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Jedi Knight Leveling spec?

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Hello, In light of the new expansion being revealed which has persuaded me to level a jedi knight , what is the best leveling spec for me to go down , guardian or sentinel , i would much rather prefer to go guardian cause i like having 1 lightsaber , if so then whats the best spec for a guardian to level as.
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Hello, In light of the new expansion being revealed which has persuaded me to level a jedi knight , what is the best leveling spec for me to go down , guardian or sentinel , i would much rather prefer to go guardian cause i like having 1 lightsaber , if so then whats the best spec for a guardian to level as.

I leveled my juggernaut as rage DPS, because I wanted to be more versatile than just DPS, which is all a marauder can do. As jug I can tank, too. With Treek as companion we were a wrecking ball of Ewok and Twi'lek.


Not sure what the equivalent on JK is.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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Honestly you can level as anything. It's not that hard. If you want to only have one lightsaber, you have to choose Guardian. But really, you'll be fine.


Also, 'spec' refers to the three different 'trees' for the Advanced Class. You can change your spec at will by going to the fleet or purchasing the Field Respecialization Legacy unlock.


Guardian and Sentinel are Advanced Classes for Jedi Knight. Once you pick an Advanced Class, you cannot change it.

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