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Jeff Hickman has promised we will NOT be getting any new MMO content this year.

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Sorry but you no longer get to claim the intelligence card. An Intelligent person would have let it go and not judged someone based on their vocabulary but on the content of their posts. Since you continued on and refused to chillax, you got frustrated and slipped up proving yourself a hypocrite.


So the content of chillax? Yea, that gets nothing but ridicule sorry.


Rehashing old content is great for the people who love running them. That's why Onyxia was chosen for a re-vamp in line with WoW's anniversary that year, because it was a widely loved raid and people enjoyed getting to see it again at current level and actually have better rewards to get by doing it. Nostalgia can be a good thing when rehashed and streamlined.


Nostalgia is a seductive liar and an ephemeral composition of disjoint memories. Quotes to remember. Nostalgia is a fools choice. Rehashing of content is just as bad when it comes to online gaming.


The same thing is what's going to happen to the end game we are receiving at launch in October this year. It will be the largest amount of end game content available for players new and old to run and experience with new rewards (like gear for self progression and new mounts and decorations) and possibly new achievements. A lot of new stuff.


That large amount of content is old content gamers are expected to do again. Thats pretty uninteresting no matter what carrot is on the end of the stick.


For old players it's still old. For new players, it would be new no matter what. Silly to even mention new to them as it will all be new.


That's what class stories are, they are personal stories revolved around your class. From what they've explained this will be just like that. :)


What they ahve explained is you are not getting class stories and they made damn sure to make sure class stories was never mentioned. You're getting a more in depth world story that makes some choices matter.


And since you continue to snip away.... SNIP :D


You did ask for me to do it. I just chose how much.

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So the content of chillax? Yea, that gets nothing but ridicule sorry.


Nostalgia is a seductive liar and an ephemeral composition of disjoint memories. Quotes to remember. Nostalgia is a fools choice. Rehashing of content is just as bad when it comes to online gaming.


That large amount of content is old content gamers are expected to do again. Thats pretty uninteresting no matter what carrot is on the end of the stick.


For old players it's still old. For new players, it would be new no matter what. Silly to even mention new to them as it will all be new.


What they ahve explained is you are not getting class stories and they made damn sure to make sure class stories was never mentioned. You're getting a more in depth world story that makes some choices matter.


You did ask for me to do it. I just chose how much.


Again you are choosing to focus on a irrelevant word that is part of someone's vocabulary because you have run out of discussion points to debate. I believe you should chillax and let it go.


Nolstagia is also warm reminder of great things you used to experience when they were relevant to you at that point of time and sometimes with enough nostalgia you return to that thing once more. Re-vamping old content to be more player accessible and friendly is always a good thing for new and older players.


As for older players, it's not always old to them. If they are an older player and they haven't done them, then it's not old to them and thus a newer experience. older players who have experienced will get to experience it again in all of it's glory at max level and be given a return to the challenge they once faced before, only this time said player is going to be rewarded with up to date rewards for their effort rather than vendor epics from outdated steam roll content. It's a win-win for everyone!


Your class story is your personal story as it revolves around you. This upcoming story also revolves around you therefor the upcoming personal story is class story.


BTW, you're not expected or forced to do any content at all, if you don't want to. If you feel you're not getting enjoyment or satisfaction out the upcoming content, I would recommend you find another game that is more suitable to your needs as a MMO player because I fully believe it's not going to change if you stick around and mope here.

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Again you are choosing to focus on a irrelevant word that is part of someone's vocabulary because you have run out of discussion points to debate. I believe you should chillax and let it go.


I believe you should get out of middle school terminology. But we all can't get what we want can we?


Nolstagia is also warm reminder of great things you used to experience when they were relevant to you at that point of time and sometimes with enough nostalgia you return to that thing once more. Re-vamping old content to be more player accessible and friendly is always a good thing for new and older players.


Nostalgia does nothing but smooth out the rough edges of past memories. Something not to hang on to very tightly.

Rehashing old content isn't something in MMO games I'd base much entertainment off of. It's a short term, band aide type development that doesn't serve the long game well.


As for older players, it's not always old to them. If they are an older player and they haven't done them, then it's not old to them and thus a newer experience. older players who have experienced will get to experience it again in all of it's glory at max level and be given a return to the challenge they once faced before, only this time said player is going to be rewarded with up to date rewards for their effort rather than vendor epics from outdated steam roll content. It's a win-win for everyone!


So nothing more than redoing content they have already done because thats so entertaining? Not hardly. And if there an old player that hasn't done them, it was never all that important to them to start with. It will offer no different challenge than they have already done before. So no, the carrot on the stick known as loot wont make it last and thinking that seeing it again at max level will somehow invigorate old gamer is a joke.


Your class story is your personal story as it revolves around you. This upcoming story also revolves around you therefor the upcoming personal story is class story.


Not by what BW seems to say. IT will have some personal choices that make some difference but it is not a class story. It's another world story with slight more "choice matters" situations. Clas story as we know them it is not.


BTW, you're not expected or forced to do any content at all, if you don't want to. If you feel you're not getting enjoyment or satisfaction out the upcoming content,


I'm not likely to get any out of the old content BW is trying to bring back from the dead. The story content will be good I have no doubt.


I would recommend you find another game that is more suitable to your needs as a MMO player because I fully believe it's not going to change if you stick around and mope here.


Of course you would. Can't have anyone with an alternate view from you can we? Best to tell them to find something else to do if it's not what you like. Thats some pretty single minded garbage there.

Edited by Quraswren
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The story was what drew me to SWTOR in the first place.


Me too but it's not what kept me playing once the story was done and story runs out really fast as BW should have learned from.


It's like Lando said: "This deal is getting worse and worse all the time."


I think Han said it better.


"I got a bad feeling about this."

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I believe you should get out of middle school terminology. But we all can't get what we want can we?


Nostalgia does nothing but smooth out the rough edges of past memories. Something not to hang on to very tightly.

Rehashing old content isn't something in MMO games I'd base much entertainment off of. It's a short term, band aide type development that doesn't serve the long game well.


So nothing more than redoing content they have already done because thats so entertaining? Not hardly. And if there an old player that hasn't done them, it was never all that important to them to start with. It will offer no different challenge than they have already done before. So no, the carrot on the stick known as loot wont make it last and thinking that seeing it again at max level will somehow invigorate old gamer is a joke.


Not by what BW seems to say. IT will have some personal choices that make some difference but it is not a class story. It's another world story with slight more "choice matters" situations. Clas story as we know them it is not.


I'm not likely to get any out of the old content BW is trying to bring back from the dead. The story content will be good I have no doubt.


Of course you would. Can't have anyone with an alternate view from you can we? Best to tell them to find something else to do if it's not what you like. Thats some pretty single minded garbage there.


I believe you need to stop acting like a 4th grader and chillax. Just let it go, like the song says. You're not getting a new Op for KOTFE. You'll get one eventually though.


Rough out edges. That's just it. BW is roughing out OPs and FP edges and making them more streamlined and easily accessible for everyone. So nostalgia will be correct in this case according to you.


Maybe that old player was unable to do them for various reasons and now because of BW is doing they are now able to do them. New loot and rewards always makes revamped flashpoints and raids last longer. Players care about getting new stuff for their efforts in whatever gameplay aspect they are doing. Otherwise why bother doing it? Players need new shiny rewards.


"You are the outlander!" The Story revolves around you. Your class story revolves around you. They are the same. Your role in your class story will be referenced and so will other parts as journey along on your role as "The Outlander". You'll be able to recruit cross class companions and brand new companions for your class story. It's a new class story because it's about you.


I don't mind alternate views. I welcome them. As long as they are realistic and not the sky is falling or doom!!! views as many posters exaggerate when we know that won't be the case realistically. The game has been foretold to die with nearly every content update yet still pressed on just fine and so will be the case here. I've been ont hese forums long enough to know this from experience.

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I believe you need to stop acting like a 4th grader and chillax. Just let it go, like the song says. You're not getting a new Op for KOTFE. You'll get one eventually though.


I think you need to get out of the 4th grade and stop using chillax as if it has any weight. Till then, there isn't much hope for ya. Will we get more OPS and FP's later? Heaven help us if we don't


Rough out edges. That's just it. BW is roughing out OPs and FP edges and making them more streamlined and easily accessible for everyone. So nostalgia will be correct in this case according to you.


There is nothing streamlined about keep the same ops that are as old as they are and just adding a new loot list and putting them at max level. It's the same exact ops with a slight different carrot on a stick. That kind of stuff has a limited life cycle and rehashing it is not something that does well in MMO's. You would know if you are a long time MMO player.


Maybe that old player was unable to do them for various reasons and now because of BW is doing they are now able to do them. New loot and rewards always makes revamped flashpoints and raids last longer. Players care about getting new stuff for their efforts in whatever gameplay aspect they are doing. Otherwise why bother doing it? Players need new shiny rewards.


What would be the difference in then and now when they couldn't do them? because they didn't play back then? Well the tey are new and no matter what, it would be new content to them. What avenue are you trying to take on that because it looks like a dead end.


There you go again thinking gear or shinies is all that drives gamers much less raiders of all types. One size does not fit all.


However, players do need new stuff. OPS and FP being two of those things. Along with story as I hear it.


"You are the outlander!" The Story revolves around you. Your class story revolves around you. They are the same. Your role in your class story will be referenced and so will other parts as journey along on your role as "The Outlander". You'll be able to recruit cross class companions and brand new companions for your class story. It's a new class story because it's about you.


You are about to play another "one story for everyone" It will revolve around you just like makeb did and SoR. It will have a bit of extra frill with choices and whats happens when you choice A vs B. But it will be very similar to the past expansions you got and that is not class stories no matter how much you want them to be. Read BW's post on this. They make sure to stay well clear of using class stories and mention choices will have a deeper meaning.


You're confusing to very different types of story telling. One that gamers have been wanting for years and one that gamers have said is not the same and never really asked for.


I don't mind alternate views. I welcome them. As long as they are realistic and not the sky is falling or doom!!! views as many posters exaggerate when we know that won't be the case realistically. The game has been foretold to die with nearly every content update yet still pressed on just fine and so will be the case here. I've been on these forums long enough to know this from experience.


Excellent. I do not claim the sky is falling. I claim BW should know better than to rely to much on story and that I have a bad feeling about this one sided expansion.


We have gotten story and OPS for every expansion and some patches. This were looking really good after the disaster of launch and now they want to take a path that looks more risky than it needed to be.

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I think you need to get out of the 4th grade and stop using chillax as if it has any weight. Till then, there isn't much hope for ya. Will we get more OPS and FP's later? Heaven help us if we don't


There is nothing streamlined about keep the same ops that are as old as they are and just adding a new loot list and putting them at max level. It's the same exact ops with a slight different carrot on a stick. That kind of stuff has a limited life cycle and rehashing it is not something that does well in MMO's. You would know if you are a long time MMO player.


What would be the difference in then and now when they couldn't do them? because they didn't play back then? Well the tey are new and no matter what, it would be new content to them. What avenue are you trying to take on that because it looks like a dead end.


There you go again thinking gear or shinies is all that drives gamers much less raiders of all types. One size does not fit all.


However, players do need new stuff. OPS and FP being two of those things. Along with story as I hear it.


You are about to play another "one story for everyone" It will revolve around you just like makeb did and SoR. It will have a bit of extra frill with choices and whats happens when you choice A vs B. But it will be very similar to the past expansions you got and that is not class stories no matter how much you want them to be. Read BW's post on this. They make sure to stay well clear of using class stories and mention choices will have a deeper meaning.


You're confusing to very different types of story telling. One that gamers have been wanting for years and one that gamers have said is not the same and never really asked for.


Excellent. I do not claim the sky is falling. I claim BW should know better than to rely to much on story and that I have a bad feeling about this one sided expansion.


We have gotten story and OPS for every expansion and some patches. This were looking really good after the disaster of launch and now they want to take a path that looks more risky than it needed to be.


Why does the word chillax bother you so much. Did someone hurt you in real life and chillax was some word they constantly used. It's seem rather silly to be so distraught by my usage of a simple word.


Also who says they won't add a new boss or two or new mechanics? Every time they've made hard modes of flashpoints without bonus bosses they've always thrown in an new optional bonus boss. Who says they won't do the same here? And believe it or not there are people who raid that love their strongholds, I'm one of them despite being casual, I still do raiding when I am able to. Not everyone however may have had the time to do said ops vs. others that could but now would be able to with increased player friendly and streamlined group content.


You're wrong about Makeb and SOR. Makeb wasn't about you. It was about Makeb going to hell in a handbasket that you just so happened to be asked to help out with. Shadow of Revan was about Revan and stopping his saturday morning cartoon self but doing a dumb and evil thing. Again not about you, except for the one side quest that referenced you specifically. KOTFE however is all about you, "You are the Outlander!" It doesn't mention anything more important than you. This is your personal story revolving around you and you waking up from being frozen in carbonite for several years and exploring what happened. Class stories have always been about you and this will be the same.


I'll leave this discussion at this as I feel we've exhausted all possible discussions regarding this and are going in circles now. Just have some faith and trust BW, that this new end game model will work out and if it doesn't I will personally message you "You were correct, I was wrong."

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Why does the word chillax bother you so much. Did someone hurt you in real life and chillax was some word they constantly used. It's seem rather silly to be so distraught by my usage of a simple word.


It doesn't. It's just the carrot on a stick that gets you to come back. I love to see your banter about it.


Also who says they won't add a new boss or two or new mechanics?


Wishful thinking plain and simple.


Every time they've made hard modes of flashpoints without bonus bosses they've always thrown in an new optional bonus boss. Who says they won't do the same here?


There not making anything new except the loot list. You'll get the same ole same ole stuff. You cannot be that delusional. You got some crazy wishful thinking going on there.


And believe it or not there are people who raid that love their strongholds, I'm one of them despite being casual, I still do raiding when I am able to. Not everyone however may have had the time to do said ops vs. others that could but now would be able to with increased player friendly and


This isn't a casual vs hardcore debate. IT's about relying to much on story and not putting anything new at end game. rehashed ops is not an interesting sell no matter how you spin it. It's shelf life isn't that good no matter the carrot you put at the end. Its way to old content.


All the botching about gamers want new story but God forbid gamers want new OPS as well.


streamlined group content.


Streamlined leveling. I don't think scaling end game content as old as that is streamlining anything and then you can skip all that if you want. Shows how much faith they have in all that streamlining. There end game is the same as any other company that tries to rehash old content. They don't want to do more. It's lazy.


You're wrong about Makeb and SOR. Makeb wasn't about you. It was about Makeb going to hell in a handbasket that you just so happened to be asked to help out with. Shadow of Revan was about Revan and stopping his saturday morning cartoon self but doing a dumb and evil thing. Again not about you, except for the one side quest that referenced you specifically.


and thats my point. They were ONE story for everyone. That no matter how much you or I like or dislike it. It was not the class stories people wanted.


KOTFE however is all about you, "You are the Outlander!" It doesn't mention anything more important than you. This is your personal story revolving around you and you waking up from being frozen in carbonite for several years and exploring what happened. Class stories have always been about you and this will be the same.


It is still a one story fits all approach. It is not an individual class story. While makeb and Sor had other things going on, FE will be the same but you will be the one that does the action, jus tlike FE. You are getting another singular story and is one size fits all. Every alt, every time you run it, same story with minor chances to it and companions depending on choice. Not class stories people requested.



'll leave this discussion at this as I feel we've exhausted all possible discussions regarding this and are going in circles now. Just have some faith and trust BW, that this new end game model will work out and if it doesn't I will personally message you "You were correct, I was wrong."


I don't put faith in a game company, much less one that makes a very similar mistake to one they already made.


I look forward it that PM.

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There is nothing streamlined about keep the same ops that are as old as they are and just adding a new loot list and putting them at max level. It's the same exact ops with a slight different carrot on a stick. That kind of stuff has a limited life cycle and rehashing it is not something that does well in MMO's. You would know if you are a long time MMO player.


This may be what you see out of the change, but based on what they have said, it is a much larger backend change than that. That may not make you happy now, or later for that matter but they would not undertake that change if it did not provide a positive ROI for the effort.

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The bottom line is, new story is great and all, but if they don't start outlining a timeline for new flashpoints, operations, and warzones this game will be dead by november.


define dead. Do you mean dead to you...then fair enough.

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define dead. Do you mean dead to you...then fair enough.


Dead to me. Dead to my guild. Dead to a lot of the people I play with. This is a diverse game population. You can't ignore a large part of it to favor another large part without suffering consequences.

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Nope. NOthing. Zilch. Nada.


Couple of relevant questions and answers from recent Cantina Tour Q&A earlier today:


Q: What's coming for PvP? Maps? A: No new environments or gameplay types that we can talk about.


Q: Any plans to revisit or add new areas to old planets? A: Cannot talk about at this time.


Q: Why so long b/w ops? A: Revamping ops and FPs now, will announce new stuff after.


Q: GSF?!!! A: every intention to add, but comes down to what the game needs more, like ground PvP.






No new Ops. No new FPs. Nothing new for PvP and boy if you are dumb enough to love GSF are you ever sith out of luck.


!!!!HOWEVER!!! Despite live dev of this MMO not including any relevant novel live devving of MMO elements in foreseeable future, there is light at the end of the tunnel. No..not a train. but dollar green glow of CM CRYSTALS!! Behold:

Q: Will there be more crystals in the Cartel Market? A: Yes there will always be more lightsaber crystals, can't verify trailer saber colors. Though it would be stupid of us not to.


Awesome. I hope they add a brown crystal.




Seriously, I just LOVE this gigantic middle finger of a combo:

Q: What's coming for PvP? Maps? A: No new environments or gameplay types that we can talk about.

Q: GSF?!!! A: every intention to add, but comes down to what the game needs more, like ground PvP.

Edited by GalacticStarfigh
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Dead to me. Dead to my guild. Dead to a lot of the people I play with. This is a diverse game population. You can't ignore a large part of it to favor another large part without suffering consequences.


Dead to you and the people you think you are speaking for. But hardly dead in a real sense. Lol. This is the same crap we have been hearing for years. Years. The game is dead. Long live the game!

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And yet the games not dead...????


I love this argument. Brilliant. So good. You are right. This game is a thriving example of excellence in gaming. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Hardcore players, casuals, everyone loves this game. It is perfect in every facet of the gaming universe.

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I love this argument. Brilliant. So good. You are right. This game is a thriving example of excellence in gaming. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Hardcore players, casuals, everyone loves this game. It is perfect in every facet of the gaming universe.


Well... the claim was made that if a certain subset of the customer base doesn't get what they want in October, the game will be dead in November. Based on history, this doesn't appear to be a likely course of events.


Now, that said, the game's not perfect in any way, not by any stretch of the imagination.


Stop trying to set up a false dichotomy between "doomed" and "perfect", and stop trying to put arguments in other people's mouths.

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