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Theran Shan?


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If the person behind the twitter is who I think it is, totally doing it for lols. Which I cam completely okay with haha.


As for companions, I have to admit I will be pretty bummed if some of the LIs aren't in KotFE. I can't imagine them not being there, but still.

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I decided to practice drawing Theron some and threw my Agent into the practice as well. Hopefully will be able to draw him more in the future!


Wow, lovely drawing! Your agent is super handsome too.

I wish I could draw more than stick figures. But then again I have the feeling I would just throw my life in the trash can and draw my pixel crushes till the end of my days.

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Thanks for the birthday wishes y'all! :D


Better late then never. Happy birthday!


If you haven't checked out the reddit for swtor. I would :p Not gonna say anymore about of fear of being infracted/banned/what have you. /shudder


I'll just say... I'm hopefully optimistic!

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Better late then never. Happy birthday!


If you haven't checked out the reddit for swtor. I would :p Not gonna say anymore about of fear of being infracted/banned/what have you. /shudder


I'll just say... I'm hopefully optimistic!



Me too!!!! XD I'm so freaked out over it! Ugh....

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Thanks again guys!


I, too, have seen something that is highly intriguing at a certain site. Which was linked to me on twitter, and let's just say I am cautiously optimistic as well.


*Starts hoarding certain companion gifts*

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Thanks again guys!


I, too, have seen something that is highly intriguing at a certain site. Which was linked to me on twitter, and let's just say I am cautiously optimistic as well.


*Starts hoarding certain companion gifts*


Edit: Thanks guys, I'm now in the know. Looks good, though I'm going to just keep my fingers crossed about things. You guys are the bestest! <3



Edit #2: Cause I'm a dork lol. It's all good now. <3

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Edit: Thanks guys, I'm now in the know. Looks good, though I'm going to just keep my fingers crossed about things. You guys are the bestest! <3



Mmm, interesting, I paid a visit to a certain place, but saw nothing...can someone pm me a hint? I'd be grateful :D


All is good in the Theron neighborhood! :D

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Kinda funny how people read things differently. Like... when I replied... I thought she meant the information had been removed :p BUT... I tend to take everything literally, and at face value. That's either a good thing, or a bad thing sometimes.


So I guess we're all dorks in here lol

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Speaking of dorks :p


While I haven't looked at whatever's on reddit, can you tell me what gifts to stock up on? I've got at least 1 toon with maxed diplomacy and another on the way, so I'd like to know which ones to stock up on. I'd like to "have these things on hand" shall we say.


Technology, courting might be relevant here. It seems like everyone and their mothing loving tech gifts is mostly placeholder, but given Theron's personality, (current) job, and style, I can see it being legit. I imagine courting gifts won't be gender-restricted, although it's possible that the usage of courting gifts will be restricted to a certain point in the companion story, just like many 1-50 romanceable companions are. (Most female companions especially just won't take courting gifts if you're not already in a relationship... which seems silly, since a courting gift you'd give someone when you're courting, not already together. derp?)

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Courting and technology is right, at least from what I saw. Those were at 'love', with a 'favorite' for underworld goods.


Level 5 purple technology gifts always seem to be the one I'm lacking, too. Followed by weapons. Everyone has the same tastes!

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Courting and technology is right, at least from what I saw. Those were at 'love', with a 'favorite' for underworld goods.


Level 5 purple technology gifts always seem to be the one I'm lacking, too. Followed by weapons. Everyone has the same tastes!


You'll notice that more than one list is identical for several companions. They're placeholder lists; the few that are different (such as Theron) are probably finalized or close to it.

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You'll notice that more than one list is identical for several companions. They're placeholder lists; the few that are different (such as Theron) are probably finalized or close to it.


Yeah... I thought about that. A lot of the lists did look similar.


But even now, in game, a lot of the companions share similar tastes. A good chunk of them prefer technology and weapons. I seem to run out of those the most. It might be because I have a lot of alts, and tend to max out companion affection on all of them. Not because I need to, but... it's more of a completionist thing.


Blizz is the only one happy enough to take whatever I hand to him. If Theron IS a companion... Blizz will be the only other one I'm willing to do anything to recruit.

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I've noticed, too, that a lot of the companions love weapons/technology. Which can be a good thing, but it will end up costing double to purchase gifts.


Technology, courting, and underworld goods are the ones I'm stocking up on. I just paid a little visit, on my Operative (next on the list for some Theron lovin') to grab as many as I could for Legacy storage.


I'm on the Blizz wagon as well.


Naelah's new crew, if permitted, will be Risha, Bowdaar, Blizz, Theron and Akaavi.

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