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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fallen Empire and Implications on Current Raiding


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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Any new Information? Did i miss something? Will there still be operation in the expansion or will u just close ur operation servers?


Probable the server workload is not high enough in ur statsitics and u just decide to close them!

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Any new Information? Did i miss something? Will there still be operation in the expansion or will u just close ur operation servers?


Probable the server workload is not high enough in ur statsitics and u just decide to close them!


You bumping the thread made me think there was new information. Dagnabit.

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I think a lot of us are getting majorly ahead of ourselves here. I can understand the desire for new raids for especially those who are 10/10 and have beaten Monolith on HM or even those who are getting close at like 7-8/10 or something. They've got a very long time to wait assuming they keep their progress at a normalish pace. What I get hung up on is a lot of people who are clamoring for new raids haven't even gotten to that level yet, and haven't downed HM Monolith yet. It seems like they're jumping the gun for new content when they're still smack in the middle of this current stuff. I'm slow on progression since I'm blocked on time, and I'm probably at my very best good but nowhere close to great, so to hear the calls for more new content when I'm not even close to 10/10 and a lot of groups I know of aren't even close to 10/10 confuses me. If so many aren't close to finishing this current tier do we really need new content? Of course this picture could be totally different in 4 months or so when more guilds get more and more time in. But, right now? If you still have a significant amount of progression to be had by a large majority of the raiding population aren't we kind of going too far too quickly?


If I were to speculate the short term future of raiding is that another Monolith type boss comes out or that ties into the last chapter of the first 9 or something.


What really annoys me about the expansion is the level cap increase. It's too soon in my opinion. WAY too soon. I'm not really ready for my gear to be rendered completely useless as it inevitably will, but selfishly I want more time to get more pieces of 198 gear and min max those when I can.

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What really annoys me about the expansion is the level cap increase. It's too soon in my opinion. WAY too soon. I'm not really ready for my gear to be rendered completely useless as it inevitably will, but selfishly I want more time to get more pieces of 198 gear and min max those when I can.


That was more of the crux of my original question, actually. It's not that I need new ops since we are also still working on the current HM content. My concern is more directed at the implications of a new level cap, new tier of gear, and scaling existing ops. Does this mean HM Ravagers/ToS get scaled to 65, causing us to re-gear for the same content we're working on now, or do those two stay the same and only older ops are getting scaled to 65? Neither one of those scenarios is all that attractive to me, so I'm hoping there is another option that I'm missing.

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That was more of the crux of my original question, actually. It's not that I need new ops since we are also still working on the current HM content. My concern is more directed at the implications of a new level cap, new tier of gear, and scaling existing ops. Does this mean HM Ravagers/ToS get scaled to 65, causing us to re-gear for the same content we're working on now, or do those two stay the same and only older ops are getting scaled to 65? Neither one of those scenarios is all that attractive to me, so I'm hoping there is another option that I'm missing.


It's a good question. And, I'm sure when they do publish that blog on operations that will be the first and biggest question answered probably within the very first 2-3 paragraphs. We just need to be patient

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It's a good question. And, I'm sure when they do publish that blog on operations that will be the first and biggest question answered probably within the very first 2-3 paragraphs. We just need to be patient


Well they seem to be messing up PR 101, again. The hype that they generated from the E3 announcement has pretty much run its course and the slew of articles based around that announcement have died down. So now we need to have the next slug of information to keep things going, or at least find out when we're going to get that next slug. I suspect it will at the community cantina on 11th July. However after their last effort in that department they may well just replay the E3 trailer and talk about how excited and stoked they are about the expansion. To say the least I'm not expecting a great deal.

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It's a good question. And, I'm sure when they do publish that blog on operations that will be the first and biggest question answered probably within the very first 2-3 paragraphs. We just need to be patient


Yeah I'm waiting on them to post than make a decision.


I'm mostly min maxed on my raid toons with 2 of them with a 204 and I'm curious too. My guild joked yesterday that KotFE first mission will reward us with a 210 Green MH but at this point I can't tell what is going to happen. So I wait.

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Well they seem to be messing up PR 101, again. The hype that they generated from the E3 announcement has pretty much run its course and the slew of articles based around that announcement have died down. So now we need to have the next slug of information to keep things going, or at least find out when we're going to get that next slug. I suspect it will at the community cantina on 11th July. However after their last effort in that department they may well just replay the E3 trailer and talk about how excited and stoked they are about the expansion. To say the least I'm not expecting a great deal.


Are you a PR agent?

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Are you a PR agent?


No I am not. However I do know that marketing involves keeping a constant level of interest and hype. The hype from the last thing (E3 trailer and associated articles and information) is beginning to decrease in a serious way so they need to do something to keep the hype pot on the boil. That was one of the cardinal mistakes with Shadow of Revan's marketing as well in that they didn't release enough information at regular enough intervals to keep people constantly on the hook and really interested in the expansion.


Releasing the blog about endgame content, or even telling us when roughly they aim to release it would provide something to look forward to in the case of the latter and something more to discuss in the case of the former. Something of equivalent import would also do, like clarifying what is happening with crafting in the expansion for example.

Edited by davidp_newton
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No I am not.


Then you're not really grasping what PR is.


Consider Episode VII.


Not a whole lot of information has been dished out over the last year. They've worked hard to keep most of it under wraps, with a teaser or two, but we haven't seen much information lately.


That'll change once we get closer to December, of course.


You don't expend all your info when you're a long ways from release. You hype it, drop tidbits and then build up the Hype Train as you get closer to release.


Expect to see more info as we get closer to October.

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  • 2 weeks later...
So all of your supposition. All of your Dick Cheneyesque "logic" and "facts". I mean really, what you are saying is follow me down the rabbit whole far enough and you will see it my way... Yeah no thanks. I turned in my tin foil hat when I was 12.


I do love how you were so self assured though... right up until...



Gold post saying pretty much that you are full of it. Look at that they ARE working on ops, and they are going to give us details on what to expect soon.

So not even a month later and here we are. Really funny reading this thread again.

Guess tin foil was right all along.

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  • 11 months later...

Its now June 2016 and were crying out for some new ops come summer, in desperation.


Personally id have 2 new fp's introduced in august and a massive operation hit in october then storyline from there through to next summer and more fp's and onto another op and id keep that process going.


a new wz at least 2 each year even just reskinned shouldn't be too difficult really then you just need to focus on some every day you have already keeping people logging in more often than just for raid nights.


..............note none of that includes items on the cartel market AT ALL

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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Anyone remember this statement from a year ago? Or remember what the blog was about (if it was ever released)?

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Anyone remember this statement from a year ago? Or remember what the blog was about (if it was ever released)?


Explain what the current condition is now; since the post was before 4.0


No new raids.

Current raids raised to 65 and bolstered.

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Anyone remember this statement from a year ago? Or remember what the blog was about (if it was ever released)?

Yes, they did release the blog: http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire

But it was full of errors and misleading statements, e.g.

, and the sentence about nightmare loot was completely wrong, so don't take it too seriously, or just read through the 108 pages of responses and form your own opinion. Edited by Jerba
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"We know that many players love our Operations and look forward to the introduction of new challenges, however with Knights of the Fallen Empire there will not be any new Operations."


I think many of us thought this meant initially, but it's obvious this was not meant at all. And, now I'm wondering if it means throughout the duration of all of KoTFE...including season two and even perhaps onwards. We're drawing to the close of season one and one would think that if any new operation was going to be released between season one and two, then an announcement would surely be imminent.


I really don't know what to think of the whole thing now.

Edited by UberSamoyed
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Explain what the current condition is now; since the post was before 4.0


No new raids.

Current raids raised to 65 and bolstered.


Yes, they did release the blog: http://www.swtor.com/blog/operations-and-flashpoints-fallen-empire

But it was full of errors and misleading statements, e.g.

, and the sentence about nightmare loot was completely wrong, so don't take it too seriously, or just read through the 108 pages of responses and form your own opinion.


Thanks for the info. I ain't even disappointed, I've long ago stopped having any hopes of ever seeing a new operation : )

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They have said none for season 1 they never really said anything about 2 so if there is an announcement of any kind it probably will not be until Oct.

They are going to have to bite the bullet and put some form of group content out and some more pvp maps or they might as well close up shop. There are far better single player rpg's out there than this.

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Ben Irving only just said that "non-kotfe" content was in the early conceptual phases two months ago, meaning they've only just started figuring out what it will even be and had not even started any actual work towards it. Which means it's not coming for a very, very long time.


Musco (as usual) throws vague, non-committal crap at us and expects us get excited about it. If they do release a blog (Musco said similar blogs would come in the past, and never released them), it will be equally vague and non-committal and give no actual dates or details, based on what they've done in the past. Throwing up a smokescreen to hide the truth.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's referring not to the new operations a year+ away, but to another rehashing of current content rebranded as new and exciting, like:


-solo operations

-changing operations into tactical operations, where 8 dps can complete them

-A change in group finder, like the previously promised 16 man group-finder raids that they gave up on (in their typical incompetent fashion)

-changes to crystal rewards/weeklies


Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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Ben Irving only just said that "non-kotfe" content was in the early conceptual phases two months ago, meaning they've only just started figuring out what it will even be and had not even started any actual work towards it. Which means it's not coming for a very, very long time.


Musco (as usual) throws vague, non-committal crap at us and expects us get excited about it. If they do release a blog (Musco said similar blogs would come in the past, and never released them), it will be equally vague and non-committal and give no actual dates or details, based on what they've done in the past. Throwing up a smokescreen to hide the truth.


Tbh, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's referring not to the new operations a year+ away, but to another rehashing of current content rebranded as new and exciting, like:


-solo operations

-changing operations into tactical operations, where 8 dps can complete them

-A change in group finder, like the previously promised 16 man group-finder raids that they gave up on (in their typical incompetent fashion)

-changes to crystal rewards/weeklies



Don't forget moar HK rewards!


I think we all like to blame the messenger a bit to much here, even I do it at times as I have noticed. Yes, while he could slightly word them better theirs only so much be can do with what he gets. The lazy dev team/cheap scape stEAl are the real ones to blame for the lack of progress.

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Hey folks,


Lots of good questions around Operations! I am not going to go into details right now but, we have plans for Operations that we are pretty excited about. We will be releasing a blog in the coming weeks which should answer many of the questions that you have right now.






Thanks for that.


Just one question. Why is this post not visible in the dev tracker, cause I can't see it there?

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Thanks for that.


Just one question. Why is this post not visible in the dev tracker, cause I can't see it there?

Because it's over a year old. Thread was necro'd to bring up that we've been going a good long time without Ops

Edited by DarthDymond
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Reread that post of Eric's again...where did he say they were working on them? All I saw was:


...PLANS for Ops does not mean that they are working on them. I hope they are, but I assume he'd have said if they were.


Interesting how you decided to cherry pick a portion of his sentence to try and validate your view that they arent working on it.

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