inquisitor. The force walking does its job, thanaton is launched into the wall and isn't seen again, the Inquisitor is knocked out and wakes up a little while later.



"The Dark Council are the galaxy's most powerful Sith."

―Moff Valion Pyron

"When the Sith Emperor established his new Empire on Dromund Kaas in 4980 BBY, he also gathered the twelve wisest most powerful Sith Lords who had accompanied him during their long exodus and created the Dark Council."

--Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia


Yes i am

Yes they did

No, the SI has never died

Thanaton never touches the SI Thanaton: "You fool, you cant control that kind of power!" (Thanaton is launched across the room) Nope, no Curbstomp here


What does Baras do thats the same as the SI?


Baras isnt empowered. Where did you get that idea? What is he empowered by? It certainly isn't the force entity that Darth Vowrawn releases so that its no longer empowering Baras by the time the wrath fights him, so i have no idea what it could be.



I think someone is confusing the SI and the Emperor here



1. The Sith Inquisitor Would have been killed by Zash if it weren't for Khem during the ritual on DK

2. Thanaton kills the SI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU_0E9hMMDQ it's only the ghost that resurrects him


You're seriously overestimating the SI my goodness he couldn't even turn the Jedi Padawan to the Dark Side


No, the SI is much more powerful then the Wrath. The Wrath is pretty handy with a lightsaber, moreso then the SI, of that there can be no doubt. However, all the SI needs to do is pull the wraths lightsaber out of his/her hands and then all the wrath can do is glare and think angry thoughts, until the SI stops gloating and turns the wrath into a pile of ash, or thundering blasts the wrath through a wall using the 5 spirits.

Then What's stopping the Wrath from choking the crap out of the SI??!?

The SI is too powerful to be choked out like that as is the Wrath too powerful to lose his lightsabers.


There have only ever been two Wrath's and they are both alive.

Reminder for you the JK(equivalent to the SW) defeated the Emperor(Who is a sorcerer)

So why couldn't the SW defeat the SI?

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2. Thanaton kills the SI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU_0E9hMMDQ it's only the ghost that resurrects him


Oh hey, thanks for the link!


Also, check out 3:48 where Darth Andru's ghost is about to teach the SI some manners but lord Kalliq's ghost intervenes. :)



This reminded me about another gaping logic hole: where did Thanaton go? One would have thought that killing a helpless and unconscious SI would have been easy. The only explanation that I got is that SI was dead, and Thanaton left SI for the cleaning crew.

Edited by Karkais
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Oh hey, thanks for the link!


Also, check out 3:48 where Darth Andru's ghost is about to teach the SI some manners but lord Kalliq's ghost intervenes. :)


Yeah, when you play the SI, he definitely gets a lot of help


Oh hey, thanks for the link!


Also, check out 3:48 where Darth Andru's ghost is about to teach the SI some manners but lord Kalliq's ghost intervenes. :)



This reminded me about another gaping logic hole: where did Thanaton go? One would have thought that killing a helpless and unconscious SI would have been easy. The only explanation that I got is that SI was dead, and Thanaton left SI for the cleaning crew.


The SI was Dead, the ghosts brought him back later

it's the first 2 minutes

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One thing to remember is there are differnt ways to define power.


the Dark Council does indeed consist of 12 of the most powerful Sith in the galaxy. BUT this doesn't mean they are the most powerful in the force. Because they're the most powerful Politically the Sith Warrior as a wraith is presumably powerful eneugh to directly assault any DC member and have a reasonable chance to take em down. that's his purpose after all.

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I think someone is confusing the SI and the Emperor here



1. The Sith Inquisitor Would have been killed by Zash if it weren't for Khem during the ritual on DK

2. Thanaton kills the SI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU_0E9hMMDQ it's only the ghost that resurrects him

I dont see anything in this to indicate that the Inquisitor actually died. Even so, lets assume that your right and that the inquisitor cant be killed. This immediately means that the Inquisitor wins by default as the wrath cant kill them.

You're seriously overestimating the SI my goodness he couldn't even turn the Jedi Padawan to the Dark Side

Vitiate has failed to turn people, and a fair few of the few people he did turn, turned back to the light. whats your point? Its all down to the individual Jedi.

Then What's stopping the Wrath from choking the crap out of the SI??!?

The SI is too powerful to be choked out like that as is the Wrath too powerful to lose his lightsabers.

Because i feel that we established that the SI with the ghosts out was somewhere in the area of 10-12x more powerful with the force then the SW. With a Flick of his wrist thanaton, an extremely skilled force user supposedly killed another skilled force user. Yet once the SI has further honed there abilities they can block thanatons attacks like they are nothing.

There have only ever been two Wrath's and they are both alive.

2 have been named so far. One is a Jedi's B***h. I think its safe to say that there would have been wraths for much of the time that there have been emperors.

Reminder for you the JK(equivalent to the SW) defeated the Emperor(Who is a sorcerer)

So why couldn't the SW defeat the SI?

*defeated the voice of the emperor, a much less impressive feat. Many Voices have died.

As for why the SW cant defeat the SI, i refer you to my previous example of what happens when someone draws a saber on the Inquisitor. Even Thanaton, with all his mastery and skill with the force, knowledge of ancient secrets and rituals, cannot out-force the SI, so what chance does the SW, with average skill with the force at best, have of out-forcing the SI?

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2 have been named so far. One is a Jedi's B***h. I think its safe to say that there would have been wraths for much of the time that there have been emperors.


I'd have to re-read Revan but I'm pretty sure when Scourge was made the Wraith it was a new position

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I dont see anything in this to indicate that the Inquisitor actually died. Even so, lets assume that your right and that the inquisitor cant be killed. This immediately means that the Inquisitor wins by default as the wrath cant kill them.


Vitiate has failed to turn people, and a fair few of the few people he did turn, turned back to the light. whats your point? Its all down to the individual Jedi.


Because i feel that we established that the SI with the ghosts out was somewhere in the area of 10-12x more powerful with the force then the SW. With a Flick of his wrist thanaton, an extremely skilled force user supposedly killed another skilled force user. Yet once the SI has further honed there abilities they can block thanatons attacks like they are nothing.


2 have been named so far. One is a Jedi's B***h. I think its safe to say that there would have been wraths for much of the time that there have been emperors.


*defeated the voice of the emperor, a much less impressive feat. Many Voices have died.

As for why the SW cant defeat the SI, i refer you to my previous example of what happens when someone draws a saber on the Inquisitor. Even Thanaton, with all his mastery and skill with the force, knowledge of ancient secrets and rituals, cannot out-force the SI, so what chance does the SW, with average skill with the force at best, have of out-forcing the SI?



You realize there have only been a handful of Emperor's and only 2 Wrath's ever right?


No play the Jedi Knight story again, The JK defeated the Emperor's main host body.


Where is it said the ghosts make the SI 10-12x more powerful than the Wrath? WHERE?


The SW has way more than average force at best (reminder Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan are the equivalent to the SW/JK right?)


Yes he was dead. the ghost brought him back to life (watch the VIDEOS!)


No the ghosts don't make the SI invincible, Thanaton needed to kill/free the ghosts spirits so the SI would die(Yes the SW could/learn to do this, he is strong in the force)


Who has Vitiate failed to turn? (other than the JK?)


I'd have to re-read Revan but I'm pretty sure when Scourge was made the Wraith it was a new position

Scourge was the 1st, the Current Wrath is the 2nd

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Oh hey, thanks for the link!


Also, check out 3:48 where Darth Andru's ghost is about to teach the SI some manners but lord Kalliq's ghost intervenes. :)



This reminded me about another gaping logic hole: where did Thanaton go? One would have thought that killing a helpless and unconscious SI would have been easy. The only explanation that I got is that SI was dead, and Thanaton left SI for the cleaning crew.

As we established, No, thats not when the Inquisitor dies. He is simply knocked Unconcious. Zash is stunned by the Inquisitors supposed "death and ressurection" at the start of Chapter 2, if the Inquisitor had died again, she would have said something. I would imagine thanaton flees, especially after your companions show up.


I meant this. Although it wasn't quite the same as with SI. I couldn't remember exactly the ways the entity helped Baras.

Yes, you take that power away from Baras just before you face him. It took the power of the emperors better half (she says she is iirc) to get Baras enough personal power to be able to hold his position on the Dark council, and it still wasent enough to be able to silence his opposition himself.

I'd have to re-read Revan but I'm pretty sure when Scourge was made the Wraith it was a new position

If you can provide a quote and source then conceeded, still, 2 wraths is hardly enough to conclusively say wraths are always the most powerful sith of there time, especially when in game characters have stated otherwise

No play the Jedi Knight story again, The JK defeated the Emperor's main host body.

The emperors voice IS the emperors host body. Its like I'm teaching you the basics of star wars lore...

Where is it said the ghosts make the SI 10-12x more powerful than the Wrath? WHERE?

OK, now i know your taking the p**s. i have stated it many times and you never argued. I said that the SI is probably twice as skilled with the dark side as the SW. There can be no doubt that the SI is extremely skilled with the force. Zash says it, Thanaton says it, even Khem says it. In the video that you so kindly provided, the inquisitor says he will go and bind the most powerful ghosts there are. We already know that Ergast, the first ghost was extremely powerful, the 2 and 5th im not sure of, and 3rd and 4th must have been very powoerful, lets assume that they are, on average, also twice as force potent as the SW. 5 ghosts + 1 SI = 6, 6x2 = 12x more powerful then the SW.

The SW has way more than average force at best (reminder Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan are the equivalent to the SW/JK right?)

You serious? Vader was the fckin chosen one, he was the child of the force. Luke had no noteable abilities with the force, he couldent even keep the rocks up on Dagobah. In fact i think Leia ended up being a more skilled force user then Luke, but i never looked into that side of the story much. Obi-wan was also nothing special. Being a SW does not mean you automatically have x level of force potency, its all down to the level of midichlorians you posses and how much you practice your abilities.


No the ghosts don't make the SI invincible, Thanaton needed to kill/free the ghosts spirits so the SI would die(Yes the SW could/learn to do this, he is strong in the force)

And nobody knows how to purge Force Ghosts, something like that would take a long time to learn.

Who has Vitiate failed to turn? (other than the JK?)

Revan. Twice, the second time having hundreds of years alone time with him. Why do i have to tell you the most basic elements of SW story?

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If Darth Thanaton couldn't find a solution to the Inquisitor's ghosts, no one has it. At least not on the Dark Side. That means that any other Sith who wants to fight the Inquisitor is screwed. They can't strip his power or turn it off, which means they can't kill him. Thanaton threw his best Force nuke - and he certainly knows good ones - and it didn't hurt the SI.


That the Inquisitor fell face-first into this well of power is besides the point. The Wrath may have more instruction and be naturally stronger in the Force but the Inquisitor isn't just another Lord. He's the equivalent of several - and you can't kill him. So what if the Inquisitor didn't earn it and is a bit of an unspoken Force destiny going on? What happened is what happened.


Horak-mul alone would be a handful for most of the current Darth population.

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The emperors voice IS the emperors host body. Its like I'm teaching you the basics of star wars lore...

Here is a post that SW receives from the hand AFTER defeating Baras. (spoiler regarding SW story)

Baras was not the voice, and technically neither is Vowrawn since Emperor is sleeping and recovering at that time, thus not speaking to anybody.


And no, you are not explaining the story to us. Please check your facts better.


OK, now i know your taking the p**s. i have stated it many times and you never argued. I said that the SI is probably twice as skilled with the dark side as the SW.

Never argued...? We have been doing nothing but that the whole day.. But it is rather obvious you are not listening.

Im starting to get the feeling that SI is the only story you have finished.


Revan. Twice, the second time having hundreds of years alone time with him. Why do i have to tell you the most basic elements of SW story?

Revan actually has nothing whatsoever to do with SW class story.


As we established, No, thats not when the Inquisitor dies. He is simply knocked Unconcious.

According to you... I certainly established nothing. To quote Andronikos, "Welcome back to the land of the living."

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I'd have to re-read Revan but I'm pretty sure when Scourge was made the Wraith it was a new position


Good memory. Here is the page where its mentioned, from Revan novel.


"In the wake of Revan's defeat,the emperor hadn't made him a member of the dark council after all. Instead, he had created a new position for Scourge: the Emperor's Wrath." (p.281)


If Darth Thanaton couldn't find a solution to the Inquisitor's ghosts, no one has it.

Bull. As I said earlier, Thanaton is the actual nobody. There are numerous NPCs in the game that are more skilled and powerful than Thanaton.


Because i feel that we established that the SI with the ghosts out was somewhere in the area of 10-12x more powerful with the force then the SW. With a Flick of his wrist thanaton, an extremely skilled force user supposedly killed another skilled force user. Yet once the SI has further honed there abilities they can block thanatons attacks like they are nothing.

You should check your feelings, cause you are pulling that stuff out of your backside. Do you think that if you write long enough walls of text you can 'establish' things for us?


Also, did you ever stop to wonder what the NPCs in the OTHER class stories say? :p

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Good memory. Here is the page where its mentioned, from Revan novel.


"In the wake of Revan's defeat,the emperor hadn't made him a member of the dark council after all. Instead, he had created a new position for Scourge: the Emperor's Wrath." (p.281)



Bull. As I said earlier, Thanaton is the actual nobody. There are numerous NPCs in the game that are more skilled and powerful than Thanaton.



You should check your feelings, cause you are pulling that stuff out of your backside. Do you think that if you write long enough walls of text you can 'establish' things for us?


Also, did you ever stop to wonder what the NPCs in the OTHER class stories say? :p



Yeah I'm done arguing, it's pointless to argue with someone who refuses to see facts and just sees the SI as the next Emperor


The SI did die, watch the videos

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The way I see it, for all the power the SI wields he is, and I quote the SW here, "made of bones that break and blood that spills".

Meaning that, if the SW ever get close enough (And seing the number of options he has to increase his survival ability, he easily could), the SI is done. The SI is not a good duelist and would be torn to bits the instant the SW duels with him.

Now we can argue for hours wether this or that power could stop the SW from reaching the SI but thing is, there'd be a lot of subjectivity.

So, as long the SI can keep the SW at bay (Provided he can at all), his victory is assured. One slip-up, the SW gets close and the SI dies horribly. Ghost won't save a pile of limbs scattered to the four winds.

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Here is a post that SW receives from the hand AFTER defeating Baras. (spoiler regarding SW story)

Baras was not the voice, and technically neither is Vowrawn since Emperor is sleeping and recovering at that time, thus not speaking to anybody.

That mail proves my point exactly. The Jedi Warrior did not kill the emperor, they killed the voice. Even Revan could not hope to kill the Emperor.

OFC course neither baras nor Vowrawn where the voice, where did you get that idea from?

And no, you are not explaining the story to us. Please check your facts better.

I'm having to explain the most simple aspects of Star Wars lore to you. What do you mean check my facts better? None of the points you made mean anything, and hte first one only proved my point. How the hell can someone stupid enough to say the emperors voice and the vessel of the emperor are not the same thing say that someone else should check there facts?

Never argued...? We have been doing nothing but that the whole day.. But it is rather obvious you are not listening.

Im starting to get the feeling that SI is the only story you have finished.

I stated that the SI is most likely somewhere in the area of 2x as powerful with the force as the SW multiple times. You never contested this statement, so no, we never argued this point.

Revan actually has nothing whatsoever to do with SW class story.

My apologies, what i meant was the STAR WARS story, not the Sith Warrior story, too many acronyms to keep track of. my bad.

According to you... I certainly established nothing. To quote Andronikos, "Welcome back to the land of the living."

If i make a statement and nobody disagrees then it gives the impression that everyone agrees, until somebody says that they disagree, and nobody did. If someone has a cold they might say that they have "The Plague". this is no different to what Andronikos says.

Good memory. Here is the page where its mentioned, from Revan novel.


"In the wake of Revan's defeat,the emperor hadn't made him a member of the dark council after all. Instead, he had created a new position for Scourge: the Emperor's Wrath." (p.281)

OK, fair enough, i will concede this point, its not something I've looked into in extensive detail.


Bull. As I said earlier, Thanaton is the actual nobody. There are numerous NPCs in the game that are more skilled and powerful than Thanaton.

FFS. He is the Dark council leader of the sphere of ancient knowledge. He runs the Imperial Reclamation service. The tombs on Korriban and basically all tombs short of the dark temple belong to him and are under his jurisdiction. He has access to all the knowledge of the sith in the domain of the force. If there is ANYTHING relevant in all of the Empires Archives, he will find it. He diddent, so there must be nothing. All of the practitioners of Force Walking have quietly dissapeared, no doubt due to Force Walking Sickness. This is why so little information on it exists.

You should check your feelings, cause you are pulling that stuff out of your backside. Do you think that if you write long enough walls of text you can 'establish' things for us?

Ask me for sources and i will provide.

Also, did you ever stop to wonder what the NPCs in the OTHER class stories say? :p

Depends if its relevant or not, i am just wrapping up the last empire class story (agent) so i already know the vast majority of what is said in the 4 stories.

Yeah I'm done arguing, it's pointless to argue with someone who refuses to see facts

I know right? I'm arguing with a load of them.

The SI did die, watch the videos

the SI "technically" dies at the beginning of chapter 2. This is as much a question of Philosophy as anything. If they do not cease to exist, have they actually died? The SI was killed, but they did not die. While the SI posses the spirits, they cant die, they just get sent back. The SI traps the 5 spirits, and the 5 spirits trap the SI's spirit. Don't ask me to explain it, even Zash doesn't understand it.

The way I see it, for all the power the SI wields he is, and I quote the SW here, "made of bones that break and blood that spills".

Meaning that, if the SW ever get close enough (And seing the number of options he has to increase his survival ability, he easily could), the SI is done. The SI is not a good duelist and would be torn to bits the instant the SW duels with him.

Now we can argue for hours wether this or that power could stop the SW from reaching the SI but thing is, there'd be a lot of subjectivity.

So, as long the SI can keep the SW at bay (Provided he can at all), his victory is assured. One slip-up, the SW gets close and the SI dies horribly. Ghost won't save a pile of limbs scattered to the four winds.

Already covered this:

Karkais, i must say i am genuinely concerned for your wellbeing, your posts are becoming less and less coherent. You say things that are completely and utterly idiotic (such as "The Emperors voice and the emperors host body are not the same thing") You say my point is wrong and then give evidence that actually confirms my point, you seem to miss whole chunks of my posts and then take offence when i bring them up and you seem to be recycling the same points every other post. You sure your alright?

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Okay guys, this is obviously getting hostile. Let's calm down.


Basically, BEFORE the Emperor went rouge, the Wrath was at least equally as powerful as the Council. If you played Mass Effect, think Specter. S/he does whatever s/he wants to do, and doesn't have to answer to the Dark Council regarding any of it. They could basically say "The Emperor wanted it" and they would have to drop it.


Now that the Emperor is rouge/no longer cares about the Empire, yes, the Inquisitor has more political power. The Wrath has respect, but technically not much else. HOWEVER, everyone still considers them to be pretty bad-*** and are terrified of pissing them off, so that's not too bad. The Wrath at this point could potentially do whatever they wanted to, and there would be very little anyone could do to stop them.


When I played my Warrior after Ziost, she basically told Marr that she had lost direction because her purpose had been turned on it's head. Even though he makes her the Empire's Wrath, it's still an empty title because she's now following the orders of Darth Marr, and thus, the Dark Council. The Zakuul Empire invading is JUST what she needs to put herself to rights again. She has one goal- to get rid of the Zakuul Empire by any means neccessary, and restore her people and Empire to it's former and rightful glory. And THAT will truly make her the Empire's Wrath.

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Basically, BEFORE the Emperor went rouge, the Wrath was at least equally as powerful as the Council. If you played Mass Effect, think Specter. S/he does whatever s/he wants to do, and doesn't have to answer to the Dark Council regarding any of it. They could basically say "The Emperor wanted it" and they would have to drop it.

The problem is...:

"You are acknowledged, Wrath. Your actions will not be challenged so long as they do not contradict our own." -- Darth Marr

If the Dark Council Disagrees with something done by the Wrath they can and will yank the chain on the Emperors attack dog. If the Wrath cannot justify there actions the Dark Council will prevent said actions. Pure and simple. I fail to see where the confusion is.


Lets say for example, the Wrath decided that Vowrawn annoyed him / her and decided to kill him. The Dark Council would forbid it. The only way they would back down in this case is if the Wrath had a valid reason for Vowrawn to die or if the Emperors Voice allowed it.

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Okay, you disagree with some people, including myself. That's fine. There's no need to continue to be so hostile about it. Let's just agree to disagree in this area.


I personally believe that the Wrath and Inquisitor have equal power and respect. They weren't purposely written in a way that makes one seem more powerful than the other. They're both fun to play, and I enjoy seeing the different reactions for the both.


Personally I enjoy the Wrath's story because by the end of it, they're basically trying to find their purpose again, and they do. The Inquisitor doesn't really go through the struggle of purpose that the Wrath does, which makes it a bit more fun to play as the Wrath for me.

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Okay, you disagree with some people, including myself. That's fine. There's no need to continue to be so hostile about it. Let's just agree to disagree in this area.


I personally believe that the Wrath and Inquisitor have equal power and respect. They weren't purposely written in a way that makes one seem more powerful than the other. They're both fun to play, and I enjoy seeing the different reactions for the both.


Personally I enjoy the Wrath's story because by the end of it, they're basically trying to find their purpose again, and they do. The Inquisitor doesn't really go through the struggle of purpose that the Wrath does, which makes it a bit more fun to play as the Wrath for me.

I'm not sure what was hostile about what I just said, I simply pointed out a problem that most people seem to be missing. The people arguing in favour of the SW seem to think that the SW has free reign, when they don't. As Marr stated, the Dark Council can challenge, and by extension overrule the Wrath. This must be definition mean that the dark councils authority is greater then that of the Wrath. The only time when the Wrath can go against the wishes of the council is when commanded by the voice of the emperor, because, obviously, the emperor can overrule the Dark Council.


I think the. Simplest way I can put it is The voice of the emperor (the vessel) commands and controls the (right) hand of the emperor (the annoying sith buggers that nobody but the wrath knows of), the Hand of the Emperor wields the weapon of the Emperor (The wrath). The Dark Council is the left hand of the emperor. A weapon cannot strike unless made to. Either by the right or the left hand, but as the right hand is generally the weapon hand, the right hand has the authority over the left hand (the council), Wheras the voice has complete control other both the hands and the weapon. The left hand can use the weapon, but never as well as the right hand can.

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