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Theran Shan?


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I think she's intentionally doing a bad Marilyn Monroe impersonation. And you are right. It's sadistic! I'm just waiting for her to simper out "Happy Birthday Dear Theran" and blow him a kiss.


I know Tara Strong is popular, but I can't stand listening to Risha or Holiday. Risha sounds way too snotty and condescending. Holiday is just over the top. I think both characters could have been interpreted better. It's like she was playing a ridiculous cartoon version of Star Wars rather than a movie.

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I know Tara Strong is popular, but I can't stand listening to Risha or Holiday. Risha sounds way too snotty and condescending. Holiday is just over the top. I think both characters could have been interpreted better. It's like she was playing a ridiculous cartoon version of Star Wars rather than a movie.


I think Risha's snotty voice suits her. She is a princess after all!


Holiday, though...yeah, her voice makes me want to claw out my eardrums.

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I think Risha's snotty voice suits her. She is a princess after all!


Holiday, though...yeah, her voice makes me want to claw out my eardrums.


Risha could have been snotty and still way more likeable. If someone had played her with more humor or a sense of self-awareness and less of a "I'm better than you" tone, it could have been great.


What was the topic of this thread again? Oh yeah. Troy Baker's voice acting is freakin' perfect every time. I love how he really owns his lines.

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Risha could have been snotty and still way more likeable. If someone had played her with more humor or a sense of self-awareness and less of a "I'm better than you" tone, it could have been great.


What was the topic of this thread again? Oh yeah. Troy Baker's voice acting is freakin' perfect every time. I love how he really owns his lines.


Agreed he's the reason why my JC adores Zenith, and why I wish Zenith was romanceable. :)

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i llike Theron, but i think has a attachment to people problem. i understand caring for the people under your command and such.But also gott realize people are gonna die. it in the job desription. he seemed to obsessed in saving Surro and his was guilt get in the way of doing his job. but think that what me like his character. i gave surro to Lana as a trooper. I told him she was serving a purpose now. You could hear the conflict in him
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i llike Theron, but i think has a attachment to people problem. i understand caring for the people under your command and such.But also gott realize people are gonna die. it in the job desription. he seemed to obsessed in saving Surro and his was guilt get in the way of doing his job. but think that what me like his character. i gave surro to Lana as a trooper. I told him she was serving a purpose now. You could hear the conflict in him


Funny, I think his problem is that he tries not to get attached to people, and only realizes/acknowledges he cares right when he's about to lose them. Look at his life: ditched by his mom (for a good reason, but still), grew up without a dad, told he wasn't good enough to be a Jedi, and went through the ultra-intensive SIS training. That's not exactly a healthy environment to form fuzzy bonds in. He even tells the PC he prefers to work alone--to avoid emotional entanglements, is my guess.


So he's about as emotionally awkward as your average Jedi, and acts like your average Jedi: standoffish until they're dying, at which point he panics and goes all-out in trying to save them. Makes me wonder how he's going to react to losing our PC for five years...

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Funny, I think his problem is that he tries not to get attached to people, and only realizes/acknowledges he cares right when he's about to lose them. Look at his life: ditched by his mom (for a good reason, but still), grew up without a dad, told he wasn't good enough to be a Jedi, and went through the ultra-intensive SIS training. That's not exactly a healthy environment to form fuzzy bonds in. He even tells the PC he prefers to work alone--to avoid emotional entanglements, is my guess.


So he's about as emotionally awkward as your average Jedi, and acts like your average Jedi: standoffish until they're dying, at which point he panics and goes all-out in trying to save them. Makes me wonder how he's going to react to losing our PC for five years...


or he get attached to easy. i think the case could be made either way.

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I think the lone wolf thing is a wall he puts up to protect himself. He really cares about people, perhaps too much, in the sense that losses will pain him more than most people in the same line of work. He wants to form bonds, but is afraid, like was mentioned earlier in the thread...he was abandoned by his mom, never got a chance to know his dad, got rejected by the Jedi, and such. After all that rejection, and training, on some level he thinks there is something wrong with him, that he doesn't measure up, and he closes off to people, because he's concerned about being hurt. It's easier to be alone behind a wall, than to go through the devastation of another rejection.


He has the worst sort of social anxiety...it's easier to be alone, than to face rejection in any form.


PS: My troop has mobilized... :D



Edited by Lunafox
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I think the lone wolf thing is a wall he puts up to protect himself. He really cares about people, perhaps too much, in the sense that losses will pain him more than most people in the same line of work. He wants to form bonds, but is afraid, like was mentioned earlier in the thread...he was abandoned by his mom, never got a chance to know his dad, got rejected by the Jedi, and such. After all that rejection, and training, on some level he thinks there is something wrong with him, that he doesn't measure up, and he closes off to people, because he's concerned about being hurt. It's easier to be alone behind a wall, than to go through the devastation of another rejection.


He has the worst sort of social anxiety...it's easier to be alone, than to face rejection in any form.


PS: My troop has mobilized... :D




This! You described him perfectly. He takes so many risks and gets himself beat up all the time because he's always trying to prove that he has value, that he's worth something, but deep down he doesn't believe it. He probably can't believe anyone would want to have a serious relationship with him either. And now he blames himself for Ziost. Poor Theron. :(

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Thiiiiiiisssss! It's a weakness I myself have, it gets my girls into trouble and it's not fair!


It's good to know I'm not alone with this particular 'affliction' :D


This! You described him perfectly. He takes so many risks and gets himself beat up all the time because he's always trying to prove that he has value, that he's worth something, but deep down he doesn't believe it. He probably can't believe anyone would want to have a serious relationship with him either. And now he blames himself for Ziost. Poor Theron. :(


Thanks :D I spend a lot of time in his head (and possibly other places lol) Poor guy, I feel so bad for him, there is no way he's going to take the next five years well, I'm sure of it.


I greatly approve! Also I love the hairstyle you used on your Trooper, it really works for her.


Thanks! Glad you like :D She's actually a Jedi Knight, but I called her my 'troop' because Nefla was deploying hug troops for Theron, and I wanted o be part of the Hug Theron Brigade :D Hereinafter called he HTB! Can this be a thing? LOL. :p

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I think the lone wolf thing is a wall he puts up to protect himself. He really cares about people, perhaps too much, in the sense that losses will pain him more than most people in the same line of work. He wants to form bonds, but is afraid, like was mentioned earlier in the thread...he was abandoned by his mom, never got a chance to know his dad, got rejected by the Jedi, and such. After all that rejection, and training, on some level he thinks there is something wrong with him, that he doesn't measure up, and he closes off to people, because he's concerned about being hurt. It's easier to be alone behind a wall, than to go through the devastation of another rejection.


He has the worst sort of social anxiety...it's easier to be alone, than to face rejection in any form.


PS: My troop has mobilized... :D




I agree with this SO much!


If you read Annihilation you can really get to see this part of his character. Unless I'm mistaken, part of his mission to Nar Shaddaa was to protect Tiffi'tih and save Pub citizens. (If I'm off let me know, it's been a while since I've read it) Additionally, I think this very reason is why I like the character so much. I can understand his social anxiety and master wall building.


What I am curious about, is what happens when we are "frozen" and how he will react. Will it damage him further? What happens when we wake up, and return? Will he have closed himself off again, and we have to try 10 times hard to get in?


The more I speculate about Theron, and our characters, the more he is reminds me of Cullen from Dragon Age. Both damaged beyond belief, low self-confidence, until someone comes along to say, "you're worth it!" Hopefully this all makes sense, and it's not just me rambling lol. I'm still working on my morning coffee. :)


Oh, and nice Trooper!! I just started mine yesterday.

Edited by Amadahy
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The only one, that Theron seems to be happy to be romanced by, is my male Smuggler. My male operative he's kinda cold to. Poor male operative *hugs him*. But at the end of that scene, I was expecting Theron to turn around and ftb my male smuggler with the way he just about tells my smuggler how he feels. We'll see. Though if Theron can't become a companion I'll be highly pissed off. I like both Lana and Theron, I do, they do work great together in a strange way, but I'm REALLY hoping that it's more like Lana is for Imps and Theron is for Pubs type of deal. Not saying this will happen or anything and I'd prefer if either can get either.


I'm still wondering though why Bioware almost confirmed 100% that Lana can become a companion, but there hasn't been a single word, rumor, or denial about Theron. WHERE THE HECK IS THERON????


Come on, Bioware, we Theron fans just want to know if he'll be in KotFE. JUST SAY YES OR NO! :(

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If I was going to fling someone with the trebuchet, it'd be Holiday. I hate her with the flaming passion of a zillion flaming suns. And yes, part of that is owing to the creep leading my girl on, spending the night with her, and then dropping the..."oh btw baby, my hologram is a tad possessive, and I'm not man enough to unplug her...you don't mind do you?" :mad:


If I was designing the dialogue wheel 'kick Cedrax in the nads' would have been an option. :p


Did your consular wind up with a kid from him? Cause mine did. My poor girl, she got all knocked up and he still strings her along. :mad:


*The kid is via legacy tree only.

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The only one, that Theron seems to be happy to be romanced by, is my male Smuggler. My male operative he's kinda cold to. Poor male operative *hugs him*. But at the end of that scene, I was expecting Theron to turn around and ftb my male smuggler with the way he just about tells my smuggler how he feels. We'll see. Though if Theron can't become a companion I'll be highly pissed off. I like both Lana and Theron, I do, they do work great together in a strange way, but I'm REALLY hoping that it's more like Lana is for Imps and Theron is for Pubs type of deal. Not saying this will happen or anything and I'd prefer if either can get either.


I'm still wondering though why Bioware almost confirmed 100% that Lana can become a companion, but there hasn't been a single word, rumor, or denial about Theron. WHERE THE HECK IS THERON????


Come on, Bioware, we Theron fans just want to know if he'll be in KotFE. JUST SAY YES OR NO! :(


If Theron isn't a companion I'll be pissed too. Only for the fact that, as you said, Lana is almost 100% confirmed. It would feel like a slap in the face, as a Theron fan, to have her as a companion and not him. However, if he takes on a role like Cullen did, in Dragon Age: Inquisition, I'd be okay. Still a NPC but a LI for those of us that want it, or want to continue it.


I'm hoping Gamescom gives us some kind of information. I do think he will be in KotFE someway, just not sure how. Remember, Lana is the only returning NPC that has been confirmed in the game. We are still missing Satele, Jace, Theron, Marr and all of the other NPCs that are currently alive. So there's a little hope.


My fear, is that this EP will revolve around Lana as the only returning NPC. If that happened, after being subbed since launch, I may have to reconsider.

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I want Theron to rescue me, not Lana. I am pretty sure he will become a companion though. SOR was kind of a prequel for the expansion. I think they wouldn't have introduced him like that alongside Lana if he wouldn't become one. Edited by Lichtfaengerin
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I want Theron to rescue me, not Lana. I am pretty sure he will become a companion though. SOR was kind of a prequel for the expansion. I think they wouldn't have introduced him like that alongside Lana if he wouldn't become one.


I truly hope so. My male smuggler REALLY wants Theron. He told Risha to pursue that King guy and he told Akaavai no thanks to the romance stuff.

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I think the lone wolf thing is a wall he puts up to protect himself. He really cares about people, perhaps too much, in the sense that losses will pain him more than most people in the same line of work. He wants to form bonds, but is afraid, like was mentioned earlier in the thread...he was abandoned by his mom, never got a chance to know his dad, got rejected by the Jedi, and such. After all that rejection, and training, on some level he thinks there is something wrong with him, that he doesn't measure up, and he closes off to people, because he's concerned about being hurt. It's easier to be alone behind a wall, than to go through the devastation of another rejection.


He has the worst sort of social anxiety...it's easier to be alone, than to face rejection in any form.


PS: My troop has mobilized... :D




You hit the nail on the head and I'm sure that he will turn to our characters more in the expansion, because as we see when he's romanced he knows we are someone he can count on.

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I truly hope so. My male smuggler REALLY wants Theron. He told Risha to pursue that King guy and he told Akaavai no thanks to the romance stuff.


Akaavi's romance is pretty sweet, it gives an insight into Mandalorian romace customs without feeling all pervy for romancing Torian. And I had the confrontation between Akaavi and Risha since I apparently flirted with Risha a few times despite never really pushing a romance. It was pretty funny since my Slinger just looked at Risha and basically was thinking, "Risha how long have you been living in your fantasy world?".


Akaavi's pretty tough and independent, but over the course of the romance she opens up and is pretty sweet person at heart. Well... sweet aside from willing kill for honour. But other than that, she's a really sweet person. But I'm gonna tear my hair out choosing between Akaavi and Theron. If I could get her to calm down and not tear my Slinger's throat out with her bare hands, I'll pick Theron. But if it ends with her leaving the party (please don't let this happen!), I guess I'd stick with Akaavi and see if I could have a "Friends with benefits" thing with Theron.


So basically, I'd recommend Akaavi's romance and I'm hoping she doesn't rip my Slinger's throat out :p

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