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SUPER conspiracy theory!


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Bear with me for a minute but something I have always thought was that they would link the new movies with this game at some point.


So here it goes:


Question one is, who is the blurry guy atop the dais in the "The Force Awakens"? (the new leader of the imperial remnant)


Question two is, if the new "immortal" emperor in the next ex pack is truly immortal then....



We know that at some point the Republic comes back to reconquer the galaxy or liberate it whatever. So what does a guy who can't die do with the time?

Whats to stop him from just laying low or in the shadows pulling strings till after Sidious/Vader conquer the galaxy and take over after they die. He's got all the time and patience to wait for his time again.


So what I am getting at is: the new leader of the empire in the Force Awakens is VALKORION!


There is your super conspiracy theory! And the commercial windfall tie in to bring in loads of new people after the movie plays. ;)

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Or maybe The Force Awakens Timeline is the future of another dimension.

And the future of what we are playing now is going too look totally different, because SWTOR is not official Disney cannon yet. This can still happen though.

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Bear with me for a minute but something I have always thought was that they would link the new movies with this game at some point.


So here it goes:


Question one is, who is the blurry guy atop the dais in the "The Force Awakens"? (the new leader of the imperial remnant)


Question two is, if the new "immortal" emperor in the next ex pack is truly immortal then....



We know that at some point the Republic comes back to reconquer the galaxy or liberate it whatever. So what does a guy who can't die do with the time?

Whats to stop him from just laying low or in the shadows pulling strings till after Sidious/Vader conquer the galaxy and take over after they die. He's got all the time and patience to wait for his time again.


So what I am getting at is: the new leader of the empire in the Force Awakens is VALKORION!


There is your super conspiracy theory! And the commercial windfall tie in to bring in loads of new people after the movie plays. ;)


Nope. The Empire (after the death of Sidious and Vader) basically splits up into smaller factions. The Majority of which are brought back together by Admiral Thrawn. The Empire doesn't really have any 'Sith' in command until Lumiya and Caedus.

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Or maybe The Force Awakens Timeline is the future of another dimension.

And the future of what we are playing now is going too look totally different, because SWTOR is not official Disney cannon yet. This can still happen though.


If that happens, Star Wars is heading for Nopesville for the fans that have been into it since the original triology. I doubt they'd mess with the timeline so much - they are already getting A LOT of resistance by scrapping the rule of two.

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Rule of Two in terms of the Bane story or the actual premise of the 'Rule of Two'?

As I'm pretty sure the latter is still canon via Prequels/Sacrifice in Clone Wars - Bane is even effectively made canon, though sadly the books aren't, god I love them.

Edited by LordTythion
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Nope. The Empire (after the death of Sidious and Vader) basically splits up into smaller factions. The Majority of which are brought back together by Admiral Thrawn. The Empire doesn't really have any 'Sith' in command until Lumiya and Caedus.


Isn't that non-cannon now?

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We have gotten a hint about the Force awakens leader that this character is "is risen from the dead", though not quite sure where the original quote is from. It is certainly possible they might sneak him into the universe's past. It does not mean canon ization entirely of TOR if they do a tie in, but, they could always draw on aspects of it, and pick what they want for canon status.
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You guys are kinda missing the point here about the motivation of my OP.


Disney owns everything Star Wars including this game. They have already made up their own idea of what is and what is not going to happen story wise. They are about to release 6 movies about Star Wars. As of right now this game IS the only thing going at the moment Star Wars related, besides Rebels. Tying this game into the new content coming out will give this game some legitimacy. And the point is not all about what is and what is not cannon. But economically how do we make the most money with the franchise we have. So tying this game into the new movie coming out just makes sense.


The conspiracy theory is just my brainstorming on HOW they may or may not tie them together. That is all hehe. ;)

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You guys are kinda missing the point here about the motivation of my OP.


Disney owns everything Star Wars including this game. They have already made up their own idea of what is and what is not going to happen story wise. They are about to release 6 movies about Star Wars. As of right now this game IS the only thing going at the moment Star Wars related, besides Rebels. Tying this game into the new content coming out will give this game some legitimacy. And the point is not all about what is and what is not cannon. But economically how do we make the most money with the franchise we have. So tying this game into the new movie coming out just makes sense.


The conspiracy theory is just my brainstorming on HOW they may or may not tie them together. That is all hehe. ;)


No, YOU'RE missing the point. This game is currently labelled as Legends therefore not cannon and can not be tied in to the movies.

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You guys are kinda missing the point here about the motivation of my OP.


Disney owns everything Star Wars including this game. They have already made up their own idea of what is and what is not going to happen story wise. They are about to release 6 movies about Star Wars. As of right now this game IS the only thing going at the moment Star Wars related, besides Rebels. Tying this game into the new content coming out will give this game some legitimacy. And the point is not all about what is and what is not cannon. But economically how do we make the most money with the franchise we have. So tying this game into the new movie coming out just makes sense.


The conspiracy theory is just my brainstorming on HOW they may or may not tie them together. That is all hehe. ;)


Actually, no. Disney does not own this IP. They own the Star Wars brand name. Bioware, and by extension, EA owns TOR. Disney is licensing them the right to slap the Star Wars name on the box. They may have some input as to what Bioware cannot include so that it doesn't mess up their timeline, but this is Biowares story, not Disney. A "tie in" to the movies probability is 0. Bioware always has and always will do their own story.

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Actually, no. Disney does not own this IP. They own the Star Wars brand name. Bioware, and by extension, EA owns TOR. Disney is licensing them the right to slap the Star Wars name on the box. They may have some input as to what Bioware cannot include so that it doesn't mess up their timeline, but this is Biowares story, not Disney. A "tie in" to the movies probability is 0. Bioware always has and always will do their own story.


You are quite right. Disney CAN tell Bioware what to put in SWTOR, but so far they have let them do what they want with the game. Disney was going to force Bioware to introduce lore-breaking items such as Vader's armor a while back, but they decided not to for some reason.

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You are quite right. Disney CAN tell Bioware what to put in SWTOR, but so far they have let them do what they want with the game. Disney was going to force Bioware to introduce lore-breaking items such as Vader's armor a while back, but they decided not to for some reason.


Yeah, no. I know rule number one of your posts. That's not how licensing agreements work. I know. I deal with them quite often.

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So you're saying that Bioware could go completely overboard and do something like make Asari playable?


What does that have to do with the price of rice in China? REgardless, the comment about Darth Vader armor was just magical bovine excrement you pulled out of your ***. That's literally never been said anywhere ever. Disney doesn't own Bioware or TOR. At all. EA does. The only thing that Bioware is probably required to do according to the terms of their agreement is check with some liaison that if they're going to go in the direction of some new character that they've invented, that it won't somehow interfere with any plans Disney has for their upcoming movies or associated media. Otherwise, Bioware has free reign to tell their story within the realm of the old republic timeline. Nothing Bioware is doing is canon, and so won't be showing up in the movies in any capacity, and vice versa. Disney will be happy to collect their royalty payments that will come from EA's published games. If Disney wanted anything to do with game development or control of the games, they would have simply made their own game studio and bought everything up from EA. They didn't. They gave EA an exclusive license to publish Star Wars games, because they have proven it can make money. Beyond that, there is no crossover between the 2. Disney will keep their stuff separate, and so will BW/EA.

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SWTOR as canon?


Although SWTOR was confirmed as not strictly canon at the Star Wars Celebration, the game has still attempted to play within the bounds. So we asked Backus how well this new story, with the new planet and original epic story, fits within current or former canon. Backus reminds that “it is and it is not” because SWTOR is set thousands of years before actual canon; he doesn’t believe the new story departs too far away from the sphere of canon. “We have a very good relationship with Lucasfilm,” he explained, “where we submit basically everything we want to do — be it character or stories or whatever — and they give us feedback on it. They keep us honest and they keep us on point.”


Backus also spoke about Lucasfilms’ Keeper of the Holocron, the existence of the small council that maintains the lore of all aspects of the Star Wars Universe, and how BioWare has a high level of communication with this group. “Everything we do is vetted; everything we do is absolutely on the up and up with Star Wars as far as lore and stuff.” An interesting fact that Backus shared is that Director J.J. Abrams watched the KotFE blur trailer because he had carte blanche to decide whether what the BioWare team was doing contradicted the story he was telling in any way. He also added that Lucasfilm could draw on any of what BioWare writes for future Star Wars things.


I just copied the important text for you all. The web site is massively OP. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=15&ved=0CD4QFjAEOAo&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmassivelyop.com%2F2015%2F06%2F22%2Fe3-2015-swtors-upcoming-expansion-builds-on-the-legacy-of-kotor%2F&ei=pXKPVczdBobp-AGy_76IBg&usg=AFQjCNHDpLT29FWZ3q3rZOYPjDGREIbRoQ&sig2=_9GJPmQB9HxXnAIQea8lxw&bvm=bv.96783405,d.cWw&cad=rja here's the link also.


Drops mic....

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I still find it interesting that J.J. Abrams had final say over the blur trailer. Makes me wonder what could possible be in it that would give something away in Force Awakens. Otherwise I see no reason he would need to have any say over the KotFE trailer given the difference of a few millennia between TOR and his movie.
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I still find it interesting that J.J. Abrams had final say over the blur trailer. Makes me wonder what could possible be in it that would give something away in Force Awakens. Otherwise I see no reason he would need to have any say over the KotFE trailer given the difference of a few millennia between TOR and his movie.


Ya that was way more involvement than even I thought!

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Isn't that non-cannon now?


For the umpteenth time, its spelled C-A-N-O-N.


Also LoL@topic


I still find it interesting that J.J. Abrams had final say over the blur trailer.


I'm sure blur is his new flare.


So you're saying that Bioware could go completely overboard and do something like make Asari playable?


If Revan story and Vitiate aren't 'overboard', I don't know what is. :p

Edited by Karkais
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