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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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-Austin, Tx. End Gamers Unite Weekly.


In yet another extraordinary development, Bioware is about to announce they are moving away from further story development.


“The hyperbole worked!” claims an anonymous source working for Bioware. “Saying the same thing in a different way has had an effect as well. We are pulling back!”


The immediate impact to Knights of The Fallen Empire is unknown, but according to the internship program at the University of Texas at Austin, we may already be seeing the impact.


“In the last few days, many of our students have lost their internships over at Bioware for no apparent reason. These are talented and skilled individuals who can copy and paste like professionals.” Mark Haskell the director for internships at UT was quoted as saying.


Bioware has refused to comment on this story saying only that “fantastic game breaking developments” will be detailed in upcoming blogs but that plans to kill End Game in all MMOs continue.

Edited by Rafaman
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Story driven game focuses expansion on story driven content.




I don't play this game to login to do the exact same dailies everyday. I might bring myself to do the weeklys but thats about it. It really is about time BW took this stance and I am surprised it took this long.

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  • 2 weeks later...
His explanation is too vague. I'm holding off any opinions and judgements on the direction of the game until actual concrete announcements are made.



Actually I figured this makes a pretty good advice. Well, boy, did that announcement ever come today, eh? We are about to enter an expansion cycle that will add no relevant new content or gameplay. It is absolutely staggering.

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Actually I figured this makes a pretty good advice. Well, boy, did that announcement ever come today, eh? We are about to enter an expansion cycle that will add no relevant new content or gameplay. It is absolutely staggering.
No, it's not. It's only staggering to those who care about such content, it's not going to have any effect on those who couldn't care less about such content.
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Playing a video game and mostly deeming it irrelevant how it gets an expansion with no new, fresh gameplay at all is just about as staggering.


I enjoy good video game narrative as much as the next guy. But seriously..how awesome do you imagine it is? How important can the story be? Just how big do you expect it to grow in head space of people? Do your realize the sheer size of the void it needs to fill?? When has the post vanilla narrative ever been good enough to feed such colossal sky castle excpectations??

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Actually I figured this makes a pretty good advice. Well, boy, did that announcement ever come today, eh? We are about to enter an expansion cycle that will add no relevant new content or gameplay. It is absolutely staggering.


Wow, does it hurt to be that wrong? it looks like it hurts.

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Wow, does it hurt to be that wrong? it looks like it hurts.


in what way is he wrong?


we are getting new story. however, we are getting no new group content. changes they are making are great for people who are still leveling, for people who are relatively new to the game and haven't had a chance to see all the existing content yet, especially with release of KDY and all the other flashpoints falling by the wayside.


but what about people who have been here for a while and HAVE DONE all of this content already? so we are going to take a few of our alts through the story, how long will that last us before we are sitting in teamspeak and realizing that other then old content we've all already been getting tired of... we don't really have much to do as a guild.


my problem is not with updating old content. my problem is with aforementioned multiplayer content being the ONLY content.


bioware is counting on having people stay subscribed to get acess to more chapters. but when there is no need to stay current on the storylines - becasue storylines can be finished whenever (I mean.. I have a single character that finished Ziost and I still get to do group content including that on Ziost just fine - and I will finish Ziost on more characters, I just don't feel any urgency to do so). so... why subscribe monthly when you can just come back every few months, unlock all the chapters and then play at leisure without paying a dime. or just taking a break all together. when there's nothing there to keep you logging in weekly, but old content you and your guild are already tired of? and every time someone takes a break, their chances of coming back get lower and lower.


no... I don't think its a good idea to not introduce anything new for those who enjoy playing in groups.

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They can call it whatever they want. Doesn't mean that it's not content.


Well when population starts dropping which it will had 7 people leave guild and game today "Hooray another guild dying that im apart of YIPPEEEEE" then the dev's will go into turtle mode when someone does all 9 chapters day one.

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Considering this MMOs "claim to fame" is their story driven content the fact that they are once again focusing on that makes me very happy. It was that story driven theme that got me into SWTOR in the first place.


And we saw how well that went over when the game first launched, eh?

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Well when population starts dropping which it will had 7 people leave guild and game today "Hooray another guild dying that im apart of YIPPEEEEE" then the dev's will go into turtle mode when someone does all 9 chapters day one.


English please?

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"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either," said Hickman. "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year."



Devs main focus and ambitions will be exclusively on storyline and narrative.


You don't understand how game development works, or English, for that matter.


Lesson the first: "Exclusive" does not mean what you think it means.


Lesson the second: Teams as big as TOR's can do many things things at once. His statements clearly state that they are "doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations" even though "we just have a focus right now on the story."


It's like you learned reporting from FOX News.

Edited by Caylen
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You don't understand how game development works, or English, for that matter.


Lesson the first: "Exclusive" does not mean what you think it means.


Lesson the second: Teams as big as TOR's can do many things things at once. His statements clearly state that they are "doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations" even though "we just have a focus right now on the story."


It's like you learned reporting from FOX News.


Its like you did not read the blog that they published today.

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You don't understand how game development works, or English, for that matter.


Lesson the first: "Exclusive" does not mean what you think it means.


Lesson the second: Teams as big as TOR's can do many things things at once. His statements clearly state that they are "doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations" even though "we just have a focus right now on the story."


It's like you learned reporting from FOX News.



You have lead dev of your game spelling out how " this year is going to be all about story"

It takes some measure of dat sweet English to turn it into " This year is all about everything".


Would you like a lesson in why and how " we are gonna do something about that other stuff sometime later!!" is kinda troublesome and irritating for people who HAPPEN TO CARE ABOUT THAT OTHER STUFF. It isn't that hard to imagine yourself on shoes of another. Imagine how 4 min CGI and " WOO STORY YEAH!" feels to people who enjoy TOR because of GSF, or PvP, or Ops?



They just released a blog post today where it was confirmed there will be no new Ops or Fps; only some recycled versions of old ones.




Its like you did not read the blog that they published today.


Let's help him/her out.



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Way to twist someone's statement WAAAY out of context.


I nominate you for Forum Troll Award for 2015! Let's see if you get enough votes to win!!


" This year is going to be all about the story"


How do you understand this?


According to my interpretation, it mostly means that This year is going to be all about the story.


Recent blog post confirming we'll get no new Ops, FPs doesn't exactly contradict it either.

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" This year is going to be all about the story"


How do you understand this?


According to my interpretation, it mostly means that This year is going to be all about the story.


Recent blog post confirming we'll get no new Ops, FPs doesn't exactly contradict it either.


A teacher has been working with a class of 30 kids for the past year. One day she looks at her information and goes hey, there is a trend here. 25 kids really love my stories, 2 of the kids really like my competitive games, and 3 of the kids really like my strategy games. This teacher only has the time money to plan out one event though. So she chooses to create a story, which will appease 25/30 of the kids, and to be nice, she repairs some of the old and dusty competitive and strategic board games that were missing a few pieces so the kids that felt left out would have at least something to do. 4/5 of the left over kids split off and enjoy playing their board game, whilst the other 25 are really enjoying the storytelling time with the teacher.


However then there is Billy. Billy is really upset. For one, the games she repaired aren't NEW games. They are stuff he has played before, so he gets mad and goes to the teacher. The teacher tells Billy that she is sorry, but she must focus on what the majority of kids want, and that there will eventually be new games added to the classroom, but right now Billy will have to either join the kids playing the board games, join the kids in story time, or leave and go to the principles office.


Billy does neither. Instead he starts kicking and screaming like a spoiled infant, that he didn't get HIS way, when the teacher clearly has stated that most of what the players want is story time, and the others playing the board games are fine playing some old repaired ones while they wait for newer games to arrive. Nope, Billy screams and hollers, pounds his fist upon the floor in rage,

"I WANTS IT NOW, SCREW THE OTHER KIDS, I WANT MY NEW BOARD GAMES." Whilst this is happening a few new kids come to the doorway because they are interested in taking the teachers class, but then they see Billy, and they don't like the way Billy is acting, or what he is saying about the class, so they decide to go to the class down the hall.


The rest of the 29 other kids start feeling down, because they hear what Billy is saying, and their mood overall shifts, to where they really don't want to be in the class with Billy anymore either. Yet, Billy doesn't care how the other children feel, Billy only cares for himself, even IF he is the minority, but instead of leaving and just going to the principle's office, Billy stays just to be Toxic, he starts taking his wrath out on the other kids, making them feel bad, and telling them that because the teacher won't get him his new board games, that the entire class will be "REMOVED FROM THE SCHOOL! and their favorite teacher should be "PUNISHED!",


Don't be Billy. You are acting like Billy. Stop.

Edited by Tharenisis
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A teacher has been working with a class of 30 kids for the past year. One day she looks at her information and goes hey, there is a trend here. 25 kids really love my stories, 2 of the kids really like my competitive games, and 3 of the kids really like my strategy games. This teacher only has the time money to plan out one event though. So she chooses to create a story, which will appease 25/30 of the kids, and to be nice, she repairs some of the old and dusty competitive and strategic board games that were missing a few pieces so the kids that felt left out would have at least something to do. 4/5 of the left over kids split off and enjoy playing their board game, whilst the other 25 are really enjoying the storytelling time with the teacher.


However then there is Billy. Billy is really upset. For one, the games she repaired aren't NEW games. They are stuff he has played before, so he gets mad and goes to the teacher. The teacher tells Billy that she is sorry, but she must focus on what the majority of kids want, and that there will eventually be new games added to the classroom, but right now Billy will have to either join the kids playing the board games, join the kids in story time, or leave and go to the principles office.


Billy does neither. Instead he starts kicking and screaming like a spoiled infant, that he didn't get HIS way, when the teacher clearly has stated that most of what the players want is story time, and the others playing the board games are fine playing some old repaired ones while they wait for newer games to arrive. Nope, Billy screams and hollers, pounds his fist upon the floor in rage,

"I WANTS IT NOW, SCREW THE OTHER KIDS, I WANT MY NEW BOARD GAMES." Whilst this is happening a few new kids come to the doorway because they are interested in taking the teachers class, but then they see Billy, and they don't like the way Billy is acting, or what he is saying about the class, so they decide to go to the class down the hall.


The rest of the 29 other kids start feeling down, because they hear what Billy is saying, and their mood overall shifts, to where they really don't want to be in the class with Billy anymore either. Yet, Billy doesn't care how the other children feel, Billy only cares for himself, even IF he is the minority, but instead of leaving and just going to the principle's office, Billy stays just to be Toxic, he starts taking his wrath out on the other kids, making them feel bad, and telling them that because the teacher won't get him his new board games, that the entire class will be "REMOVED FROM THE SCHOOL! and their favorite teacher should be "PUNISHED!",


Don't be Billy. You are acting like Billy. Stop.




Well put sir.

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A teacher has been working with a class of 30 kids for the past year. One day she looks at her information and goes hey, there is a trend here. 25 kids really love my stories, 2 of the kids really like my competitive games, and 3 of the kids really like my strategy games. This teacher only has the time money to plan out one event though. So she chooses to create a story, which will appease 25/30 of the kids, and to be nice, she repairs some of the old and dusty competitive and strategic board games that were missing a few pieces so the kids that felt left out would have at least something to do. 4/5 of the left over kids split off and enjoy playing their board game, whilst the other 25 are really enjoying the storytelling time with the teacher.


However then there is Billy. Billy is really upset. For one, the games she repaired aren't NEW games. They are stuff he has played before, so he gets mad and goes to the teacher. The teacher tells Billy that she is sorry, but she must focus on what the majority of kids want, and that there will eventually be new games added to the classroom, but right now Billy will have to either join the kids playing the board games, join the kids in story time, or leave and go to the principles office.


Billy does neither. Instead he starts kicking and screaming like a spoiled infant, that he didn't get HIS way, when the teacher clearly has stated that most of what the players want is story time, and the others playing the board games are fine playing some old repaired ones while they wait for newer games to arrive. Nope, Billy screams and hollers, pounds his fist upon the floor in rage,

"I WANTS IT NOW, SCREW THE OTHER KIDS, I WANT MY NEW BOARD GAMES." Whilst this is happening a few new kids come to the doorway because they are interested in taking the teachers class, but then they see Billy, and they don't like the way Billy is acting, or what he is saying about the class, so they decide to go to the class down the hall.


The rest of the 29 other kids start feeling down, because they hear what Billy is saying, and their mood overall shifts, to where they really don't want to be in the class with Billy anymore either. Yet, Billy doesn't care how the other children feel, Billy only cares for himself, even IF he is the minority, but instead of leaving and just going to the principle's office, Billy stays just to be Toxic, he starts taking his wrath out on the other kids, making them feel bad, and telling them that because the teacher won't get him his new board games, that the entire class will be "REMOVED FROM THE SCHOOL! and their favorite teacher should be "PUNISHED!",


Don't be Billy. You are acting like Billy. Stop.


If only so much effort went into coming up with new ops....:(

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in what way is he wrong?


we are getting new story. however, we are getting no new group content. changes they are making are great for people who are still leveling, for people who are relatively new to the game and haven't had a chance to see all the existing content yet, especially with release of KDY and all the other flashpoints falling by the wayside.


but what about people who have been here for a while and HAVE DONE all of this content already? so we are going to take a few of our alts through the story, how long will that last us before we are sitting in teamspeak and realizing that other then old content we've all already been getting tired of... we don't really have much to do as a guild.


my problem is not with updating old content. my problem is with aforementioned multiplayer content being the ONLY content.


bioware is counting on having people stay subscribed to get acess to more chapters. but when there is no need to stay current on the storylines - becasue storylines can be finished whenever (I mean.. I have a single character that finished Ziost and I still get to do group content including that on Ziost just fine - and I will finish Ziost on more characters, I just don't feel any urgency to do so). so... why subscribe monthly when you can just come back every few months, unlock all the chapters and then play at leisure without paying a dime. or just taking a break all together. when there's nothing there to keep you logging in weekly, but old content you and your guild are already tired of? and every time someone takes a break, their chances of coming back get lower and lower.


no... I don't think its a good idea to not introduce anything new for those who enjoy playing in groups.


I doubt we don't get new Flashpoints.

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Have you read the new blog post? It just detailed Ops and Flashpoints of coming expansion. Revamped old content. Not a single new Operation. Not a single new Flashpoint.


You are still not helping the situation Billy.


There will eventually be new operations and flashpoints.


It will be okay.

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