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The Sith Twi'lek from "Sacrifice"


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I want to know more about her. Who is she, and why is she leading the Sith on Korriban? Is she a more recent Dark Council member? A Darth? A Lord?


I hope we get some background information and some stories on her as we get closer to Knights of the Fallen Empire!


PS, add her armor to the game!

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I want to know more about her. Who is she, and why is she leading the Sith on Korriban? Is she a more recent Dark Council member? A Darth? A Lord?


I hope we get some background information and some stories on her as we get closer to Knights of the Fallen Empire!


PS, add her armor to the game!


She died. We may get more info about her, but she's already meat.

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I want to know more about her. Who is she, and why is she leading the Sith on Korriban? Is she a more recent Dark Council member? A Darth? A Lord?


I hope we get some background information and some stories on her as we get closer to Knights of the Fallen Empire!


PS, add her armor to the game!


Isn't this the same OP from another thread? She's dead. I see little chance of ever seeing her in game before we are "iced".

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Isn't this the same OP from another thread? She's dead. I see little chance of ever seeing her in game before we are "iced".


Hard to know what we'll get before we're put in carbonite. She could be a key Sith player for whatever story they give us.


Uh, assuming they elect to give us one at all :p

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Yeah, we'll never know anything about the red twi'lek. Just like we never found out anything about the guy leading the Jedi, and his little droid, in the sacking of the Coruscant temple. Edited by tmwfte
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Yeah, we'll never know anything about the red twi'lek. Just like we never found out anything about the guy leading the Jedi, and his little droid, in the sacking of the Coruscant temple.



T7-01, the droid you are referring to from the trailer, is the Jedi Knights first companion.


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Yeah, we'll never know anything about the red twi'lek. Just like we never found out anything about the guy leading the Jedi, and his little droid, in the sacking of the Coruscant temple.


You being sarcastic? lmao.

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T7-01, the droid you are referring to from the trailer, is the Jedi Knights first companion.


...that was my point. We also know exactly who that Jedi fellow was.


So to say that we'll never know anything about the red twi'lek is a little...presumptuous.

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Yeah, we'll never know anything about the red twi'lek. Just like we never found out anything about the guy leading the Jedi, and his little droid, in the sacking of the Coruscant temple.


Ven Zallow was mentioned in a SWTOR novel. Unless you got information that they are releasing a book of how the Zakuul Empire trumped the Sith Empire and the Republic, you're not likely getting a name.

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Interestingly, her "commanding pose" reminded me a LOT of similar "commanding poses" of the Jedi Generals in the Clone Wars ...


Is this going to lead into a "SWTOR new movie linkz!" sort of thing?

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Don't even want know who that is. I find it extremely disgraceful for so many Sith to bow before a female alien who's primary function is to enertain her master and dancing on a pole. Like they do on Nar Shaddaa. No wonder they lost the battle of Korriban and she had her mouth ran through by Arcann's lightsaber.


On a different note:

During IGN interview, when they were talking about new companions they zoomed into her (just when they used the word "companions"), as if it was an indication that we'll see more of that character....


Oh! Also a random Sith who got only a few seconds of screen time during "Deceived" got a name and quite a good bit of recognition in the "Malgus" novel. And Ven Zallow... Doesn't the little droid tell us he's been during the temple raid and mentions Zallow directly?


Our characters will be hibernated for a significant amount of time, which will be long enough for great changes to occur in the Galaxy. And while they will be hibernated there will be a lot of room for new comics or novels and other stories set between Shadow of Revan and Knights of the Fallen Empire.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Don't even want know who that is. I find it extremely disgraceful for so many Sith to bow before a female alien who's primary function is to enertain her master and dancing on a pole. Like they do on Nar Shaddaa. No wonder they lost the battle of Korriban and she had her mouth ran through by Arcann's lightsaber.


On a different note:

During IGN interview, when they were talking about new companions they zoomed into her (just when they used the word "companions"), as if it was an indication that we'll see more of that character....


Oh! Also a random Sith who got only a few seconds of screen time during "Deceived" got a name and quite a good bit of recognition in the "Malgus" novel.


The Empire has changed: forced to adapt to an ever bolder enemy... Your retort against the evolving Sith paradigm leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and a confirmation of your ignorance *ignites lightsaber*. Ignorance, and the root of dissent must be cut away...




I see what you mean about the IGN commentary, though you may be looking into it a bit too much.

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The Empire has changed: forced to adapt to an ever bolder enemy... Your retort against the evolving Sith paradigm leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and a confirmation of your ignorance *ignites lightsaber*. Ignorance, and the root of dissent must be cut away...




I see what you mean about the IGN commentary, though you may be looking into it a bit too much.


Naaaah, I am not expecting much at all. But, as I said above, I predict some another SWTOR comic / timeline-style video / a novel featuring that character and events which happened during our hibernation.


My only expectations of SWTOR, by the way, are the traditional Jedi robes finally added.

Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Naaaah, I am not expecting much at all. But, as I said above, I predict some another SWTOR comic / timeline-style video / a novel featuring that character and events which happened during our hibernation.


My only expectations of SWTOR, by the way, are the traditional Jedi robes finally added.


Robes - Yes! (I doubt it. seeing as we're in war time, and if you look at ANY star wars novel, movie, show or game during war, the jedi are mostly armoured).


The webcomics (like we had for Darth Thanaton, for all you founders out there that may remember :p) would be kl. However, I think there may be a build up like we had with Forged Alliances for SoR. Whether or not they'll have her, I can't say; I hold on to the fact that she is probs some generic representation of a Lord of the Sith, or Dark Lord in battle.

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What says she's even Sith? For all we know, the Republic, having been wiped out itself, might be participating in a last stand on Korriban, or bolstering Korriban to avoid the last stand on Coruscant. As it seems very "end game" of the war, who knows exactly what their purpose and identities are, other than against the attacking onslaught?
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Isn't this the same OP from another thread? She's dead. I see little chance of ever seeing her in game before we are "iced".


I'd get used to seeing conversations about that red Twi'lek the coming months if I were you. :p

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I'd get used to seeing conversations about that red Twi'lek the coming months if I were you. :p


Beautiful Twi'leks are always popular, especially the ones with a Lightsaber =)

I bet there is a surge of Red Twi'lek Siths being made these days.

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