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Why is everyone leaving this server?


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Going to get quieter around the server....


Because the community polled and voted to move to Shadowlands to make it "The" server for PvP, thus, everyone left and went to Shadowlands.


It's actually quite interesting, I see all the familiar faces from The Bastion, Harbinger, Jung Ma, and even Jedi Covenant here on Shadowlands queuing both Solo AND Group Ranked and pops lasted for about 12 hours. Could just be the day 1 hype but so far so good.

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Because the community polled and voted to move to Shadowlands to make it "The" server for PvP, thus, everyone left and went to Shadowlands.


It's actually quite interesting, I see all the familiar faces from The Bastion, Harbinger, Jung Ma, and even Jedi Covenant here on Shadowlands queuing both Solo AND Group Ranked and pops lasted for about 12 hours. Could just be the day 1 hype but so far so good.


These familiar faces must be imps because every 4 regs is imp vs imp, then I log onto pub fleet and theres 2 instances of pubs, like what the hell are you all doing QUEUE the **** up or **** of the fleet

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Everyone isnt leaving, just the high level ranked pvp players.

As a merc that doesnt include me but if the regular pvp drops i may have little choice.

Im taking a wait and see attitude for now to see how things get affected.

There may be some benefit to this as it may mean fewer ranked geared groups farming regs, though i doubt that was ever really the reason they were in regs most of them.

I'm not sure what to make of all this as yet.. at some point i will want to get back into ranked... if that no longer exists on bastion then ill have little choice.

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These familiar faces must be imps because every 4 regs is imp vs imp, then I log onto pub fleet and theres 2 instances of pubs, like what the hell are you all doing QUEUE the **** up or **** of the fleet


I was on one of my Pubs for a couple hours last night in Regs and the queue pops were non-stop (as usual). Dudes were definitely queuing. There just happen to be a lot more Imps.


Happy trails to whomever left. Didn't miss them in the slightest.

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Thing is the migration wasnt about Regs, at all.. it was about Ranked.

I would like to do ranked, i truly would, but i dont want to class swap to do it so i havent been taking part waiting on balance.. not holding my breath

So to me this wasnt as urgent, but those who are ranked players are trying to consolidate. Well, the good ones anyway, those who continually farm regs in ranged premades aren't likely to g anywhere they all know their own deficiencies.

At least we can finally stop playing the "there's noone is ranked queue" card.. it was always bull, not we know its just silly

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Because the community polled and voted to move to Shadowlands to make it "The" server for PvP, thus, everyone left and went to Shadowlands.


It's actually quite interesting, I see all the familiar faces from The Bastion, Harbinger, Jung Ma, and even Jedi Covenant here on Shadowlands queuing both Solo AND Group Ranked and pops lasted for about 12 hours. Could just be the day 1 hype but so far so good.


So people are moving from a WEST COAST server to an EAST COAST server to have a better PVP experience.


Wow, that is the dumbest thing I have read all day. Has nobody ever heard of latency and how it affect realtime gaming?


Latency is one of the main things that gets you killed in PVP, and if you live on the West Coast or have a lower latency (ping time) to the West Coast server and move to an East Coast server, you may have more people to play with, but you will be the idiot getting your face smashed in PVP because of the difference in your connection. East coast players will own you.


This needs more attention, because maybe players do not realize they are crippling their gameplay.


(East Coast PVPers have to be laughing so hard they are spitting soda.)

Edited by MartinSPT
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So people are moving from a WEST COAST server to an EAST COAST server to have a better PVP experience.


Wow, that is the dumbest thing I have read all day. Has nobody ever heard of latency and how it affect realtime gaming?


Latency is one of the main things that gets you killed in PVP, and if you live on the West Coast or have a lower latency (ping time) to the West Coast server and move to an East Coast server, you may have more people to play with, but you will be the idiot getting your face smashed in PVP because of the difference in your connection. East coast players will own you.


This needs more attention, because maybe players do not realize they are crippling their gameplay.


(East Coast PVPers have to be laughing so hard they are spitting soda.)


it isnt crippling, ive checked the latency. I have over 3 times the latency to SL that i do to Harb or Bastion so... unless all pvp dies on the west coast servers im not adding to my disadvantages. Granted the difference between 25 MS and 85 MS isnt all that and its still playable... BUT, its there.


Thing is this is mainly for ranked anyway which im not welcome as a merc/mando, but yes the east coast players are likely salivating at he idea of west coasters walking into this. If we ever get fixed ill worry about it, till then not so much i think.


The poll was destined to be what it was, there are simply more players on the east coast due to population, and there were more players on SL that there were POT5 so of course the poll came out as it did. That not a knock on the effort or anything its just that it seemed a bit pre-determined a far as i could see.


Plus i will never understand moving to a pve server for pvp.. its just.. wrong, regardless of the reasons, lol

Edited by Floplag
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Plus i will never understand moving to a pve server for pvp.. its just.. wrong, regardless of the reasons, lol


It never made sense to me, either, but it seemed more and more that the people populating PVP servers were more interested in fighting other people with their words than with their skill at pressing buttons for their toons. The *******s and trolls made Bastion a cesspool like it did Pot5 and for some reason we're finding a temporary salvation in the PvE servers. I was confused back in S2-S3 when everyone was moving to Harb for 4s instead of people from Harb coming to a PvP server. Something about a PvP server makes you think the skillcap would be higher. That's simply not true anymore. The people whose home servers are PvE have been farming bads for so long they're not bad themselves anymore and the "real, high-end pvp players" want to go see what it's like and deflate their egos a bit.


Plus the only difference now between PVP/PVE servers is OWPVP.... and newsflash: the same amount of OWPVP happens on both server types---none.

Edited by AxeDragoneth
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It never made sense to me, either, but it seemed more and more that the people populating PVP servers were more interested in fighting other people with their words than with their skill at pressing buttons for their toons. The *******s and trolls made Bastion a cesspool like it did Pot5 and for some reason we're finding a temporary salvation in the PvE servers. I was confused back in S2-S3 when everyone was moving to Harb for 4s instead of people from Harb coming to a PvP server. Something about a PvP server makes you think the skillcap would be higher. That's simply not true anymore. The people whose home servers are PvE have been farming bads for so long they're not bad themselves anymore and the "real, high-end pvp players" want to go see what it's like and deflate their egos a bit.


Plus the only difference now between PVP/PVE servers is OWPVP.... and newsflash: the same amount of OWPVP happens on both server types---none.


thats not true at all.. there may not be a lot but there are events going on however small and far between, to say none is simply not true.

either way, you can guarantee that to be true on a pve server...

im checking out harb and rode past pub outpost on way to rakghoul tunnel in dune sea and seeing all that blue was just... wrong, made me feel dirty

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Yeah OWPvP does happen while you're doing quests and dailies. If all the people on the PvE servers went back to PvP servers there would be much more. I see Pubs all the time on Yavin 5 that I simply can't attack. If that were a PvP server it would be a different story.
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The even funnier part is the day server transfers went on sale, I moved my main from the shadowlands to the bastion lol.


Why? well before the big exodus to the shadowlands (which I think is either being overrated or people will come to their senses soon) the pvp on the server consisted of one elitist exclusive guild (death-smile) and a couple of mediocre guilds of mouth runners. The chances of getting on a bad-mediocre team and pulling a win off was rare simply for the fact that most of the server just doesn't care about pvp period. Now God forbid you get on the bad side of somebody who doesn't know when to shut the hell up and has a few friends. Then you run into people purposely throwing ranked matches even just to make you look bad. Not to mention ranked pops weren't any better on that server than they are on this one. just matters what you're queing as.


I have actually thoroughly enjoyed the move to the bastion and don't mind the expected "trolling" or trash talking. It's the nature of the beast. Not to mention, people actually try in matches on this server no matter how the odds may be stacked up against em and pulled off wins despite "stats" (which is the only stat that really matters ;) )


Anyways, Don't know who all moved to the shadowlands or how they were but if they were problems for this server then good riddance and I'm sure they've found where they belong and if not, then the best of luck to em and hope they can stir things up on the server.

Edited by StevenColbear
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  • 4 weeks later...
The even funnier part is the day server transfers went on sale, I moved my main from the shadowlands to the bastion lol.


Why? well before the big exodus to the shadowlands (which I think is either being overrated or people will come to their senses soon) the pvp on the server consisted of one elitist exclusive guild (death-smile) and a couple of mediocre guilds of mouth runners. The chances of getting on a bad-mediocre team and pulling a win off was rare simply for the fact that most of the server just doesn't care about pvp period. Now God forbid you get on the bad side of somebody who doesn't know when to shut the hell up and has a few friends. Then you run into people purposely throwing ranked matches even just to make you look bad. Not to mention ranked pops weren't any better on that server than they are on this one. just matters what you're queing as.


I have actually thoroughly enjoyed the move to the bastion and don't mind the expected "trolling" or trash talking. It's the nature of the beast. Not to mention, people actually try in matches on this server no matter how the odds may be stacked up against em and pulled off wins despite "stats" (which is the only stat that really matters ;) )


Anyways, Don't know who all moved to the shadowlands or how they were but if they were problems for this server then good riddance and I'm sure they've found where they belong and if not, then the best of luck to em and hope they can stir things up on the server.


Welcome to the Bastion.

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