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Is SWTOR no longer part of the EU/"Legends"?


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That's odd. I was always under the influence the EU, despite its non canon status, made sure not to contradict itself, so the idea of KOTFE erasing the post-SWTOR events of the EU seems odd. At the moment I think SWTOR is still part of the EU. Also, why does SWTOR have to remain consistent with Disney Wars if they're two seperate continuities?

The old C-Canon EU (now Legends) did take pains to avoid contradicting itself, that's exactly what I was saying.


The change is that the new novels, books, and games that are now being considered part of the "Canon" are free to contradict the C-Canon / Legends stuff - that is to say: when the novel Dark Disciple came out, it was free to contradict the story told in the Republic comic books, the new Marvel comic book line is freely contradicting the A.C. Crispin Han Solo trilogy of novels, the movies will be contradicting... well, everything post-ROTJ, etc., etc., etc.


Before, any novels, comics, etc. had to stay consistent with the past 30 or so years of C-Canon EU works that had been released. But now, all the new works are considered part of the "Canon" that does not include the old EU stuff, so these new works are only required to stay consistent with the movies, the Clone Wars TV show, and any other books, comics, TV shows, and games that have been released since last April, and are thus also part of the new Canon (this does not count SWTOR or Star Wars: Legacy Vol. 2, which are both works that were 'grandfathered in' and released after the changeover, but are still part of the Legends continuity - not the Canon continuity. SWTOR and Legacy Vol 2 can also be contradicted by new works, same as all the other Legends stuff that had been released before last April.)


SWTOR is apparently still Legends, so it at least will probably stay consistent with all the relevant Legends stuff (same way the C-Canon stuff always used to) - strictly speaking it probably doesn't have to stay consistent with the new Canon, but I doubt they'll go out of their way to contradict anything from it. Just in terms of marketing, they'll probably want to cash in on the renewed interest the new movies generate.

Edited by DarthDymond
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The link between The Old Republic and the Skywalker era of Star Wars has always been paper thin at best. Other than the occasional crossover in the comics and books, TOR is, for all practical purposes, just an alternate reality.


Now I'm curious...what happened to Anakin's padawan, that she wasn't in the third movie?
Did you not watch the last season of Clone Wars?
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The link between The Old Republic and the Skywalker era of Star Wars has always been paper thin at best. Other than the occasional crossover in the comics and books, TOR is, for all practical purposes, just an alternate reality.


Did you not watch the last season of Clone Wars?


Nope. I missed most of the show in fact.

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-There was never any evidence Luke 'felt' anything beyond compassion for Mara when Zahn first wrote her. Zahn was not rushing her into a relationship. It was his eventual goal but they didn't start there. There was no reason Luke should have waited and neither consciously realized those feelings. He let go of Callista in Planet of Twilight. It was years before he connects with Mara and years after before he realizes what ever happened to Callista. Relationships are messy. Luke's is no different.


-Mara's deal with Lando wasn't a relationship. She was undercover with him looking for Jorj Cardas.


-Karen Traviss does not directly write Obi-Wan much. She mostly uses other characters like Kal who have direct biases to color their view of Jedi.


-The Jedi seek to capture, not kill as much as possible. Jaina didn't hold back, at all, even though it was her brother. So she did learn what she got from the Mandos. The most important thing she learned was NOT battle techniques. It was to let go and not show compassion or hesitate to go all the way.


- It's an established fact that the plans were broken up. One set had engineering, one had things like weapon emplacements and one was an updated set of the others. It took all of them to plan the attack. (Knowing where to hit doesn't help much if you get blown up for not knowing where the guns are protecting it.)


- Coruscant Knights came first. It was due to Disney that it was never given time to be retconned in. In fact (and this is a suspicion I'll admit) I suspect it was the first direct evidence someone on the inside was sabotaging the EU, specifically so people could claim it was contradictory. I don't count Ahsoka padawan of Anakin thing because whatever is 'implied' there is no direct comment anywhere saying he never had one.


- The war WAS with clones. They overpowered and the war named after them. However there WERE cloned crazed Jedi as well as cloned Morgukai Niktos on the Separatist side, part of an experiment (comics) the Jedi clone experiments were shown in Skyewalkers


Travis has directly wrote Obi Wan a few times. She has stepped on Jaina's character as well. Such as when she went to train they insulted her family and she said nothing. This isn't how Jaina would normally act no matter who it was and to say what she learned was to "Not hold back." when she was learning their "Hand to hand" techniques isn't very accurate either since Jedi know not to hold back against certain adversaries. Plus the fact that she went to the mandalorians (who weren't shown as being able to take on Jacen) versus Luke Skywalker (who has defeated Jacen) is kind of ridiculous.


As much as I agree with you that there's less contradictions than people think we're talking about Karen Traviss. Who claimed people (out of universe. Actual people.) who liked the Jedi's aren't much better than Nazis and openly admitted that she never read a star wars book outside of the ones she herself wrote. Yeah.. no we're not going to defend that.


She wrote a few good books don't get me wrong but when she touched anything Jedi it made me want to gag.

Edited by Rhyltran
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As much as I agree with you that there's less contradictions than people think we're talking about Karen Traviss. Who claimed people (out of universe. Actual people.) who liked the Jedi's aren't much better than Nazis and openly admitted that she never read a star wars book outside of the ones she herself wrote. Yeah.. no we're not going to defend that.


Oh, I had no idea about that.

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