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Fallen Empire and Implications on Current Raiding


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The implication is this a story based game and everyone who plays for the 'elder game' is a doof.


Once again the community thanks you for adding absolutely nothing to the discussion, positive or negative, and for trolling at every possible opportunity. Stop posting, thanks.

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We can and will have both. This stuff goes in cycles. They are focusing on story now but just like before, they will come back to End Game and or pvp and expand strongholds etc.


Don't let the fear mongering get to you.


And for those that need a link as proof. Here you go: http://www.polygon.com/2015/6/15/8736559/star-wars-old-republic-knights-of-the-fallen-empire-expansion


"We can look at this stuff and say, 'look, if you want to go and play the standard MMO game — PvP, doing a flashpoint, operation raiding — we have that. We've always had that. We continue to expand on that. But we also heard, loud and clear, this scream for story, for personal custom story."


sorry Raf, your pleasantly naïve to say the least. Story, yes we're getting that. Every single thing else in the game is getting backburnered tlll spring 2016... everybody has to determine if that fits with their game plan or not.

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Once again the community thanks you for adding absolutely nothing to the discussion, positive or negative, and for trolling at every possible opportunity. Stop posting, thanks.


Denial is more than a river in Egypt, pal.

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sorry Raf, your pleasantly naïve to say the least. Story, yes we're getting that. Every single thing else in the game is getting backburnered tlll spring 2016... everybody has to determine if that fits with their game plan or not.


Thanks Nostradmaus

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Why are you even here if all you do is troll about how Bioware should only support one playstyle?


Because it's not trolling if it's true?


There are dozens, HUNDREDS of other MMOs where the only purpose to leveling up, the only purpose to doing anything, is to get to the endgame.


Golly gee, mister, I guess we can't have our one story-based MMORPG.

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Denial is more than a river in Egypt, pal.


Your a joke man. Only one aspect of the game is getting supported by Jan 1st 2016... that's single player story. GSF, Conquests, OPS and PVP are getting backburnerned as far as new content is concerned till spring of 2016+.... don't believe me, then read the IGN interviews with head producer jeff hickman and that McClean guy. As a parting prize, they are going to re-tune the old FPS and OPS to lvl 65.... you know, the stuff you've already run 600000000 times..... have a nice day.

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Because it's not trolling if it's true?


There are dozens, HUNDREDS of other MMOs where the only purpose to leveling up, the only purpose to doing anything, is to get to the endgame.


Golly gee, mister, I guess we can't have our one story-based MMORPG.


No one is saying they shouldn't do story? They should do both story and end game content. They already have everything in place and the raids are very good quality IMO, we just need more.

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Your a joke man. Only one aspect of the game is getting supported by Jan 1st 2016... that's single player story. GSF, Conquests, OPS and PVP are getting backburnerned as far as new content is concerned till spring of 2016+.... don't believe me, then read the IGN interviews with head producer jeff hickman and that McClean guy. As a parting prize, they are going to re-tune the old FPS and OPS to lvl 65.... you know, the stuff you've already run 600000000 times..... have a nice day.


Yes, and I am in support of this?

Is my position unclear?

Wait, sorry, I'm a troll, nevermind. I'll just head back to my bridge, continue your complaining, I won't say anything.



No one is saying they shouldn't do story? They should do both story and end game content. They already have everything in place and the raids are very good quality IMO, we just need more.


Would be nice, but as people like to say around here, Bioware is lazy or whatever.

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Actually no it doesn't. At most it states that we probably aren't going to get any new ops until mid to late winter. Which is what Milas from <Zorz> said in his <Zorz> is quitting podcast. Specifically that he had an email from BW that there would be no new ops until the winter, and he posted the email as proof.

I listened to the podcast, but i dont remember any e-mail stating what you described. I think he specifically said they had no idea when new ops will be released?


But anyway, just look at what they revealed. There will be 16 story chapters in KotFE in total, 9 will be released in October and the rest on a montly basis beginning in early 2016. This means we are looking on 7 months of stroy updates which gets us to July 2016.

So Hickamnn said no endgame content 'this year', but it effectivley means no endgame content before q3 2016.



Now for those of us who are serious raiders, that is simply a broken endgame.

Uhm no? With 3.0 things were like they have always been. The old ops are a thing of the past and dont matter anymore for progession. We had two raids to get equiped, the gear grind was actually much easier than before, since we had BIS enhancements from random drops and reliable drop rates for Implants/Relis/Earpieces.


Then came Monolith and changed things a little. Zorz quit over it (well in part), but its actually not that bad. It only drops a 204 Mainhand which can only be used as a mainhand. Meaning you cant switch Mods and Enhancements to another set piece, so you can equip your raid rather fast.


I can only run a Ravagers so many times and have it be fun. There needed to be a change.

Yes, there need to be new ops. We had to run DF/DP for too long before too and it stopped being fun way before 3.0 launched.

The answer however is not to rescale old content. I finished EV/KP and Denova years ago. Nightmare Timerun and all when it was still relevant. I'm still sick of Asation (it only got rescaled once) and S&V is done as well.

Why should i want to go back? Rescaled content you beat ages ago is not fun. Its actually more entertaining to run it for the lols on the current difficulty.


If they simply released 2 more ops, now lvl 65 and did not scaling of old ops, we would have the same sort of broken endgame content that has driven serious raiders from the game, it is the reason <Zorz> quit after all.

If they simply release 2 more ops all would be well. Gear progression is not broken, even with Monotlih.

The issue here is not guilds like Zorz quitting. This is about the hole raiding community. The players who are on fleet day after day , paying subs for years on end keeping servers busy.

If you think they will stay around if there is no new op content for a year, you havent been paying attention to what happened after launch.

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Thanks Nostradmaus


Sorry to butt in, but you really are in denial. It is quite obvious that story solo mode is the main focus for the next 9 months, while tweaking the pre-expansion content to keep as much of the playerbase as possible until launching the new MMO content. What I am unsure of is if the new expansion will be staying as the platform for the new game(engine), or it will be yet another separate launch. Should be the former. I really don't see what the whining is about though. A fresh start is much needed, the engine is archaic, why do you - or anybody - expect BW and EA to pour money into something that has to be dumped anyway? You will all get what you want in the end, it will take some time though, and we all got a bone to chew on until all the tiles fall into place

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IBut anyway, just look at what they revealed. There will be 16 story chapters in KotFE in total, 9 will be released in October and the rest on a montly basis beginning in early 2016. This means we are looking on 7 months of stroy updates which gets us to July 2016.

So Hickamnn said no endgame content 'this year', but it effectivley means no endgame content before q3 2016..


That is still a huge assumption on your part. Nowhere did they say that the current story arc would have to run its course before there would be more ops or fps. They simply said that right now(i.e. the run up to launch) that they were focusing primarily on story, and that we wouldn't see new ops this year. That doesn't mean that there won't be new ops in Jan, Feb or Mar(Q1 2016).




Uhm no? With 3.0 things were like they have always been. The old ops are a thing of the past and dont matter anymore for progession. We had two raids to get equiped, the gear grind was actually much easier than before, since we had BIS enhancements from random drops and reliable drop rates for Implants/Relis/Earpieces.

Um no. At least as of 2.6 you hit lvl 55 with a set of 156 gear picked up from Oricon. Which made you ops ready. Then you had, quoting Dulfy's loot table here, four ops in which you could pick up BIS Arkanian pieces with the reliable drop rates that you claim only existed in 3.0, namely TFB, SNV, DF. and DP. Three ops for Underworld gear TFB HM, SNV HM, DF HM. Ect... You were never stuck with just 2 ops to grind repeatedly.


Then came Monolith and changed things a little. Zorz quit over it (well in part), but its actually not that bad. It only drops a 204 Mainhand which can only be used as a mainhand. Meaning you cant switch Mods and Enhancements to another set piece, so you can equip your raid rather fast.

Um no. Just no. Monolith isn't why Zorz quit. Let's talk about speed for equipping a raid. I had heard that you could pull the mods and put them in other bits of gear, but I wouldn't know b/c it took me 21 runs at Monolith before it finally dropped a piece usable by my class. As grindy as Rav and TOS were... it was nothing as bad as Monolith. If my ops team all wanted 198 MHs we needed only kill HM Revan 8 times. The RNG nature of the Monolith piece can quite literally screw you over.



Yes, there need to be new ops. We had to run DF/DP for too long before too and it stopped being fun way before 3.0 launched.

The only need to hard grind DF/DP was if you wanted the 186 gear from NiM. Otherwise all the other ops dropped the gear(again see Dulfy's loot table).


The answer however is not to rescale old content. I finished EV/KP and Denova years ago. Nightmare Timerun and all when it was still relevant. I'm still sick of Asation (it only got rescaled once) and S&V is done as well.

Why should i want to go back? Rescaled content you beat ages ago is not fun. Its actually more entertaining to run it for the lols on the current difficulty.


Here you and I fundamentally disagree. Most of the hardcore raiders that I know simply want diverse challenging content. They don't want to be locked into only 2ops that are at all difficult, HM RAv and HM TOS. They want more diversity. Simply releasing 2 more ops at the new lvl cap isn't going to accomplish that


If they simply release 2 more ops all would be well. Gear progression is not broken, even with Monotlih.

The issue here is not guilds like Zorz quitting. This is about the hole raiding community. The players who are on fleet day after day , paying subs for years on end keeping servers busy.

If you think they will stay around if there is no new op content for a year, you havent been paying attention to what happened after launch.

2 OPs isn't endgame content. Again the very reason that Zorz, and many other like them quit. As a hardcore raider(someone who will gladly do 2-4 ops a day) I personally like this new direction. I hope that when they next release ops, which by all indications will probably be in the first or second quarter at the latest that they will release at least 4. The continuation/conclusion to the Ravagers Story line, The continuation of the Vitiate Story line, and 2 Storylines that go along with the new material.

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That is still a huge assumption on your part. Nowhere did they say that the current story arc would have to run its course before there would be more ops or fps. They simply said that right now(i.e. the run up to launch) that they were focusing primarily on story, and that we wouldn't see new ops this year. That doesn't mean that there won't be new ops in Jan, Feb or Mar(Q1 2016).

We wont get new endgame content Q1 2016 since they will be releasing story chapters x through XII then.


They dont even have to say it, their ressources are finite.

Consider what they are working on atm:

New Class Story. KotFE will go form a 12 week content cycle to 4 weeks.

New worlds to explore.

New level cap with new abilities for each class.

New companions.

Rescaling old operations/flashpoints.

Revamp of crafting.



They will literally work to the very last minute on this before it goes live in October.

Then they focus on the story chapters they need to launch in early 2016.

After this they close down for the holidays (two weeks if the last years are an indication).

At best they start working on new endgame content in the beginning of 2016. Producing Operations does take time, you cant haul it out within a month or two. Q3 2016, after the story chapters are done is a much more realistic outlook.


If we would get new operations in Q1 2016 they would need to start developing them now. This is just impossible with all the other stuff they are working on. Their teams are not that big. KotFE as is will already stretch them to the limit.


Um no. At least as of 2.6 you hit lvl 55 with a set of 156 gear picked up from Oricon. Which made you ops ready. Then you had, quoting Dulfy's loot table here, four ops in which you could pick up BIS Arkanian pieces with the reliable drop rates that you claim only existed in 3.0, namely TFB, SNV, DF. and DP. Three ops for Underworld gear TFB HM, SNV HM, DF HM. Ect... You were never stuck with just 2 ops to grind repeatedly.

You dont understand progession. How a new player farms the gear neccessary at any given time is totally irrelevant for endgame raiding.


Also BIS Arkanian, wut???


Um no. Just no. Monolith isn't why Zorz quit. Let's talk about speed for equipping a raid. I had heard that you could pull the mods and put them in other bits of gear, but I wouldn't know b/c it took me 21 runs at Monolith before it finally dropped a piece usable by my class. As grindy as Rav and TOS were... it was nothing as bad as Monolith. If my ops team all wanted 198 MHs we needed only kill HM Revan 8 times. The RNG nature of the Monolith piece can quite literally screw you over

Monolith was part of the reason why Zorz quit. As in one of the final nails in the coffin.

You cant put 204 Mods/Enhancements into anything but a Mainhand. So essentially you need one mainhand per base class if you swap them around with Legacy Gear. Not grindy at all.

Especially since the boss was a joke up until after their second attemp to fix it.


The only need to hard grind DF/DP was if you wanted the 186 gear from NiM. Otherwise all the other ops dropped the gear(again see Dulfy's loot table).

DF/DP HM droped Dread Forged/Oriconian [180] Gear. S&V/TfB NM dropped Kell Dragon/Shadowed [174] , other ops dropped underworld/Verpine [168] or Arkanian/Black Market [162].

Dread Forged from HM was BIS until Dread Master [186] Gear from DF/DP NM.

If you wanted to be reasnoably geared you only had DF/DP to run.

Just like it has always been. You have two ops in the current highest difficulty to get the best gear in game.


Here you and I fundamentally disagree. Most of the hardcore raiders that I know simply want diverse challenging content. They don't want to be locked into only 2ops that are at all difficult, HM RAv and HM TOS. They want more diversity. Simply releasing 2 more ops at the new lvl cap isn't going to accomplish that

Oh who doesnt want more ops. I want more ops too. Yet i realize it is unrealistic to expect more than two.

What i dont want to do is play old content i already completed again rescaled to level 65.

I have been around when the rescaled Asation. It wasnt pretty then, now it'll be a desaster. People run DF/DP for more than a year and Ravagers/ToS just as long. Many wont bother progressing it again.


2 OPs isn't endgame content. Again the very reason that Zorz, and many other like them quit. As a hardcore raider(someone who will gladly do 2-4 ops a day) I personally like this new direction. I hope that when they next release ops, which by all indications will probably be in the first or second quarter at the latest that they will release at least 4. The continuation/conclusion to the Ravagers Story line, The continuation of the Vitiate Story line, and 2 Storylines that go along with the new material.

Doing 2-4 ops a day is not hardcore raiding. Its called not having a life ;)


I dont see just two ops as a problem. Its just the right amount of content for the average raider these days.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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We wont get new endgame content Q1 2016 since they will be releasing story chapters x through XII then.


They dont even have to say it, their ressources are finite.

Consider what they are working on atm:

New Class Story. KotFE will go form a 12 week content cycle to 4 weeks.

New worlds to explore.

New level cap with new abilities for each class.

New companions.

Rescaling old operations/flashpoints.

Revamp of crafting.



They will literally work to the very last minute on this before it goes live in October.

Then they focus on the story chapters they need to launch in early 2016.

After this they close down for the holidays (two weeks if the last years are an indication).

At best they start working on new endgame content in the beginning of 2016. Producing Operations does take time, you cant haul it out within a month or two. Q3 2016, after the story chapters are done is a much more realistic outlook.


If we would get new operations in Q1 2016 they would need to start developing them now. This is just impossible with all the other stuff they are working on. Their teams are not that big. KotFE as is will already stretch them to the limit.

Again it is your assumption that they are not. Simply because something isn't a prime priority doesn't mean that its not also being developed simultaneously. See Yavin Stronghold and Torguta for example. Despite the EA/BW emphasis on the new story arc those things are still being developed. Same with the buffs to the healing classes, and the pvp changes ect ect.


I get it. You need to promote a certain narrative in order to continue to whinge. But really all that amounts to is assumption based propaganda. Bush/Cheney were good at that too. They convinced numerous nations to go into a needless war with it. I get that it can be fun to wind people up, but really at the end of the day this is all your assumption.



You dont understand progession. How a new player farms the gear neccessary at any given time is totally irrelevant for endgame raiding.


Also BIS Arkanian, wut???

I could say the same thing in reverse. My understanding of progression raiding comes from the Progression guilds I've run with, which include <Zorz>, <Imperium> and the two in my Sig for which I am the Asst GM. I've never seen or heard of progression raiding being simply running the hardest ops to get the best gear. It has always been about progressing through gear tiers and difficulty tiers.


Unassembled Arkanian was BiS for its gear tier.


Monolith was part of the reason why Zorz quit. As in one of the final nails in the coffin. You cant put 204 Mods/Enhancements into anything but a Mainhand. So essentially you need one mainhand per base class if you swap them around with Legacy Gear. Not grindy at all.

Especially since the boss was a joke up until after their second attemp to fix it.[/Quote]

No... Monolith was at most a minor part of why most of Zorz quit. As Milas said in the video which was turned into a podcast, it was symptom of the problem, namely the lack of progression material. We wanted(and still want) a return to a four op(disagreement on whether 2 or 3 tiers of difficulty) progression, with a logical gear progression. It became obvious that BW wasn't going to roll out 4 new ops this year.


While I have played every base class and have learned the mechanics of every base class I don't raid on every base class. It would be more than a little silly for a toon to be dressed in 186 gear with a 204MH aside from that you totally ignored points about grindyness. Maybe the RNG always goes your way. Maybe get a schematic every time you re-egin and maybe you can get a piece for each of the 8 base classes within 8 runs at Monolith. I haven't seen that. Like I said it took 21 runs before a single Str stat DPS MH dropped. To me that is grindy. Maybe you don't mind going 21 rounds with Monolith to get a certain stat MH... I do.


DF/DP HM droped Dread Forged/Oriconian [180] Gear. S&V/TfB NM dropped Kell Dragon/Shadowed [174] , other ops dropped underworld/Verpine [168] or Arkanian/Black Market [162].

Dread Forged from HM was BIS until Dread Master [186] Gear from DF/DP NM.

If you wanted to be reasnoably geared you only had DF/DP to run.

Just like it has always been. You have two ops in the current highest difficulty to get the best gear in game.[/Quote]

Dulfy's loot table, linked in previous post, disagrees with you. Maybe Dulfy is lying, maybe its all a conspiracy. Or maybe, once again it doesn't agree with the narrative you wish to put forth so you massage the fact Bush/Cheney style to meet your needs.

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I'm a self professed "Raider". I'm more hardcore than some, but l don't run around chasing Raids from game to game. And I find this discussion devolving to the absurd. Good gad man.... some of you get a grip. Raids arent' going away. Neither is PvP. So what if it isn't the focus right now. This is an MMO and will remain and MMO.


"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either," said Hickman. "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff."


That is what they have said. And I buy it. So, I will enjoy what we have right now. I will enjoy the repurposed old Ops. EV, is going to be a blast again soon. And maybe EC will be impossible again too. Doesn't matter to me if they are old. The difficulty will be amped up and we will have to carefully work through them again.


And after the new story system is in place, we will get new Ops and maybe a re-newed PvP system. And btw, it is not a case that my raid group and I will be sitting on our hands waiting. We will run whatever Ops are available while enjoying the new story.


In fact, nothing is stopping. If the new content brings new people into the game and we can create more Raid and PvP groups it will be great. If there are new opportunities to teach those who normally don't run end game what it is and how much fun can be had, it will be awesome. And our guild is already making plans for it.


This 2 camp crap is getting old. It isn't black or white.

Edited by Rafaman
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In the polygon article. No new ops this year and nothing before q3 next year if you think it through


I thought they only said story was going to be the main focus this year? Oh well, I thought ops and fps were commonly put out with new story, so I didn't take a focus on story to mean no new endgame ops as they are part of the story. I'll have to go back and reread what they have said exactly.

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Again it is your assumption that they are not. Simply because something isn't a prime priority doesn't mean that its not also being developed simultaneously. See Yavin Stronghold and Torguta for example. Despite the EA/BW emphasis on the new story arc those things are still being developed. Same with the buffs to the healing classes, and the pvp changes ect ect.


I get it. You need to promote a certain narrative in order to continue to whinge. But really all that amounts to is assumption based propaganda. Bush/Cheney were good at that too. They convinced numerous nations to go into a needless war with it. I get that it can be fun to wind people up, but really at the end of the day this is all your assumption.

Its not an 'assumption'. Its called reaching a logical conclusion. BW has finite resources. Judging from what they were able to deliver in the past, KotFE will already stretch them to the limit, even if we include an increase in funding and developers.

The fact that we finally get Togruta (they announced it overa year ago) or that they found time to build a comparatively small map for a new stronghold doesnt mean ops will miraculously appear. Your are hoping against reason.


Thumbs up for Bush/Cheney. Thats very funny.

I dont have an agenda. I just like to talk about a new expansion for the game i pay for. Operations just happens to be the main reason why i pay for this game. And obviously i'm concered about the very real possibility of not getting anything new for the forseeable future.


I could say the same thing in reverse. My understanding of progression raiding comes from the Progression guilds I've run with, which include <Zorz>, <Imperium> and the two in my Sig for which I am the Asst GM. I've never seen or heard of progression raiding being simply running the hardest ops to get the best gear. It has always been about progressing through gear tiers and difficulty tiers.


Unassembled Arkanian was BiS for its gear tier.

So i take it, Zorz, Imperium and whoever started 'progressing' level 55 content by running storymodes for Arkanian/Black Market gear? Like in, you run it once or twice the first day and had enough gear with the lvl 50 DreadGuard stuff to do Harmode Asation/S&V?

What an awesome and well thought out gear progression... I really see why you want to do it again.


Arkanian was never BIS for Level 55. It was actually pretty irrelevant. We started out with Verpine/Underworld, got Kell Dragon with S&V Nightmare and later Dread Forged/Master with DF/DP.

As a seasoned raider there was no need to progress story ops for gear.

It has always beenn the case, if you have nightmare gear from the previous tier, you are good to go for hardmodes of the next tier if you know what you are doing.


No... Monolith was at most a minor part of why most of Zorz quit. As Milas said in the video which was turned into a podcast, it was symptom of the problem, namely the lack of progression material. We wanted(and still want) a return to a four op(disagreement on whether 2 or 3 tiers of difficulty) progression, with a logical gear progression. It became obvious that BW wasn't going to roll out 4 new ops this year.

Why should they. They never had four new ops within a year. Nor is it needed.


While I have played every base class and have learned the mechanics of every base class I don't raid on every base class. It would be more than a little silly for a toon to be dressed in 186 gear with a 204MH aside from that you totally ignored points about grindyness. Maybe the RNG always goes your way. Maybe get a schematic every time you re-egin and maybe you can get a piece for each of the 8 base classes within 8 runs at Monolith. I haven't seen that. Like I said it took 21 runs before a single Str stat DPS MH dropped. To me that is grindy. Maybe you don't mind going 21 rounds with Monolith to get a certain stat MH... I do.

I was just saying that you need four mainhands at most if you switch them around with legacy gear. Obviously the average raider needs far less. As in one, maybe two.

Thats not grindy to get at all. Hell, 21 times is not grindy. I played it about ten times within 3 weeks on 4 Mando/Merc toons. Doesnt take that long if the group is competent. An hour tops.

Should really be a non issue for someone who will glady do 2-4 ops a day...


Dulfy's loot table, linked in previous post, disagrees with you. Maybe Dulfy is lying, maybe its all a conspiracy. Or maybe, once again it doesn't agree with the narrative you wish to put forth so you massage the fact Bush/Cheney style to meet your needs.

Considering i just copy posted dulfys post, this accusation is again pretty funny.

Edited by AMightyKnight
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Its not an 'assumption'. Its called reaching a logical conclusion. BW has finite resources. Judging from what they were able to deliver in the past, KotFE will already stretch them to the limit, even if we include an increase in funding and developers.

The fact that we finally get Togruta (they announced it overa year ago) or that they found time to build a comparatively small map for a new stronghold doesnt mean ops will miraculously appear. Your are hoping against reason.


Thumbs up for Bush/Cheney. Thats very funny.

I dont have an agenda. I just like to talk about a new expansion for the game i pay for. Operations just happens to be the main reason why i pay for this game. And obviously i'm concered about the very real possibility of not getting anything new for the forseeable future.


Nope. It is not a logical conclusion. You are missing the warrant. It is an old habit by those trying to make an argument without solid evidence, a syllogism. More simply stated. The evidence does not support your claim. It is not logical to conclude anything more then what they have said. You can assume all you want, but that is not logic. That is your own biased opinion.

Edited by Rafaman
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Nope. It is not a logical conclusion. You are missing the warrant. It is an old habit by those trying to make an argument without solid evidence, a syllogism. More simply stated. The evidence does not support your claim. It is not logical to conclude anything more then what they have said. You can assume all you want, but that is not logic. That is your own biased opinion.

You can always reach a conclusion based on a logic and realistic examination of the facts at hand.


- BWs resources are finite

- they are likely already working at full capacity wihout new ops

- they said they are concentrating on story this year

- in the future they want to do less MMO and more SP RPG

- in the past, without focus on story, we already had to wait forever

- they are not advertising new ops

- they are resacling old content

- story chapters will run through mid of 2016

- no NM for current Ops suggest the change is already happening


Based on this i can only conclude we will get no new ops this year. New ops in Q1 2016 are highly unlikely as well while for Q2 2016 it may be possible but not likely. I expect them to release in Q3 2016.

Yes thats just my guess. Based on the information we have.


Of course you can hope for a better outcome. But hope wiith anything to back it up is just that, hope.

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You can always reach a conclusion based on a logic and realistic examination of the facts at hand.


- BWs resources are finite

- they are likely already working at full capacity wihout new ops

- they said they are concentrating on story this year

- in the future they want to do less MMO and more SP RPG

- in the past, without focus on story, we already had to wait forever

- they are not advertising new ops

- they are resacling old content

- story chapters will run through mid of 2016

- no NM for current Ops suggest the change is already happening


Based on this i can only conclude we will get no new ops this year. New ops in Q1 2016 are highly unlikely as well while for Q2 2016 it may be possible but not likely. I expect them to release in Q3 2016.

Yes thats just my guess. Based on the information we have.


Of course you can hope for a better outcome. But hope wiith anything to back it up is just that, hope.


Didn't know that Dick Cheney played MMOs. This is the same logic he used to deceive the US Congress and several other nations into going into a needless war. Sure you can line up variables and unknowns to come to any conclusion you want, but honestly Cheney had more call to say there were WMDs in Iraq then you do to say that there will be no new ops in the next 12 mos.

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I don't remember reading anything from BW stating they want to do more SP RPG than MMO? The way I read it, they want to do a story driven MMO, which is, by all means, fine by me. Why would that be a problem in any context?? It is what makes this game what it is.
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You can always reach a conclusion based on a logic and realistic examination of the facts at hand.


- BWs resources are finite

- they are likely already working at full capacity wihout new ops

- they said they are concentrating on story this year

- in the future they want to do less MMO and more SP RPG

- in the past, without focus on story, we already had to wait forever

- they are not advertising new ops

- they are resacling old content

- story chapters will run through mid of 2016

- no NM for current Ops suggest the change is already happening


Based on this i can only conclude we will get no new ops this year. New ops in Q1 2016 are highly unlikely as well while for Q2 2016 it may be possible but not likely. I expect them to release in Q3 2016.

Yes thats just my guess. Based on the information we have.


Of course you can hope for a better outcome. But hope wiith anything to back it up is just that, hope.


Lol. No. Look, I'm not trying to pick on your here. I'm just trying to show you that your "logic" is flawed if you are truly trying to make an argument. Call it opinion, and then you can move past this. Your facts or evidence as you see it below, addressed 1x1.


- BWs resources are finite. Indisputable. All resources are finite by definition in a free economy.

- they are likely already working at full capacity without new ops. Lol. Likely? No evidence to support this. BW has more than one studio there is one in Canada and one in Austin, and they contract out work as well. Not to mention you have no clue what they are working. This is not evidence. It is not even a logical assumption.

- they said they are concentrating on story this year. Fact. Indisputable evidence.

- in the future they want to do less MMO and more SP RPG. Not at all what they have said or even indicated. See polygon article. This is not evidence. This is your opinion.

- in the past, without focus on story, we already had to wait forever. Forever? Value latent judgments are opinions not facts. They delivered new Ops even if it wasn't at your speed. Again, you don't know what they are working on specifically, the resources involved and how they are working on it.

- they are not advertising new ops. Fact. But irrelevant. They have not itemized what they are delivering. And what is more, based on the SoR and RoHC, the final list includes items not advertised previously including Ops.

- they are resacling old content. Fact. But irrelevant. No logical connection to your argument.

- story chapters will run through mid of 2016. Incomplete but of no connection to the argument.. Chapters will run every 3 months once the cadence has been established. From what they have said this will be a regular deliverable so it will go well beyond 2016.

- no NM for current Ops suggest the change is already happening. Suggests? Your opinion is not evidence. Again, you don't know what they are working on. You have no evidence or supporting facts that they have changed anything regarding their plans for continuing Ops.

Edited by Rafaman
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