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Assassin or Sorcerer lore wise?


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Who is better fits Inquisitor story and his final position at the Dark Council? I suppose Assassin doesn't fits at all, assuming the story is all about ghostbusting, ancient rituals and powerful artifacts. :o It's shame that so stylish AC, with all this lightning blades and other cool stuff, has no place in TOR lore except for Vindican, who was so pathetic that I didn't want to mention him at all.
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Sorcerer. The Inquisitor's story is centered around gaining power through mystical Force rituals, which fits the image of a caster much more than a melee character. Additionally, the Inquisitor throws around a lot of lightning during cutscenes, which is another staple of the Sorcerer class.


There's nothing saying you can't be an Assassin, of course, but Sorcerer fits better in my opinion.

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Im playing a sith sorceror now and its really good fun.Most of the attacks have to do with force lightning but i like it.

Never played assassin but the story goes pretty well with my sorceror so far because they make use of lightning etc in the story cutscenes as well when unlocking tombs and stuff.

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Who is better fits Inquisitor story and his final position at the Dark Council? I suppose Assassin doesn't fits at all, assuming the story is all about ghostbusting, ancient rituals and powerful artifacts. :o It's shame that so stylish AC, with all this lightning blades and other cool stuff, has no place in TOR lore except for Vindican, who was so pathetic that I didn't want to mention him at all.


Lore-wise, I agree with the general consensus that the Sorcerer seems most appropriate for reasons already mentioned.


But if your primary interest is in playing the Assassin/Shadow class, I recommend Assassin over the Shadow because the companions and story are much better.

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As others have said, the story almost seems to assume that you're a Sorcerer, and seems to play on that, which makes suddenly wrecking something in melee as an Assassin a bit more satisfying.


Of course, while it does seem to focus on you being a Sorcerer, you're still an Inquisitor, and hunting something down, bringing its truths to full view and wiping from the face of the galaxy works just fine if you want to be an Assassin.

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All right, thanks for opinions, pals. :o


In order not to create another short thread, what do you think about Inquisitor wearing an imperial uniform? I mean, I freakin' love bad*** Clandestine Officer Set but I suppose it'll be look stupid.

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The game allows you to practically wear whatever you want.

But in my personal opinion I would have too say no, because it does not fit the class.

But I also don't like the gear from people out of KOTOR and ancient Sith, Jedi and Mandolorian history and of important npc's in SWTOR. Like Lana's and Theron's.

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Who is better fits Inquisitor story and his final position at the Dark Council? I suppose Assassin doesn't fits at all, assuming the story is all about ghostbusting, ancient rituals and powerful artifacts. :o It's shame that so stylish AC, with all this lightning blades and other cool stuff, has no place in TOR lore except for Vindican, who was so pathetic that I didn't want to mention him at all.



Protocol droid.

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