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Theran Shan?


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Final verdict:



Killing Senya & Arcann = More Theron time. He (and Lana) are your companions in Chapter 8 as well as Chapter 9.


Sparing Senya & Arcann = Those two are your companions for chapters 8 & 9.


I really liked that those two chapters played out differently with different dialogue and cut scenes. But if you want more Theron bang for your buck, kill Senya & Arcann, It's a lot more touching when Theron is by the throne while your doing those fights in your mind instead of having Senya and Arcann hovering over you (not to say that Senya and Arcann being worried about you wasn't touching, but this is the Theron Shan thread, not the "Arcann and his 'kissable lips' thread.")


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this is the Theron Shan thread, not the "Arcann and his 'kissable lips' thread."



I don't know about you, but my eyebrows definitely went up at Arcann's post-victory e-mail where he said something to the effect of "I have my mother, I have the Alliance...and I have you."


Could it be that there may be a romantic rivalry in the next expansion?


Edited by TarotMage
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I don't know about you, but my eyebrows definitely went up at Arcann's post-victory e-mail where he said something to the effect of "I have my mother, I have the Alliance...and I have you."


Could it be that there may be a romantic rivalry in the next expansion?


I think it's just him being awkwardly cutish ( in a way?). Nothing more.

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I don't know about you, but my eyebrows definitely went up at Arcann's post-victory e-mail where he said something to the effect of "I have my mother, I have the Alliance...and I have you."


Could it be that there may be a romantic rivalry in the next expansion?



Not only did my eyebrows go up, but I literally shuddered. People talking about Creeper Lana? Well Creeper Arcann is ten times worse.


However, I honestly think it wasn't meant in that sort of way. I'm sure BW meant to show it in the "Arcann looks at you as his brother/sister" sort of way because he talks about how our character reminds him of Thexan, whom we know Arcann loved deeply.


As for the 'kissable lips' no lie, people want that. They want to romance him and they literally keep saying "he has kissable lips." I mean, whatever floats your boat and to each their own. But the melting sighs they're having over that line? Makes it worse. It also doesn't help that Charles Boyd apparently said (when asked if Arcann can be romanceable), "Not in this expansion, but maybe in the future."


What cheeses me off is that we get an email from "Kissable Lips Arcann" but not from Theron. Or any of our other love interests. We've addressed the galaxy TWICE and our other LI's still can't be found? Can't even get a letter? Come on.


I digress.


I had a hard time sparing Arcann, but I did it because I wanted to see if anything would be different. It was, but for my LS character who romanced Theron, it came at the cost of not having Theron participate much in the finale chapters. Not worth it.


But the "L" word was, as was the way he was generally handled in this expansion. So it's all good :)


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Add me to the pile that went WHAAAA?! At "kissable-lips" Arcann's email (and I am dying laughing from that moniker!) It really did sound like something you'd say to a lover, not a random guy you tried to kill but who didn't kill you back.


As for "kissable-lips" Arcann's kissable lips...I'd totally do a romance with him lol :D


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Add me to the pile that went WHAAAA?! At "kissable-lips" Arcann's email (and I am dying laughing from that moniker!) It really did sound like something you'd say to a lover, not a random guy you tried to kill but who didn't kill you back.


As for "kissable-lips" Arcann's kissable lips...I'd totally do a romance with him lol :D



Not gonna lie, I would, too. But mostly because I just want to see how that story goes, not because I have posters of him all over my room like a thirteen year old fangirl squeeing over a boy band.


No. Those walls are dedicated to Vector and Theron :D Arcann's "Kissable Lips" can kiss my kissable butt.


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Final verdict:



Killing Senya & Arcann = More Theron time. He (and Lana) are your companions in Chapter 8 as well as Chapter 9.


Sparing Senya & Arcann = Those two are your companions for chapters 8 & 9.


Well! This puts me in a bind. My last character (who didn't romance Theron) chose to



Kill Senya and Arcann, and so I figured my next character would do the opposite, but that char is the one that romanced Theron. :confused: Not sure what to do now because I really liked having Theron with me for that last chapter and was looking forward on doing it with a romanced char this time around!


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Well! This puts me in a bind. My last character (who didn't romance Theron) chose to



Kill Senya and Arcann, and so I figured my next character would do the opposite, but that char is the one that romanced Theron. :confused: Not sure what to do now because I really liked having Theron with me for that last chapter and was looking forward on doing it with a romanced char this time around!



Had that same bind. I really would have prefered Lana (my Consular's LI) and Theron with my Consular, than Senya and Arcann, but it just wouldn't have been in my Consular's style to kill them. Especially Senya. My Consular knew right away that Senya was going to be the type of mom she showed herself to be. :p


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Maybe someone that has made the choice to romance Theron and kill Senya and Arcann can record the part where Theron and Lana accompany you instead so we can all see without having to betray our goody two shoes demeanors :p

I would do it myself but half the cutscenes in KotFE and KotET crash my (crappy) laptop unless I have my graphics settings switched to low.

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Maybe someone that has made the choice to romance Theron and kill Senya and Arcann can record the part where Theron and Lana accompany you instead so we can all see without having to betray our goody two shoes demeanors :p

I would do it myself but half the cutscenes in KotFE and KotET crash my (crappy) laptop unless I have my graphics settings switched to low.


Well, I DO have a smuggler who's romancing him and she's pretty prone to fits of "holding a grudge." I didn't really think about her before because I ship Theron with my JK. My JK is one of my canon characters, whereas my Smuggler was a DvL character that I needed to do KotFE with for the achievement. She's not even on the legacy's family tree.


So I can probably run her through KotET to see if that conversation does actually happen.


In the name of Science and all :D

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Maybe someone that has made the choice to romance Theron and kill Senya and Arcann can record the part where Theron and Lana accompany you instead so we can all see without having to betray our goody two shoes demeanors :p

I would do it myself but half the cutscenes in KotFE and KotET crash my (crappy) laptop unless I have my graphics settings switched to low.



I killed off Senya/Arcann on my main SI who is romancing Theron, unfortunately tomorrow I'm off on a 5 day business trip with no access to my computer and I don't have the time to upload any videos today but someone else probably will have though in a few days.


In Chapter 8 you do get a [flirt] talking about your anniversary and about how he'll make sure it's more intimate. ;) I remember in Chapter 9 when Theron/Lana are protecting you Theron gets injured (shot) and he and Lana have a, "Leave me behind/save yourself..." type moment. When my character is back in the land of the living again there's no, "OMG are you OK?" from my character or anything since Theron was hurt, bit of a missed opportunity I think for another cute moment between us where I'm concerned about him. Overall I'm glad I had Theron with me in the last 2 chapters instead of Arcann/Senya, it felt more natural to have him (my LI) with me at the end.


Having recently completed a run where I romanced Lana and spared Acrann/Senya I didn't like them being forced to come with me in Chapter 9, I would have much rather preferred Lana/Theron coming with me or your LI at least accompanying you.


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I really enjoyed that unlike most BW game romances where you admit mutual feelings and then the game ends, KOTET gave you exchanges with Theron that showed the playfulness and familiarity of an established relationship.



And I hated Lana looming over the bed while you slept. I'm so sick of her always being your first confidante about everything and default companion. She should be named Lana Exposition. I also wanted Theron to be asleep in the bed next to my toons when they woke up.



I'm so glad I'm not the only one who was like, "Umm Lana why are you in my room watching me sleep?" Another missed opportunity to have our LI there with us (Theron, Koth, Vette, Aric etc: ) to talk with us and then have a chat with Lana outside our room or something when she senses something going on.



EDIT // Whoops sorry for the double post!

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Having recently completed a run where I romanced Lana and spared Acrann/Senya I didn't like them being forced to come with me in Chapter 9, I would have much rather preferred Lana/Theron coming with me or your LI at least accompanying you.


I understand why BW forces us with certain companions but, from a story standpoint, NOT taking your favorite companion makes no sense. "Rank 4 Squishy Vette? You're with me. Rank 38 Theron? Just continue standing there looking pretty. Me and Squishy have got this." "What's that? A Star Fortress? Theron, you stay up in the sky giving me a generic 'Heads up!' once in a while. Rank 10 T7? I guess you're with me."


(Actually WHY Theron can never participate in Star Fortresses is beyond me. Couldn't Tora or someone fill that super important role of saying, "Heads up, Commander! I'll be your best friend if you can shut EPHEMERIS up." Tora needs more love anyway. Why completely take out an actual companion? Even if you don't use him in battle, he can't even do any crew skills when doing Star Fortresses.)


Our characters would travel with their spouse or their BFF (spouse is BFF as well, but you know what I mean). They're not going to trust their LIFE with someone they just met. Or someone they don't trust. (Barring special circumstances, like KotET Chapter 2 where there is an ACTUAL good reason why.)


I understand that BW is using cost cutting measures there, but the fact that Theron, et al, are just like, "Yeah, you and Lana do that thing. Imma just gonna walk off stage right. Hope you don't mind." It's...awkward. Can be handled/explained a bit better.

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I understand why BW forces us with certain companions but, from a story standpoint, NOT taking your favorite companion makes no sense. "Rank 4 Squishy Vette? You're with me. Rank 38 Theron? Just continue standing there looking pretty. Me and Squishy have got this." "What's that? A Star Fortress? Theron, you stay up in the sky giving me a generic 'Heads up!' once in a while. Rank 10 T7? I guess you're with me."


(Actually WHY Theron can never participate in Star Fortresses is beyond me. Couldn't Tora or someone fill that super important role of saying, "Heads up, Commander! I'll be your best friend if you can shut EPHEMERIS up." Tora needs more love anyway. Why completely take out an actual companion? Even if you don't use him in battle, he can't even do any crew skills when doing Star Fortresses.)


Our characters would travel with their spouse or their BFF (spouse is BFF as well, but you know what I mean). They're not going to trust their LIFE with someone they just met. Or someone they don't trust. (Barring special circumstances, like KotET Chapter 2 where there is an ACTUAL good reason why.)


I understand that BW is using cost cutting measures there, but the fact that Theron, et al, are just like, "Yeah, you and Lana do that thing. Imma just gonna walk off stage right. Hope you don't mind." It's...awkward. Can be handled/explained a bit better.


LMAO that first paragraph! :D You're so right of course, it sucks and makes no story sense (though I get that they did it to cut costs :( ). I mean in the base game you could choose whoever you wanted and they would have a few little interactions here and there though sometimes there were special circumstances like you said where a certain companion was necessary for logical and explained story reasons.

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I understand why BW forces us with certain companions but, from a story standpoint, NOT taking your favorite companion makes no sense. "Rank 4 Squishy Vette? You're with me. Rank 38 Theron? Just continue standing there looking pretty. Me and Squishy have got this." "What's that? A Star Fortress? Theron, you stay up in the sky giving me a generic 'Heads up!' once in a while. Rank 10 T7? I guess you're with me."


I'll always think of Vette as little Squishy Vette now. :D My level 2 Vette kept dying on me.

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LMAO that first paragraph! :D You're so right of course, it sucks and makes no story sense (though I get that they did it to cut costs :( ). I mean in the base game you could choose whoever you wanted and they would have a few little interactions here and there though sometimes there were special circumstances like you said where a certain companion was necessary for logical and explained story reasons.


For my money, there was nothing funnier than Vector trying to be "aggressively assertive" (to back you up) to the prisoners on Belsavis...with a mildly angry face.


Yeah, I miss those days where all the different companions say different things depending on the scene. We sort of get that with KotET (as I mentioned a few posts back) but...well this isn't the vanilla game :( One of the best things to come out of the new stuff IS Theron.


And want to know what's funny about that? I was sort of "Meh" towards him (IA doesn't trust SIS -for good reason-so she did NOT pursue a romance with him). It wasn't until I read THIS THREAD that I decided to make someone to specifically romance Theron. And the more I talk about him, the more I like him. He's catching up to Vector :eek:

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For my money, there was nothing funnier than Vector trying to be "aggressively assertive" (to back you up) to the prisoners on Belsavis...with a mildly angry face.


Yeah, I miss those days where all the different companions say different things depending on the scene. We sort of get that with KotET (as I mentioned a few posts back) but...well this isn't the vanilla game :( One of the best things to come out of the new stuff IS Theron.


And want to know what's funny about that? I was sort of "Meh" towards him (IA doesn't trust SIS -for good reason-so she did NOT pursue a romance with him). It wasn't until I read THIS THREAD that I decided to make someone to specifically romance Theron. And the more I talk about him, the more I like him. He's catching up to Vector :eek:

I love chatting with others about stuff I like, it makes it even more exciting :D

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I love chatting with others about stuff I like, it makes it even more exciting :D


And it's cute to see my big, buff, macho Jedi Guardian being sweet and tender with Theron. (Good thing he reached max-level Light Side before Shadow of Revan or he would have never heard the end of it from the Jedi Counciil!) :D

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I had this mental image of the creeper Lana scenario with Theron as the player love interest:




Player: having their nightmare, unaware of Lana looming over them, watching them sleep like a creeper

Theron (walking out of the bathroom, clearly having slept in the room with the player): "Uh...what are you doing, how did you get in here?"

Lana: "...The door was unlocked."

(door falls down, clearly having been cut off the wall with a lightsaber)

Player: continues to obliviously thrash




lol I can't help thinking of something like this as having happened.

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I had this mental image of the creeper Lana scenario with Theron as the player love interest:




Player: having their nightmare, unaware of Lana looming over them, watching them sleep like a creeper

Theron (walking out of the bathroom, clearly having slept in the room with the player): "Uh...what are you doing, how did you get in here?"

Lana: "...The door was unlocked."

(door falls down, clearly having been cut off the wall with a lightsaber)

Player: continues to obliviously thrash




lol I can't help thinking of something like this as having happened.


I am now convinced this is EXACTLY how it went down, but BW cut it out for budget reasons.

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XD we just didn't notice because we were sleeping deeply and the love interest wasn't there to react.


You know, one of those scenes briefly had the camera over the character's shoulder showing the bedroom door (on the Odessen base) open.


Like, you'd think when the Commander is going to bed they'd shut it behind them.



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You know, one of those scenes briefly had the camera over the character's shoulder showing the bedroom door (on the Odessen base) open.


Like, you'd think when the Commander is going to bed they'd shut it behind them.




LMAO! They keep fixing that door but she keeps getting in, eventually they just put up a bead curtain, durasteel doors are expensive!

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I don't know about you, but my eyebrows definitely went up at Arcann's post-victory e-mail where he said something to the effect of "I have my mother, I have the Alliance...and I have you."


Could it be that there may be a romantic rivalry in the next expansion?



I saw that line more as that he might see the Outlander as perhaps more of a mentor or potential friend, and he was grateful that the player chose to believe in his ability to change for the better. It might be a personal thing, but I just think he needs stability and people who are willing to watch out for him in his life right now more than anything, and he seems like he's smart enough to realise that.



Besides, while I can't speak for other agents, the idea of the playful 'spy vs spy' headcanon game with Theron is just too much fun to give up for anybody.

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LMAO! They keep fixing that door but she keeps getting in, eventually they just put up a bead curtain, durasteel doors are expensive!


Very true. They can only keep scavenging that door for scrap so many times. Plastic beads are totally the way to go.

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