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An Immortal Antagonist beyond Darkness and Light?!?


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Introductory Remarks:

i) BioWare/Lucas Arts have to somehow undone_for_good This Being (The Emperor) Who exists in-between the (Force-User) Demi-God state and the ... state/status of a God; He isn't just "weakly immortal", now He appears to be "strongly immortal"; he can't die from a natural cause but you can't kill Him for good also...


However after less than 4,000 years He must be just a memory for obvious reasons...


ii) The Emperor was obviously this SW story's main asset because of His Immortality; therefore SW:TOR's storyline should be considered just a Prologue, the "means to an end" because only now we'll have the show of His real Power and the relevant issues...

That said, I have to point out that "obviously" The Emperor is beyond the Dark and the Light and/or He should be beyond the Dark/Light Dichotomy... Neither Blue and Green or Red but Yellow and more: neither just Dark Side nor Light Side!!....

Thus The Emperor didn't really murder His own parents!! If he had done that, then he would come to be just a powerful psychotic, an abomination... Therefore His Parents had sacrificed themselves in order to save Him from His mortal foes and so The Emperor absolutely loves them etc. etc. etc. He has contact with their spirits and this must be considered the first of His achievements, to "find" their spirits and to restore contact. They have contact only with The Emperor and this could be a kind of AUTISM- because He loves them and only them and they love Him and only Him (except their mutual love)- but this isn't the case: He has the need to imitate them, to walk their path and to also create one family...


iii) The Emperor's Real Enemy must be something like the " Force Entropy" which has many forms, the Force Balance, the Force Inertia and all; in other words The Divine Emperor is trying -through His Divine Powers- to commit a Hubris!...

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Compare The Immortal Emperor of SW:TOR with ...

i) Don Vito Corleone and Don Michael Corleone from the Godfather masterpiece and ...

ii) Dr. Hannibal Lecter (BW choose a figure of The Emperor resembling Sir Anthony Hopkins ... and a sentence similar to Lecter's goodbye to Clarisse!) and think about all of them!


Compare also This Immortal Emperor with Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and think about their background and their status.


Neither Don Vito nor Michael are just evil or just virtuous and the same holds for Dr. Hannibal Lecter! Here comes the main question about their motivation and thus the relevant question about their psychoanalytical background. All of them (including Darth Vader) have "something" in common; the strongest love for their parents (Lecter had to substitute the love for his parents with the love for his sister as Luke Skywalker did) and the loss of their beloved or the extreme danger of the loss of their beloved... The immortality issue here, at SW:TOR, is the means to bring new light at this fundamental issue (think about the relevant thought of Apostle Paul about the connection of his struggle and the "rising" of the beloved dead) and therefore it represents a greatest opportunity and a principal challenge that no wise person can avoid or ignore!

Thus I insist about my proposal for the relationship of The Emperor with His parents and a story of extreme love and sacrifice of His Sith parents; let's say that it was a desperate effort to buy Him some time in order to develop His abilities etc. That relationship is obviously the source of both Light and Darkness.

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However The Emperor's relationship to His parents (and particularly His continuous relationship to the spirits of His parents, according to my proposal, a relationship that must be understand as the dearest to His Heart) and subsequently His relationship with His Child, His vision of an Eternal -and raised to Perfection- Family may be His weakness and/or the limit of His Power and His Ambitions...

The Emperor survived His boyhood (including the chase against Him, launched by the Sith Emperor of that time and the sacrifice of His parents) and the loss of His parents, He sought out (with immense sorrow and infinite determination...) the spirits of His parents, He find them out, He eventually restored uninterrupted contact with them and He is in full contact and interaction with these spirits to Eternity, thanks to His immortality ... though someone (Dark scenario) could try (in vain...) to interrupt this contact... The Emperor also proved Himself beyond death and temporary impotence and His resurrection followed...


Such a person should be able to value virtue, love and even sacrifice but such a person is aware that virtues and even love have a limit and they exist with respect to one's self-estimation and narcissism... On the contrary His relationship and mutual love with His parents is (for obvious reasons) beyond limits, it's infinite!!


My point is that The Emperor's relationship with His parents (their spirits) is an Established, Eternal Paradise though The Divine Emperor neither is so powerful to convert reality into such a Paradise nor He wants to!! The love of His parents was the result of their free choice and so it was their choice to sacrifice themselves just to buy Him some time, they weren't convinced about His ultimate success ... and that's the reason of the infinite value of their actions and the reason of the infinite mutual love between Him and His parents...


If so, then why The Emperor is the leader of an Empire and He is trying to become the Eternal Ruler of the SW Galaxy?!? Obviously He could withdraw from "public life" and just be in contact with the spirits of His parents, living into that aforementioned Eternal Paradise and ignoring the rest of reality, the SW Galaxy that is...


Well, though The Emperor doesn't have any ambition to enforce the conversion of the whole reality into a Paradise, He has the ambition to ... "put", to try to create one more Paradise INTO, WITHIN the SW Galaxy; in other words He desires to enrich the aforementioned Paradise with new (and worthy) members of His Family ... and here you can compare with i) the God of Christianity and every monotheistic religion and ii) with Vito and Michael Corleone and even with Hannibal Lecter and his views of Clarisse!



Thus I insist that all that side of The Emperor's storyline is of greatest artistic etc. value!...

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The SW literature has already two examples of broken immortality and therefore it wouldn't seem like some kind of problem to deal with The Emperor's immortality too; Darth Plagueis will succeed a status of "weak immortality" and Darth Sion (from the sublime SW:KotOR2;TSL) had a status of strong immortality but the writer was able to terminate this Dark Lord ... on the basis of his own lack of self-estimation and his unbearable suffering!


The concept of The Emperor (Valcoryon) isn't (or should not be!) about a really similar case!!

Darth Sion was a Dark Lord and he succumbed to his own Darkness when he experienced the failure of his narcissism, because this narcissism was everything he got... Obviously the (aforementioned) concept of The Emperor is quite different because He had already established a Paradise, founded on true and infinite love.


However it's obvious (from fragments of the Ziost storyline and from the new Trailer) that the writers of BW have already thought about something quite similar to the aforementioned concept of mine. I suppose that the Zakuul Empire had been founded (roughly) at the same time of the foundation of the Dromund Kaas Empire by means of another starship of the Sith Convoy or something ... and The Emperor ruled this Empire also through telepathy, according to the existing Codex Entry; he maintained many conversations at the same time...

After all The Emperor should despise the Sith and their Empires as much as He despised the Jedi and the Republic.

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Listen, I'm all for fan speculation, but by the time I managed to be able to follow this you seemed to be implying the emperor not only didn't kill his parents, (which is an event that played a pivotal role in his becoming Tenebrae) but that he chats with them? And he wants a family? The emperor isn't really a family man.
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My style of writing is very complicated but also very dense and very accurate 'cause I haven't tons of energy and a lot of time... Anyways, I :( apologize for your discomfort. ;)



Well, I didn't imply that The Emperor didn't kill His Parents; I wrote down absolutely explicitly that The Emperor didn't kill His Parents!! On the contrary... etc. etc. etc.


I never told that The Emperor chats with His Parents!

I explicitly declared that The Emperor made a desperate and agonizing struggle to find their Spirits and to restore not only a contact with them but also a mutual interaction with these very spirits!! Furthermore that very contact and interaction is (by far) His greatest achievement because He did establish likewise an Eternal Paradise!! Of course He has no reason at all (?) to share this Pride of Him with other "human beings"...

The Emperor takes the final decision on every issue but He always has a thorough conversation with the Spirits of His Parents about everything He values or they do!


Furthermore The Emperor has the need to somehow compensate His Parents, to make their spirits happier and this is the beginning of a "chain reaction"!! When their spirits become happier, He becomes happier and then their Spirits become even happier and so on! That's the meaning -or rather one serious aspect- of His Eternal Paradise...

One way to make them even happier is to face dangers and challenges with success; another way is His "weak immortality" and one more His "strong immortality"!!

But He needs to give them more and more; He feels sorry for this/his loss ("identification") and their sacrifice; not really responsible for their loss but absolutely responsible for their happiness!! The SW Galaxy is for The Emperor and the spirits of His Parents just one main theater, a field from which they can have access to interesting experiences and to very interesting experiences also!! One of them, by far the most important is to follow the story of their grand-children ... for obvious reasons!!

Thus He makes use of the SW Galaxy and also of the very fact that He isn't completely omniscient or completely omnipotent!! The Emperor is an Immortal Antagonist that values virtuous persons and (unconsciously?) He is searching for worthy antagonists and thrilling, real competition; that's the main reason behind His effort to lead the Galaxy! The Emperor (unlike the God of Christianity who's motivations and ways of thinking are far beyond our understanding) is an understandable and tragic God because His very origins are explicitly like ours.

However His antagonists must find a way to pack Him back to His Parents, to convince Him to be satisfied with just His Daddy and His Mommy...


The Emperor is THE "family man"!!

This family is a Holy Family and simultaneously an Egotistical Family, an absolutely self-centered Family, a Family of desperate struggles, extreme agony, sorrows and determination...


The Emperor obviously isn't Jesus Christ for too many reasons; it is also true that He isn't an enemy of Jesus Christ ... though they might have a fundamental dispute! It is also true that The Emperor (This Emperor) isn't the Devil...


Speaking about the Emperor's psychoanalysis, we have to point out that His character and personality have a story that followed His own storyline; sometimes in the past He was quite close to the Dark Side and the story of His personality is quite wavelike; after all He started as a happiest and gifted mortal child, He later became something like Vito Corleone after the loss of his family and his mother etc. etc. etc. and He eventually became something like a "new" God with the aforementioned limitations; neither omnipotent nor even omniscient, having the origin of a mortal...


"... a pivotal role in his becoming Tenebrae..."; the idea that either The Emperor or Darth Bane had actually murdered their parents is the child of the mind of a quite naive -or very short-sighted- author...; the Oedipal complex, the envy, the death instinct etc. is one thing, the deed is quite a different thing!! The killing of the hated parent is a polarized act that suffers from extreme lack of balance, the decision to make the killing ignores the libido, the love, the self estimation, every aspect of narcissism etc. On the contrary the Oedipal complex, the death instinct, the envy and the simple, more or less unconscious desire to kill your -hated and beloved- father is a perfectly balanced and potentially fruitful and beneficial state of mind. The rest is merely about the one or the other TOO SERIOUS psychopathology; nor even the extremely psychotic (or the psychotic genius of ) Adolf Hitler had murdered his father ... and I believe that the vast majority of the most dangerous, sociopath criminals didn't actually murdered their own parents!!... Perhaps the authors of these SW ... stories just express -through writing- personal issues regarding the supposedly liberating act of the killing of the father within their own Oedipal complex...

Arcann's loss of control is something different, he had been systematically provoked and even abused etc. etc. etc.



Thus we have a (hopefully profitable) case study of Theology by means of "gedanken experimenten" (or so) within the SW Universe! Not bad and more interesting (imho) than Thor's case study!!

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ok your entire premise seems to be that the emperor can't be a being of the dark and light dicotomy but EVERYTHING we see makes him fit perfectly. the dark side at it's CORE is selfishness. and the Emperor is the perfect example of that. this guy consumes entire worlds of lfie, so that he can prolong his life far beyond it's natural limits etc. tghe man is the dark side embodied. just because you're powerful in the force doesn't mean you're beyond it's rules. the more powerful you are in fact the more the dark side tempts
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The God of Christianity (and all three monotheistic religions) also "consumes" all human beings; furthermore He unleashed (in fact) the very Devil in order to sustain the freedom of choice and free will...

He is partially responsible for every death and every sorrow since He exiled Adam and Eve from Paradise... though He isn't responsible for our choices.

However (almost) nobody ever blamed the God for death, agony, tragedies and sorrow though we rightly blame Adolf Hitler's psychosis for the awful horror of the Holocaust ... and people who blamed God for the tragedies of the humankind were out of their minds or they are doomed to embrace failure and doom...

Jesus Christ himself spoke clearly (and wisely) in the parable of the "talents" (or so) about the "destiny" of the minds who decide that the reality is unfair...


This Emperor combines the Force with Immortality and the finite and contradictory human essence; I explicitly declared that He had a wavelike story during His effort to eventually become something like a God and I also wrote down that His personality had a similar story, He had come "quite close" to the Dark Side...




You don't blame the God (or the reality, the nature) for the absolute reality of death; then why do you blame The Emperor for a finite number of (premature) deaths and you say that He embodies ALL the Dark Side?!?

Anyways He did all these atrocities in order to become both "weakly" and "strongly" immortal and "enough" strong in the Force, in other words He did all these actions in order to become a God with human origin; since His eventual success this fact marks a "change of phase" at His personality ... and -imho-you have to judge accordingly His newest choices...


Do you believe that His decision to spare the life of "our" character "because the life is more interesting with him in it" is the decision of a being of the Darkness? "EVERYTHING WE SEE"?

Do you believe that Vito Corleone, Michael Corleone or even Hannibal Lecter did embody ALL the Evil and the Darkness and ONLY the Evil and the Darkness?!? Frankly?

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Well, I feel that I wrote down everything I had to say.

All the previous posts of mine -and particularly- the Edited, "colorful" post describe with clarity ("clearly"), accurately and with enough argumentation "my" concept.


I am ready to answer some questions or to take part in some conversation but I also realize that I really haven't something more to say...


Thus "let's rock n' roll and let us have a lot of fun" ... plus a spiritual entertainment that we had met in SW:KotOR2;TSL!...

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I was completely serious and I still am; however you can judge for yourselves if any troll is willing to argue about his/her ideas!...

Well, there may exist :p such trolls...; thus you can only pass judgement on the rationality issue of my concept. :)


However The Emperor isn't, can't be Darth Jadus and I never spoke such stupid things! The Emperor is obviously The Emperor of the Sith Empire, the one that its capital world is (was?) Dromund Kaas.


P.S.: I really don't know for good anything about Darth Jadus; the fact is that so far I have just played only three Characters from an equal number of Classes; just Smuggler, BH and Jedi Consular ... and I intend to run asap a SW. I never did any IA or even some SI, I was keeping these Classes for the end!! :rolleyes:

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Some trolling aside, I also understand that the aforementioned concept forms the basis for a pretty interesting story!

However I am convinced that at this phase of SW:TOR, its writers are coming with also a proper "basis" and -hopefully- a much interesting story!

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Ummm.....I tried to read this and got through a couple of your posts, but you're thoughts seem scattered.


Can you revise your draft here? Like take out some things and maybe make your writing more coherent? You really zip back and forth between god (this I don't understand at all actually), movie characters and lots of other things.

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Well, in due time (very soon, in a few days; I have also PvP Warzones to run ... :rolleyes: ... for no less than two chars! :) ...) I'll do my best to satisfy your kind question but the effort to write down my thoughts more "plainly", more simply will be quite hard for me!

I am "educated" to read dense and hard texts and I have been able to write down and think in an analogous way...



For starters: ...


... people keep saying that the original SW Trilogy had been inspired by Akira Kurosawa's masterpiece "The Hidden Fortress" which is true regarding the form, the group structure and the mutual relationships of the cast of MOST characters in George Lucas' SW Episode IV; "A New Hope".

People failed (?!?) to notice that the original SW Trilogy -as a whole- is also inspired by the first two "The Godfather" masterpieces; in fact you may watch both SW Trilogies as a variation of "The Godfather" theme of a gifted and virtuous individual who faces the loss, "the certain death" of his beloved and he has to make very hard choices...; that's the core of both "The Godfather" two first films (regarding both Vito Corleone and Michael Corleone) and the two "SW" Trilogies, regarding Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader!!


As a further step you have to think about the issue of political power, the connection of either safety or compensation for the loss of beloved with political power (and grandeur) in "The Godfather" and SW!! In "The Hidden Fortress" also!...


As a further step you can consider what is the projection of absolute safety or Power ("POWWWAAAR") and grandeur: it's to become immortal and eventually to become a God...

Well, that's also the deep core of the psychoanalytical mechanisms of the (North-)American Patriotism and the American Capitalism!!...


Have I been understood?!?

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Are you referring to yourself or me?

If me: "it's not trolling if it's serious!"


I am obviously referring (just) to you (and another guy so far) and you -obviously and explicitly- got it ...


If it is "serious" (or whatever) either speak out, write down your objections, your arguments and your remarks or be silent...


On the contrary you took the time to write two posts and you speak like a troll about something "serious"...

Am I mistaken?

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I am obviously referring (just) to you (and another guy so far) and you -obviously and explicitly- got it ...


If it is "serious" (or whatever) either speak out, write down your objections, your arguments and your remarks or be silent...


On the contrary you took the time to write two posts and you speak like a troll about something "serious"...

Am I mistaken?


It's been more than one other person, I think you may have missed that.Your posts, though interesting to read, are tinfoil hat theories.

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Dude, Darth Vitiate is a beeing of pure evil, for god's sake dont compare God to Vitiate saying that both consume life, it is totally diferent. Vitiate said implicity that he wants to destroy all life in the galaxy just because he thinks all life is made to boost his immortality. He does not care about other beeings or they feelings. U r probably high and want some atention. Darth Vitiate is evil as ****, as evil as Darth Sidious, nothing u say is goin to change that, not even your like-book long posts.
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It's been more than one other person, I think you may have missed that. Your posts, though interesting to read, are tinfoil hat theories.


I haven't really missed that many members of the SW:TOR (or the SW ) Community disagree with my point of view, on the contrary I was sure about that beforehand... That's why I took care to give a lot of arguments...

If the arguments aren't flawless, then find these flaws and try to explain your findings to us! It's obvious that I favor free speech and I also favor civilized and polite speech.


I am honest speaking out the previous sentences and I was honest when I wrote down all the previous posts of mine.

If someone finds my posts interesting to read, that's not bad of course. However I insist that my ideas are completely rational and, above all, honest, frank. They seem to be paradoxical but they are based on a rational analysis of all this world of ideas, beliefs and concepts, namely the so called "SW Galaxy" or "SW Universe".


And last but not least: I haven't any ambition to convince you or to lure you into a sick conversation... My point is that if you find my posts interesting to read and also rational but the expressed ideas distressing, then feel free to disagree with my point of view!

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Dude, Darth Vitiate is a being of pure evil, for god's sake don't compare God to Vitiate saying that both consume life, it is totally different. Vitiate said implicitly that he wants to destroy all life in the galaxy just because he thinks all life is made to boost his immortality. He does not care about other beeings or their feelings. U r probably high and want some attention. Darth Vitiate is evil as ****, as evil as Darth Sidious, nothing u say is going to change that, not even your like-book long posts.


U r probably high and want some atention.



Thanks for the laughter!! I ain't so sure that I need medical attention but who knows; anyways I ain't the proper person to make the decision on this matter!...

I just want to express my thoughts, nothing more!

I found the issue really interesting and the proof is that I also found the energy to write down my thoughts for the first time after the release of the game.



Dude, Darth Vitiate is a being of pure evil, for god's sake don't compare God to Vitiate saying that both consume life, it is totally different.


It's really hard to compare God with (Darth) Vitiate for at least one reason: God is supposed to exist before the Creation and even out of time, namely God is supposed to be always (from the very beginning and beyond) omnipotent and omniscient and more than this, He is supposed to be the unique omnipotent and omniscient BEING.


On the contrary, "poor" Vitiate started being neither omnipotent nor even immortal and He (sorry for the capital letter H) lost His parents when He was only ten years old!! They say that He murdered His father but this may be just a rumor... And what about His mother, did He murdered her also?!?

Anyways, I do believe that the concept of the actual murder of His own father is a short-sighted and "easy", "cheap" idea and I do believe that my idea of the self-sacrifice of His parents is much more interesting and essentially more fruitful ... by far!!


Summary: God's existence seems to be absolutely easy and perfectly balanced because God is supposed to be omnipotent and omniscient from the very start; on the contrary Vitiate's existence started quite differently and He had to work out His way to both kinds of immortality, being in agony and fear, feeling insecure!


However Vitiate's achievement, the "weakly" AND "strongly" immortal Valkoryon is different from Vitiate Himself but He is also different from God, He brings with Him the experiences, the memories and the instincts and psychological needs and tendencies of His mortal and tragic past...



Vitiate said implicitly that he wants to destroy all life in the galaxy just because he thinks all life is made to boost his immortality.


Did He say that implicitly or explicitly?!? Did He said that Himself or is it just a fear of other people?


Vitiate/Valkoryon has no interest to destroy all life in the galaxy; if He does so, then it's quite dubious that He will be any longer immortal ... and alive!...

I feel that you make a confusion between Valkoryon (or this SW god) with Count Dracula... If He is so, then He is constantly in need of existing life to consume and prolong His own life...

My point of view is quite different; Vitiate became "strongly immortal" since He consumed all life in Ziost; after that, He only needs the Force to sustain His life and therefore He also needs all life in the galaxy because it's the life of every sentient that sustains the Force ... or something like that!


Thus the Immortal Emperor Valkoryon (Who obviously became a god...) is more or less fear-free and even secure, more or less relaxed and serene. Vitiate's achievements, His resurrection and afterward the consumption of all life in (on) Ziost have changed dramatically His emotional status ... but not His psychoanalytical core...


I also have expressed these thoughts in previous posts (of mine) at this very thread:


The Emperor (unlike the God of Christianity who's motivations and ways of thinking are far beyond our understanding) is an understandable and tragic God because His very origins are explicitly like ours.


The Emperor obviously isn't Jesus Christ for too many reasons; it is also true that He isn't an enemy of Jesus Christ ... though they might have a fundamental dispute! It is also true that The Emperor (This Emperor) isn't the Devil...



He does not care about other beings or their feelings.


I obviously agree with your previous opinion about Vitiate/Valkoryon;; He isn't though self-centered, according to the concept of mine He is THE Family man...


However the God of Christianity cares about the feelings of the humans only when these humans have succeed to become inhabitants of the Paradise, after they have made all the right decisions for the right reasons...

Before that, He is testing us and He has even released the Devil (the temptations if you prefer so) in order to tempt us and thus test us in real, harsh conditions.

Well, it is also true that He supposedly took care of us by sending Jesus Christ on Earth but that's mainly about His promise, the so called New Testament, regarding the "afterlife".


Or have I been mistaken?!?

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... Vitiate said implicity that he wants to destroy all life in the galaxy just because he thinks all life is made to boost his immortality. ................................. U r probably high and want some atention. Darth Vitiate is evil as ****, as evil as Darth Sidious, nothing u say is goin to change that, not even your like-book long posts.


Regarding Vitiate saying (implicitly) that "he wants to destroy all life in the galaxy just because he thinks all life is made to boost his immortality" you have to pay a visit to the game and read again Codex/Persons of note/Vitiate...



Well, I ain't sure that Vitiate is as evil as Darth Sidious!!


Darth Sidious planned to build the Galactic Empire in order just to satisfy the petty ambitions of him, he destroyed all potential rivals in order to satisfy his meaningless narcissism: he planned to build the Galactic Empire in order to become an Emperor, period.

I know a lot of persons who don't care to become Emperors (or extremely powerful) but I know nobody who could achieve both "weak and strong immortality" and he wouldn't care to achieve that state, only psychotic people with strong suicide tendencies would be indifferent about that option...


You want to pass judgement on Vitiate regarding his actions in order to achieve immortality, both "weak" and "strong"; your religious beliefs aside, would you refuse to destroy one ... country or something like that if you knew that this way you would become completely immortal?!?

To be honest, in the best case scenario I don't know what I would decide regarding this very issue; :rak_05: thankfully we neither can achieve immortality one way or another nor we have :i_angel::sul_angel: such sweet, angelic fantasies, the most of us, that is!...


Consider also this immortality issue as a metaphor regarding a "projection" of the grandeur and invincibility of our society to ourselves; it's not a quite rare defense mechanism every now and then, you know...

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