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Why does cybernetics = dark side?


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I see it again and again, and the new expansion trailer is just another example. There are tons of Sith in game with cybernetic faces, eyes, masks, breather apparatuses, etc. Are there any Jedi with these things? I can't think of any, unless you count Luke's hand. Are Sith just more clumsy and reckless in combat? :rolleyes: Is there something about the light side healing of the Jedi that can preserve limbs and flesh whereas the dark relies on machines?
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Anakin and Rosh had cybernetic arms and they were Jedi, till Anakin turned over. But yeah Sith are more headstrong, leaping into combat whereas Jedi are more reserved and don't just jump right into combat unless the situation calls for it. The Sith get drunk with power, thinking they are unstoppable which can cause them to do reckless things that get them maimed and have to have cybernetics as a result. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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They're more eager for combat, will see more battles, etc, there are also some sith that resort to cybernetics to grow stronger and enhance themselves. On a more symbolic level, it represents them being less and less human as they augment themselves, a large part of Vaders symbology, being more machine than man.
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They're more eager for combat, will see more battles, etc, there are also some sith that resort to cybernetics to grow stronger and enhance themselves. On a more symbolic level, it represents them being less and less human as they augment themselves, a large part of Vaders symbology, being more machine than man.


One could argue that it's a large part of Arkann's, also.

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Also remember that according to lore, the healing arts are much greater on light side; head trauma, comas, some (but not all) mortal wounds. Any healing on the dark side comes from the suffering of others. And it usually only does minor things; ie curing poison, fatigue etc. In the Darth Bane series, Bane cures himself of a lethal toxin by killing a small family and feeding on their dread. Loss of limbs I think is universally hopeless on either side. But a lot of it is because the Dark Side takes a heavy toll on the mortal body, therefore requiring 3rd party help. Edited by Nelfrey
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Actually, I remember reading something about this very early in the game's production, in the early designs of the Sith Warrior. There was a comparison between the Inquisitor and the Warrior, and the former was described as elegant and visually impressive, with the long robes and double-bladed lightsaber. On the other hand, the Warrior was meant to look equally terrifying without wasting any time on symbolism or symmetry. That idea evolved into metallic armor and dual-wielding sabers for brutal efficiency... and then there were the cybernetics. The idea that a Sith would request his or her limbs to be replaced with metal ones was to emphasize where the power of the Dark Side lies. The sheer pain and hatred from being more machine than man would drive the Warrior to victory.




Edited by Anysao
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The sheer pain and hatred from being more machine than man would drive the Warrior to victory.





Exactly. The pain and hatred alone would fuel their strength in the Dark Side. Vader's hatred was another reason he was able to survive the surgery and new implants. The in-game heal called "Channel Hatred" wasn't pulled out of a hat.

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Well I remember, in 'Shadow of the Empire', there's a note where Vader tries to heal himself but the inner peace needed to do such a thing messed with his dark side mojo, so he was stuck in the suit.


Also I want to use "DarkSideMojo" as a username for something

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Also remember that according to lore, the healing arts are much greater on light side; head trauma, comas, some (but not all) mortal wounds. Any healing on the dark side comes from the suffering of others. And it usually only does minor things; ie curing poison, fatigue etc. In the Darth Bane series, Bane cures himself of a lethal toxin by killing a small family and feeding on their dread. Loss of limbs I think is universally hopeless on either side. But a lot of it is because the Dark Side takes a heavy toll on the mortal body, therefore requiring 3rd party help.


He doesn't CURE himself, he merely dulls the effects until he finds the healer - whose daughter he dangles over a boiling pot to make him help.

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He doesn't CURE himself, he merely dulls the effects until he finds the healer - whose daughter he dangles over a boiling pot to make him help.


You are correct sir. It has been a while since I read the series. Time for a nostalgic re-read I suppose...

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I'm astonished that you didn't list this yet :


There is an very strong symbolism in adding cybernetics as well :


Cybernetics = losing humanity.


Most notably in General Grievous : There is barely anything left of the original person in that.


In part, you can also see it with Anakin Skywalker : The more cybernetics he hzad, the more he lost parts of his Humanity ... Very notable in THe Clone Wars, in which he drifted more and more to the Dark Side ... Until very little of Humanity was left in him in the end.


Anakin Skywalker regained his Humaniity through his son - listen closely to both talking with each other on the moon of Endor !


Later, Anakin regains Humanity by destroying what had turned him to the dark side - AND allowing himself to be seen as an fully Human being by his son again ! Afterwards.


Even more important : Anakin Skywalker consciously GAVE UP his cybernetics ! He knew, that if he took off his mask on board of the Death Star II , this would be certain death for him. Yet he consciuously decided to do so, because he wanted himself to be seen in his Humanity again. Sad that his daughter could not see him - apart from that brief showing of the three masters on Endor later ... during the feast ... ;)


There's SO MUCH symbolism in Cybernetics in Star Wars ... Although only in the movies ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Consider the Emperor.

A pool of Dark Side, and of course, the best representant of what Sith is, yet, not a single cybernetic augment on him.

Symbology is surely a reason for cybernetics, but thats behind the scenes.


All good reasons:


- They crave for battle, so some see more of it than Jedi.

- They feed on pride, so they often jump overconfident.

- Lust for power surpass any respect for the original body.

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Healing is just more of a Light side thing.


From Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil:

"The Jedi could draw upon the light side to heal injury and disease. But the dark side was a weapon; the sick and frail did not deserve to be cured. Only the strong were worthy of survival."


So Sith utilized cybernetics instead, as these did not rely on healing the limb, rather, replacing it with something stronger.


You see Darth Vader on a stretcher in Revenge of the Sith, it shows him in tremendous pain, and the machines simply operating on him, presumably without any anaesthesia. His hatred is what kept him alive.

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