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Theran Shan?


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The thing I would really like to see for the relationship is for my first toon (male SI) to be able to take him to Belsavis and have "Mother" fix his lack of force-sensitivity.


Hello new apprentice.


Now that's something I'd like to see aswell!

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Nothing going on with Theran, though he is visible, but nothing on the romance front. Gault and Vette aren't my cup of tea, but if you like them I suppose you'll get a kick out of the chapter. I was thrilled by one of the decisions I made at the end of the chapter involving a character I have never liked. Edited by robwettengel
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I really liked the stuff with Gault and Vette, most of it was quite funny but overall I'm disappointed with the chapter :( it seemed even shorter than the previous chapters and Theron is barely in it (still no flirts or romance content). On the plus side it wasn't on Zakuul.
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A shame about nothing with Theron but can't say I'm too surprised :( I've read good things about the Vette romance, so my SW who romanced her is going to be my first play through tonight.


I can't get online to play till after work (uh Wednesday is meeting day to) but I'm dying to know, would anyone be able to tell me if Lana or Koth got any flirts or anything this chapter?

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A shame about nothing with Theron but can't say I'm too surprised :( I've read good things about the Vette romance, so my SW who romanced her is going to be my first play through tonight.


I can't get online to play till after work (uh Wednesday is meeting day to) but I'm dying to know, would anyone be able to tell me if Lana or Koth got any flirts or anything this chapter?


Nothing with Lana, Koth or Theron as far as romance interaction is concerned. Not surprised really since this chapter is centered around Gault and Vette, especially those who romanced Vette. I have no male SW so cannot comment to the reunion with Vette.

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Nothing with Lana, Koth or Theron as far as romance interaction is concerned. Not surprised really since this chapter is centered around Gault and Vette, especially those who romanced Vette. I have no male SW so cannot comment to the reunion with Vette.


A shame, that means nothing with Lana or Koth since Chapter 9 last year! :eek:


I did my SW last night and my LI reunion with Vette was reall sweet however,



After we get back to Odesson it was like with Jorgan no extra Cantina scene or scene with her in general. A real missed opportunity for some more time together even if it was just a few pieces of dialogue.



Felt sorry for Theron this chapter, he really did sound tired and exhausted from all the work. Needs some downtime with us for a day or two to relax and recover ;)

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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The thing is with every companion coming back there are more and more people waiting and hoping for some romance content and the chapters are just too short - I wish they would extend it to fit everything in.


Theron has still less romance content compared to Lana - I wish we would get an extra kiss option in some future chapter. Our character runs from one dangerous mission to the next, and while I love Therons last letter I would very much like to see him worrying about my character(s).

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The lack of romance content is especially jarring with Koth (since at least Theron and Lana have a longer and more developed history with the PC from SoR and RotE). With Koth you flirt with him like twice and then kiss him in a bar and then never talk to him again and his letter makes it seem like you're the love of his life and he will perish without you. Wut. :confused:
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I'm starting to get really discouraged... I missed the main flirt with Theron to start the romance since my character was a jedi and she needed time before that. Now tons of time has passed and there is no more main flirts for Theron to start the romance. I'm starting to think I should just have her go for Torian since he's such a sweet heart and my 2nd favorite romanceable male. Idk, should I wait for Theron or go for Torian? Haha this is so frustrating!!!!
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I'm starting to get really discouraged... I missed the main flirt with Theron to start the romance since my character was a jedi and she needed time before that. Now tons of time has passed and there is no more main flirts for Theron to start the romance. I'm starting to think I should just have her go for Torian since he's such a sweet heart and my 2nd favorite romanceable male. Idk, should I wait for Theron or go for Torian? Haha this is so frustrating!!!!


I think unless you romanced a companion in the base 1-50 class story then you don't get a chance to romance them in KotFE.

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I think unless you romanced a companion in the base 1-50 class story then you don't get a chance to romance them in KotFE.

Awww that stinks. I wasn't sure since when I met Kalio there was a flirt option, but I guess that makes it an easier decision. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens with Theron then. Thanks

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Awww that stinks. I wasn't sure since when I met Kalio there was a flirt option, but I guess that makes it an easier decision. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens with Theron then. Thanks


Yeah you can try to flirt with Kaliyo but she shoots you down :(

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The lack of romance content is especially jarring with Koth (since at least Theron and Lana have a longer and more developed history with the PC from SoR and RotE). With Koth you flirt with him like twice and then kiss him in a bar and then never talk to him again and his letter makes it seem like you're the love of his life and he will perish without you. Wut. :confused:


In theory you have the same with Theron and Lana if someone did not romanced them before like token 60 players. But at least you can romance them before and even if you did not back then but played through the story you know them and have history together.


But yes, with Koth it is really more strange - like falling really fast and deeply in love after first sight or something like that. Can happen of course. I guess we all have to do quite some head fiction to fill the holes.


Still - even with all flirt options taken I find it difficult to imagine Theron or Lana falling in love with someone from the other faction. I mean I have both as LI for characters from both factions but I find it difficult to believe that for example Theron would overlook everything you have done on imperial side and maybe continue to do so. Doesn't mean that a person cannot change but you can play really darkside and still have him as LI and this I find hard

to believe.

For my Agent who is light side and working with the SIS this is less a problem to imagine but I do plan

to romance him with a Sith warrior and inquisitor and I find myself difficult to imagine why on earth Theron should

fall in love with them despite everything they have done to the Republic and maybe to persons he knew and cared about.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Unfortunately I have to work today so I can't play till tonight but I'm dying to know whether we got any Theron LI interaction this new chapter?


Unfortunately, no. To top it off, he has like 5 lines in the entire chapter :(

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Aww that's a shame :( At least I have the Torian reunion romance to look forward to then.


Well, I'm starting to think that the payoff will be the last chapter, since it was



at the end of Shadows of Revan that we got the kiss and smexytimes blackout.


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Unfortunately, no. To top it off, he has like 5 lines in the entire chapter :(

Damn it T_T what about any of the others? (Koth, Lana, Kaliyo, Jorgan, and Vette not that I atually think there will be anything)

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Damn it T_T what about any of the others? (Koth, Lana, Kaliyo, Jorgan, and Vette not that I atually think there will be anything)


Not sure about Lana (none of the characters I played through are romancing her) but nobody else was even present other than Torian (and the five lines Theron said).


Edit to clarify: Lana is present in the chapter, but I don't know if she had any flirts.

Edited by AngFour
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The lack of romance content is especially jarring with Koth (since at least Theron and Lana have a longer and more developed history with the PC from SoR and RotE). With Koth you flirt with him like twice and then kiss him in a bar and then never talk to him again and his letter makes it seem like you're the love of his life and he will perish without you. Wut. :confused:


I think there were a few more. I know there were a couple in the swamp and then when they come to find you at the fight with Heskal when you reveal the emperor is inside your head. There is a flirt there. You can flirt with him when going to join HK and then you tell him not to get himself kill (flirt) and he comes back with a cute response and then at the fight with Arcann and he comes to help you especially if you don't take the emperor's help. So there is a few more flirts than two.

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