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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fallen Empire effect on World PvP?


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I know there is not much info out yet, but does anyone have an idea as to what their plans for this are? What I have found seems to indicate that instead of a third faction being implemented, we might be reduced down to one faction and have a "common enemy" storyline going on. Regardless of my opinion on this matter, I am curious if anyone knows whether or not this will eliminate what is left of open world PvP? It may be sporadic, but the last month or so has really brought a spike of players on worlds while questing and is exactly why I (or any of us who have, I imagine) chose to play on a PvP server. These moments are some of the best experiences I have had while playing the game, and would really hate to see this get lost - almost as much as I would hate losing my character names with a server merge.


Does anyone know if this is really their solution to long queue times, and if so is this trading one bad deal for another?

Edited by TitusOfTides
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Could it be possible that if there were some method to control world pvp by preventing singular mass hotspots, (different incentives/rewards for participation in different areas partnered with timed events perhaps) it might work better than previous concepts?
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I have the same worry.


I have been faithful to SWTOR till now, for 2 reasons:

Fantastic storylines, made with care. And a good World PvP system, which permited me to play Jedi and Sith.


I consider the stories finished. Because the last expansions were good, but short. And the new one, seems absolutely artificial, imo.

So i am just waiting for news about whats coming for PvP. If nothing is coming, or worse, more is taken from us, i wont have any reason to continue playing.


I want them to be completely clear about PvP.

Edited by leonlotus
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