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<Organized Chaos> is looking for endgamers


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Calling all endgame raiders:


<Organized Chaos> is a pub side guild on Bergeren Colony that is actively recruiting players that have a dedicated interest in clearing all tiers of operations both new and old. We organize group content almost every night of the week, and have an active Teamspeak channel. Also almost all our members are part of the OC Facebook page and organize events on there as well.


Raiding: Currently we have 2 8 man progression teams and 1 16 man progression team. In addition to progression we organize story mode runs of Ravagers/ToS that include pugs from the fleet. Even if they don’t join our guild we believe the more people that know mechanics on server the better so we are willing to teach providing people are willing to listen (in teamspeak). Usually once a week or so we go get titles and vanity items from the 50-55 NiM content.


Current roles need to fill: Prog 1: 1 ranged dps or healer. Prog 2: 2 ranged dps or 1 rDPS 1 heal.

16m Prog: rDPS…. numerous. Prog 1 and 16m prog both start at 6pm server and run till 10pm. Prog 2 starts at 6:30p, and stops at 8:30pm.


PvP: We does the PvPehs and what not. We do not at this time have a dedicated group ranked team, but many of our members form up from time to time for ranked. We have groups that like to run warzones together pretty often if you like to supplement your SW:TOR experience with PvP.


In game contacts:Xillin, Jake(Cydannis), Zigera, Camels. Too many alts but yell and someone probably knows one of us. Also /who Organized Chaos and whisper someone if you have questions they will get one of us.


GM: Xillin


Website: http://www.ocsw.enjin.com


Come be a scrub with me,


Edited by jakefiresky
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