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Personal Knights of the Fallen Empire theories


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So, it was bold, it was daring, it was cool. I would assume most everyone on the forums by now has seen the trailer for Knights of the Fallen Empire, and everyone has been speculating. Now I've had several hours to think and would like to outline some of my personal theories as to where the story is going.


#1 Not that much time will pass

So, since we found out we'd be frozen in carbonite the community has had a mixed reaction. Some are calling lazy writing, some like it. I'm withholding my judgement until I see the actual scene. But there is one thing I'm pretty sure about. It won't be that long.


I've seen speculations ranging from 3 to 20 years, and my money is on closer to 2 or 3. For one thing, many of our factions leaders are getting up in years, Satele being 60+, and adding 10-20 years to them would turn them from inspiring leaders to decrepit old geezers. Not very "epic".


Secondly, there are romancable companions to be considered. Can you IMAGINE the nerd rage if Kira and Lana turned out to be 40 when you escape carbonite? A gray Quinn? I'd rather he be dead myself, but I know a sizable portion of the female playerbase does not concur with that sentiment. Bioware doesn't want to alienate the people who take the romances in this game




#2 Marr will be dead by the time we wake up

If there are two things we can say about Marr it's that he is a patriot, and he is dying. Dark side saturation has eroded him so much that is suit is as much for the life support as the aesthetics. What better way for a man that loves his country and knows his time is limited than to go out in a blaze of glory fighting off this "eternal empire"? It would make for an emotional scene for imperial players, and certainly fits with both his character and Bioware's pattern of killing major imperial characters.


#3 The story will begin with Vitiates defeat

So Vitiate has been painted as the big boss since launch. And many people are worried that post jedi knight story his only real content will be the end of Shadow of Revan and the story on Ziost. However, I theorize that a sizable chunk of the first 11 chapters ending his threat, and his defeat will play a pivotal role in the arrival of the eternal empire and our carbon stasis.


#4 We wont be mono-faction

So there is a lot of fear floating around that the factions will be merged for the sake of the story, and that this is indeed the "better than cross server" that Bioware has referenced, but I do not believe that to be the case. In fact, I believe quite the opposite-the eternal empire will revitalize the sith empire. Think about it, the republic millitary may be on retreat but their population is massive. Palpatine knew you could never destroy the republic from the outside, and that is a lesson this empire of Zakuul will learn the hard way. But what about the sith empire? The title and the blurb we received imply that the empire is truly on its last legs, if not fallen entirely (which firs with my theory that Marr will die, his death would correlate in a severe drop in the quality of imperial strategy) but we also know this is a story, and the protagonists always win in the end.


Which leads to theory #5

So what happens to Zakuul? The trailer clearly showed this is a highly populated empire with traits that resemble that of the spartans. So what are the sith to do with this large militaristic culture once their leader has been deposed? Assimilate them of course. With new storytelling freedom the dark council could be erased entirely, and the empire's leadership could rest firmly in the hands of the warrior, inquisitor, agent, and Lana. This would both appease imperial players, and inject new lifeblood into the galactic war.


Theory #6 The new companion system won't be as versatile as people are making it out to be

Listen, the new companion system already has me really excited from just the little snippet of information we've been given. But everybody seems to believe that we will access a page, pick the companions we want from all 40 of them, and that will be that. It is far more likely there will be a small pocket of class interchangeable companions. Keep in mind this has to work with the lore as much as gameplay. A sith followed by Rusk, Jorgan, Zenith, T7, and Kira would be laughable at best. I mean can you picture a sith travelling with Ashara? oh wait... Keep in mind we most likely wont be able to just pick and choose. So keep you hopes up, but also keep them tempered.


Theory #7 This is going to be epic

Guys, they've done it. After all this time, we are finally getting the attention and passion this game deserves from the higher ups. A massive, choice driven, Bioware story arc hitting right now, with all the hype from the movies, is going to make this a hit. So thanks to everyone who stuck with this game through good and bad. Your support got us here.

Edited by Jduensing
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One faction would be much better for a lot of reasons. PvP for one thing would be immensely better and easier to balance server loads for, it would also open up a true rogue style wasteland of every man for himself but pave ways for guild v guild war (possibly even with ships?!) - probably not but just a thought. Edited by AmagonofBloodfin
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One faction would be much better for a lot of reasons. PvP for one thing would be immensely better and easier to balance server loads for, it would also open up a true rogue style wasteland of every man for himself but pave ways for guild v guild war (possibly even with ships?!) - probably not but just a thought.

One faction is honestly the last thing this game needs. They just ran a "Choose your side" ad campaign not too long ago. And jedi/sith would never work with each other. It would be a terrible direction for the story and the game.

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One faction would be much better for a lot of reasons. PvP for one thing would be immensely better and easier to balance server loads for, it would also open up a true rogue style wasteland of every man for himself but pave ways for guild v guild war (possibly even with ships?!) - probably not but just a thought.


If both factions merged then what's the point of pvp unless the Eternal Empire becomes playable?

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I agree, the freezing will be short lived. 3-5 years, no more than 10.


As for Vitiate, I suspect it'll start with the new Emperor destroying him. Would be a fantastic way to solidify him as a total ******.


I suspect we'll have access to most companions, some of the useless ones like Broonmark maybe not.


What I'm really trying to wrap my head around right now is the whole freezing thing in the first place. How in tarnation do you freeze some of the most powerful force users in the galaxy? just like that?

Unless of course they do it willingly, at which point one must ask why? I can't see Nox giving up a dark council position for ANYTHING.


There are big questions to be answered yet. Next batch of answers probably coming at the next Cantina event on July 11th

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One faction is honestly the last thing this game needs. They just ran a "Choose your side" ad campaign not too long ago. And jedi/sith would never work with each other. It would be a terrible direction for the story and the game.


except sides don't exist anymore. that's not speculation, that's fact.

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Honestly I loved the look of the eternal empire and wouldn't mind that.


mhmm that would be my guess. You'll have the remnants of the Alliance of known entities (Pubs, Hutts, Empire) vs new Empire. And a final story mission which aligns you with them and makes your betrayal complete.


very Mass Effect style choicing.


However they could also keep it as is, and continue the struggle simply between the light and the dark (which is another concept they haven't touched in a while but was very important in kotor).

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Honestly I loved the look of the eternal empire and wouldn't mind that.


I love the armor with the shield/saber staff. I wouldn't mind either, they could have made a new class to go with it too.

They might also make it like SWG which lets us change sides, but won't know until closer to launch ._.

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Since we are supposedly going to be able to choose Companions belonging to other Classes (we play?) I wonder how that would affect our Class Ships.


I hope we get new ships, but if we don't then one of our old companions has it. Kinda like the Ebon Hawk

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I hope we get new ships, but if we don't then one of our old companions has it. Kinda like the Ebon Hawk


Corso stole my frakking ship!? He's a dead man.




I am interested in what happens to Vitiate. At current, he's our Big Bad. If he's Valkorion, that would at least give us a bit of consistency that we're still fighting against him and his powers.


If he's not, that's a big plot thread that needs to be addressed. None of the chapter headings released for KotFE really suggest that it's dealt with there, which leaves us a few options:


#1; he gets taken out at the beginning of KotFE as others have suggested by the Eternal Emperor to show us how much power this new group has. That's all well and good from a storytelling perspective, but in an interactive storytelling sphere that would be a big let down. It would be like watching the Revan battle in a cutscene instead of participating in it.


#2; he's still there lurking in the shadows, getting ready to plot his next move, actually enjoying the destruction caused by this new faction, biding his time until he can feed on the universe again. We'll meet him again somewhere down the road in one of the later chapters or in the next expansion after this.


#3; we get a 3.4 update between July and October addressing this, allowing us our big final battle with Vitiate and putting a capstone on the 1-60 content.


I'm not sure the time frame would work for 3 and I think many of us would be disappointed in 1. 2 would just push it off somewhere in the future, maybe, which could be equally as unsatisfying. As it stands with Ziost, we're already kind of left at a depressing place in the story, so I don't know. Any other suggestions?

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I don't think it would be wise to kill Mar off, he was really the only thing holding the pathetic council together. Ravage and the other two fools can die. Would be cool if they brought back Darth Decimus.


He's kinda dead, but sure...?

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The Eternal Empire's ideology is very much like that of the rule of two sith. I'd join them before being coerced (as I have been for the last 2 years) to be a good-guy Sith who doesn't crave power but instead cares about stopping boogeymen.
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I've seen speculations ranging from 3 to 20 years, and my money is on closer to 2 or 3. For one thing, many of our factions leaders are getting up in years, Satele being 60+, and adding 10-20 years to them would turn them from inspiring leaders to decrepit old geezers. Not very "epic".


Just a side thought.


The 'human' and other races do not age the same in SWTOR as they do on earth; which gives a bit more flexibility in the timeline. Also there are ways of extending life from cybernetics to tricks of the force.


PS Back on Earth, with our current understanding of aging, there are children being born now that should live to be 150 to 200 years old.

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The new companion system won't be as versatile as people are making it out to be


Which brings to mind, 'real' choices like Bioware was famous for doing in KOTOR. We all remember killing off or leaving behind companions.


I know that a lot of the story and 'hard' choices were removed from the game during development because they didn't want to make things too permanent for players that were coming from tradition MMO structures.


So SWTOR originally was to have more consequences and 'optional' story lines that deviated much more than we have seen.


One thing specifically I remember the developers talking about was the Companions, and that originally, your story did have the option of Killing them and not letting them join your crew. The option to do this and the story changes that allowed it were removed because they were concerned that players would be upset if they killed off a companion that they might later on have wanted.


So, they at least realize this was a mistake or at least should have been allowed later in the story line when players were no longer new and understood the consequences of their choices.

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#4 We wont be mono-faction

So there is a lot of fear floating around that the factions will be merged for the sake of the story, and that this is indeed the "better than cross server" that Bioware has referenced, but I do not believe that to be the case. In fact, I believe quite the opposite-the eternal empire will revitalize the sith empire. Think about it, the republic millitary may be on retreat but their population is massive. Palpatine knew you could never destroy the republic from the outside, and that is a lesson this empire of Zakuul will learn the hard way. But what about the sith empire? The title and the blurb we received imply that the empire is truly on its last legs, if not fallen entirely (which firs with my theory that Marr will die, his death would correlate in a severe drop in the quality of imperial strategy) but we also know this is a story, and the protagonists always win in the end.


The problem is with everything that they have been saying a faction merger is going to happen as they have been pushing the empire and republic together against a common foe time and time again to get the player base used to the idea and with both factions nearly gone it makes sense to unite completely against a common foe and plus it is the cheapest and easiest way for them to improve queue times as the only real issue with doing it is the chat.

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