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Um... Whats with the carbonite thing?


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Guys what is going on with the KOTFE and saying our characters are going to be carbonited? And is this new story have Vitiate in it? Was the bearded dude in da trailer vitiate? Cause if he be wanting to eat all life in da galaxy and bringing back and old empire those two dont mix #bruh
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Guys what is going on with the KOTFE and saying our characters are going to be carbonited? And is this new story have Vitiate in it? Was the bearded dude in da trailer vitiate? Cause if he be wanting to eat all life in da galaxy and bringing back and old empire those two dont mix #bruh


I doubt your characters are frozen willingly; they might be, depending on if there are class specific scenarios. My thoughts on the matter are this:


We have a few months until release. With that in mind, there is time for build up patches (like we had with SoR). I can therefore, only assume that after fighting this new enemy through a patch, the expac is released and our first missions in Chapter 1 is to invade some Zakuul stronghold. Turns out it was a trap and we are frozen (captured). We are then released by one of the new character cast or an old companion - probably your first (main) like Khem Val, Corso etc.


However, a theory I've seen being tossed around the forum is (in relation to Darth Nox anyway) is that you are frozen by your allies to be thawed out later and be in a better position to lead your alliance against this new enemy. I would assume that, if this is the case, your main companion goes into hiding with your body and releases you at a pre-determined date.

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I doubt your characters are frozen willingly; they might be, depending on if there are class specific scenarios. My thoughts on the matter are this:


We have a few months until release. With that in mind, there is time for build up patches (like we had with SoR). I can therefore, only assume that after fighting this new enemy through a patch, the expac is released and our first missions in Chapter 1 is to invade some Zakuul stronghold. Turns out it was a trap and we are frozen (captured). We are then released by one of the new character cast or an old companion - probably your first (main) like Khem Val, Corso etc.


However, a theory I've seen being tossed around the forum is (in relation to Darth Nox anyway) is that you are frozen by your allies to be thawed out later and be in a better position to lead your alliance against this new enemy. I would assume that, if this is the case, your main companion goes into hiding with your body and releases you at a pre-determined date.


That sounds dark and depressing and it sounds like they are trying to drag out the Emperor story because bioware has OCD and doesnt wanna end the game at an uneven number AKA lvl 65 lol.

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Who knows when the Emperor story will end? He does mention (on Ziost) something that could refer to this new threat, seeing as he feeds on death etc. And by the looks of it The Empire of Zakuul curbstomps the Empire and Republic.


I can kinda see how you would say its depressing, but war is hell :p. However, I think this is an exiting new twist. We can speculate and get depressed or jump on the Hype train all we want; fact is that we cannot bank on anything until the expac is released.

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It is entirely possible that the Emperor in the expansion is a reincarnated version of the former emperor. Taking from what he said on Ziost he is done with the whole consume all life in the galaxy and has already achieved immortality. Now he has other plans
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It is entirely possible that the Emperor in the expansion is a reincarnated version of the former emperor. Taking from what he said on Ziost he is done with the whole consume all life in the galaxy and has already achieved immortality. Now he has other plans


This, my initial assumption was that this new Emperor was just another Voice. The way the Empire and Republic rallied against him, he must have thought he needed help to squish them. Enter the Zakuul Empire. By the sounds of Valkorian's character sheet, along the lines of "I've built the Empire of Zakuul to surmount all my previous works." sounds very much like Vitiate. Also, "You can have power... If you would only kneel" another Vitiate -esk line. We can only wait it out and see.

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Also, "You can have power... If you would only kneel" another Vitiate -esk line. We can only wait it out and see.


I personally don't find that line Vitiate-like. I mean, on Ziost, he talked that to our character as if he were talking to an angry child hopelessly flailing to stop him. And never does he offer power to the player, only a chance to live long enough to see his plans come to a successful end.

I have no doubt that Vitiate accounted for the Zakuul Empire in his plans, but I somehow think he doesn't lead them proper, he just profits from the chaos and death (If he isn't killed before they attack. That might be what happens: Vitiate dies and in one last sucker punch he weakens the Republic and Empire enough for Valkorion and his sons to move in and defeat them.)

Although I'll admit that the line about surpassing his previous tends to lend credit to your theory. Let's wais and see, shall we?

Edited by Leklor
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I personally don't find that line Vitiate-like. I mean, on Ziost, he talked that to our character as if he were talking to an angry child hopelessly flailing to stop him. And never does he offer power to the player, only a chance to live long enough to see his plans come to a successful end.

I have no doubt that Vitiate accounted for the Zakuul Empire in his plans, but I somehow think he doesn't lead them proper, he just profits from the chaos and death (If he isn't killed before they attack. That might be what happens: Vitiate dies and in one last sucker punch he weakens the Republic and Empire enough for Valkorion and his sons to move in and defeat them.)

Although I'll admit that the line about surpassing his previous tends to lend credit to your theory. Let's wais and see, shall we?


I concede your point; but yeah, need to wait and see. I've enjoyed the story so far. However, people are complaining about this carbonite thing, tbh it has me intrigued: Kind of a messiah complex thing going on I guess, a devastated Galaxy once again plays host to a powerful figure from times gone by - (I'm a Darth Nox man all the way, so I have a particular theme of approach in my head).

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I don't mind the carbonite thing, my concern is that they wake up after a huge amount of time as passed, like 10 or more years, which would be horrible. Some of the companions could be dead by then, and some LIs could be really old by then. It would be completely heartbreaking (for me) to have a favorite LI's relationship die because they were gone for years. Up to five years would be okay, I think. Any further than that, and I don't really see how anything could work past that, honestly. By then, all the companions would have fully moved on, period. It would be like a literal ghost walking out of the past.


Also I feel weird about recruiting companions from other classes, I really do. I don't see how I could recruit someone from, say, a Smuggler storyline, to be with a Sith Warrior. There's no history there. Why would they go with someone they have absolutely no history with? The one exception might be with Vette and Risha, who have a history together as revealed from their companion storylines, or Jaesa and Ashara, who, if Jaesa is light sided, wanted to accomplish the same goals together.

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I'd laugh if BW went out of their way to make sure your love interest was with someone else when you thawed. Like they proper LOVE this other person.


I'd laugh, then ignite my lightsaber, then laugh some more as I swung it around in crowded room.

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I'd laugh if BW went out of their way to make sure your love interest was with someone else when you thawed. Like they proper LOVE this other person.


I'd laugh, then ignite my lightsaber, then laugh some more as I swung it around in crowded room.

That would just be completely MEAN if they did that, but to be honest I've had the same thought. At which point I would probably do something similar.


I honestly don't think BioWare would do that, though. It would be quite a bad idea, and I think they know that. They have to be fully aware of how important the companion relationships are to a lot (dare I say most) players, so I'm fairly certain that they would know not to do anything that would really tick off a large amount of players. I could see maybe a romance seeing a new person, but I don't think BioWare would make it a legitimate love triangle. Our hero(ine)(s) don't have time for that nonsense!


Since this is a huge, major expansion and really shakes things up, I don't think it would be wise of them to do something that drastic in the game, and I think it's the main reason why the frozen-thing would only be over a period of maybe 2-3 years. That's long enough for someone to really get used to the idea that someone else is dead, but for most people, not enough time to really move on from that kind of loss, especially the loss of a romantic partner.

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