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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Original 8 class stories upgrade. What does this mean do we think?


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I hope to god "re-purposing" is not just another way of saying "we are going to make all the original content so easy that there is no challenge and is an absolute bore to play through for new players or old players starting new characters"


This is what WoW did, made it so easy, there is no risk of dying what so ever. Its what made me leave cos I could not stand starting new characters, I was stuck with my current characters because of the bore factor.


I also hope it means that all the side quests don't become pointless. I do enjoy the 12xp so i can play through story, but at the same time, the world feels a lot emptier cos i can just ride straight past everything with out having to engage anyone for side quests to gain some levels to access the next story mission. If i do decide to engage a side quest, im already so over leveled, that it brings me back to the my first point, to easy, zero satisfaction when i complete the quest = boredom.

Edited by crossclaytonwow
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I'd expect something like this, however, considering this part of the press release:

the repurposing might be limited to Heroic Missions?

Hmm. If it were just the heroics, that would be less bad than if it were everything. But I'd still like to play the heroics when they were originally intended, so hopefully they won't remove the pre-60 versions of them.

My guess is it will be phased, some of those planets are heavly more war torn now as seen with korriban. Doubt they would just change it all without phasing in the new stuff.

I hope you're right, seems like it would be a lot of work, though.

Even when this expansion launches, people will still be doing the 1-50 story archs.
Yeah… Including me! And I want to do them in the original order.
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I also wonder if recruiting these companions ( new or old or both? ) is part of the chapters or a separate activity altogether? It would be quite cool to have your chapter missions and yeah it's more sandbox for you to go do the sidequests to recruit your companions that you may want.


Either way the more I think on it all the more cool it sounds.


This could be like in the Agent stoyline where...

Kaliyo gets imprisoned toward the end, and she is blacked out of your Companion list, and you catch up with her in the finale.

They have the tech to lock you out of your companions already, this looks to be on a larger scale.

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I hope to god "re-purposing" is not just another way of saying "we are going to make all the original content so easy that there is no challenge and is an absolute bore to play through for new players or old players starting new characters"


This is what WoW did, made it so easy, there is no risk of dying what so ever. Its what made me leave cos I could not stand starting new characters, I was stuck with my current characters because of the bore factor.


I also hope it means that all the side quests don't become pointless. I do enjoy the 12xp so i can play through story, but at the same time, the world feels a lot emptier cos i can just ride straight past everything with out having to engage anyone for side quests to gain some levels to access the next story mission. If i do decide to engage a side quest, im already so over leveled, that it brings me back to the my first point, to easy, zero satisfaction when i complete the quest = boredom.


Like you said that would be an utter bore and I keep going back to the key words they used ( and one has to think they are careful on word for word of their press releases ) which are "immersive" and "engaging". What you describe is more or less the complete opposite of immersive and engaging if it's just a cake walk.


It's really those words that makes me wonder "what changes can they make that makes those 2 words a reality?" and that's where I keep thinking engine upgrade etc. ( to make the cinematics more up to today's standards ).


Maybe that's thing, now an entire engine upgrade but the means to link through to something else that purely generates the dialogue in a much more modern graphical style ( sort of like how the cut scenes we see in these triaelrs are nowhere near what we get in game ).


I guess time will tell but I'm ready to immersed and engaged as an old player so they'd need do something quite out of the box for that to happen to the players who've been there and done that.

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Hmm. If it were just the heroics, that would be less bad than if it were everything. But I'd still like to play the heroics when they were originally intended, so hopefully they won't remove the pre-60 versions of them.


Well, perhaps they can take an approach like Bounty Event where mobs matching your level are spawned to fight you.

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