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Spectator Option


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I still like this idea, would be neat. Voice chat might be an issue for dirty cheaters so would need a delay or something.



Maybe POT5 could get a screen by the fleet box with channels for watching other servers:rak_02:

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I would be 1000% in favor of this. Being an average PvP'er at best, I'd love to see live matches and learn from what I see. It could be compared to football players watching footage before playing their next team. I know you can watch streams and/or Youtube, but there's something about live action that piques my interest.


Maybe POT5 could get a screen by the fleet box with channels for watching other servers:rak_02:


As a PoT5 resident, this made me lol...and it's not a bad idea tbh :)

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I like the idea of spectator mode as someone who doesn't participate in PvP much (I always feel so lost and helpless, even when my stats are good). I'd like to get a better idea of the maps and strategies used at a remove so I will feel more confident queuing
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We can watch the last few matches finished (not live) on big screens on the fleet (or even better spectator screens for guildships!), Giradda could organize underworld betting system for matches (especially for huttball league matches ;) )
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I'd love this, personally. There are plenty of times when you can't be playing a wz (say if you're eating) and it would be nice to be able to watch people play. Also it's great being able to watch ranked games (or normals) on Twitch and Youtube, seeing the best players in the game at work. It's fun and you can learn from it.


As for the comment about streamers not liking it, I don't think they would mind at all. DailyPvP got lots of his viewers from commentating on Ranked 8v8 games back in the day. Having a built in spectator mode would give people more choice on who to watch/commentate on. Also it wouldn't take away from most streams, as a big part of streams is listening to the streamer talk. People don't just watch Snave for his gameplay, for example.


Anything that gets more people to watch PvP is a good thing in my view. SWTOR still only attracts very small numbers on YouTube and Twitch compared to other games unfortunately.

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