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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server Transfers - Name Purge


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In light of this gosh darn incredible news, please, please Bioware consider another name purge. I know there are a lot of abandoned characters taking up good names that could be purged out. This is especially an issue on larger servers, and it will be even more exacerbated by the mass transfers that are about to happen.
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As much as I'd like this (so I can get some names on my newly transferred server), this would be bad for those returning customers they are anticipating due to the movie and the expansion announcement.



Maybe a name purge around the new years.

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As much as I'd like this (so I can get some names on my newly transferred server), this would be bad for those returning customers they are anticipating due to the movie and the expansion announcement.



Maybe a name purge around the new years.


Subs should always have preference, since they continue to support the game. Good companies never ditch existing customer relationships in lieu of new customers.

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Subs should always have preference, since they continue to support the game. Good companies never ditch existing customer relationships in lieu of new customers.

What world do you inhabit? Businesses pursue new customers in preference to pleasing existing customere because existing customers are already customers and businesses know people suffer from a certain amount of inertia.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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The bigger question at hand...




How about a little more heads up? I literally JUST transferred a toon today (before the announcement) at the full cost of 1800 CC's...Do I get a refund for 1710 CC's? Or am I up the creek without a paddle?



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What world do you inhabit? Businesses pursue new customers in preference to pleasing existing customere because existing customers are already customers and businesses know people suffer from a certain amount of inertia.


So of-course there are plenty of businesses that operate just how you say, but there are other businesses that actually care about their customer base and they will nourish that relationship. A paying existing customer is worth a lot more than a non-existent potential customer.


I digress, maybe you missed the part of my post where I said "GOOD COMPANIES".

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The bigger question at hand...




How about a little more heads up? I literally JUST transferred a toon today (before the announcement) at the full cost of 1800 CC's...Do I get a refund for 1710 CC's? Or am I up the creek without a paddle?




Call customer service asking. Be calm, cool, collected and present your concern. They may be able to refund you the CC difference depending how long from transaction to promotional announcement.


Good luck. Cheers.

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So of-course there are plenty of businesses that operate just how you say, but there are other businesses that actually care about their customer base and they will nourish that relationship. A paying existing customer is worth a lot more than a non-existent potential customer.

Now you are changing your terms. Before you said "new customer." Now you use the term "non-existent potential customer." Well, I'm pretty sure no company seeks out "non-existent potential customers."


There's a reason companies' sales lines are toll-free and customer support lines may or may not be.

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Now you are changing your terms. Before you said "new customer." Now you use the term "non-existent potential customer." Well, I'm pretty sure no company seeks out "non-existent potential customers."


There's a reason companies' sales lines are toll-free and customer support lines may or may not be.


The terms are interchangeable. New customers are the same as potential customers. When a business is doing marketing for new (potential) customers, they should not do it at the expense of existing customers who have funded you to get to where are now (the business). The non-existent part is a reference by me to illuminate the fact that these customers don't exist (contribute $0 currently) for the company regardless of the potential to gain that customer, or not.


Good quality businesses recognize this, and go to great lengths to maintain and grow their customer base. Horrible companies that really don't give damn about existing customers (example Cox/charter) will constantly have to obtain new customers to buffer the high churn rate that they bring on themselves, because of the poor quality of relationships given to existing customers.

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I feel if the account is not active nor have any character as been played in over a year or 2 years any character up to level 50 should have the name freed up.


I would go as little as a year. And I would even add in if the character hasn't been logged into within the year.

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Or just fix the naming system to be more flexible. SWTOR has the most rigid naming system of just about anything I've played.


I honestly don't give a care if there's more than one Adrian or Andreus on my server. Just allow a space and a second capital letter.


Adrian Makaryk and Andreus Makaryk--yeah those can be unique. With the legacy surname displayed my characters already look like that but I know there are others who would want those first names.

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