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The Imperial Guard on Belsavis


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On Belsavis, both the World Quest and the Bonus Series are given to you by the Imperial Guard, who claim to do so "in the Emperor's name." However, as you discover in the Sith Warrior Act 3, the Emperor has been incommunicado from everyone -- not just the Dark Council -- for quite some time. So...who gave them the missions to free the Dread Masters and steal the Rakata technology to make a second Belsavis? Are they just making up their own missions now?


(Incidentally, it annoys me that the quest givers on this planet are scripted to make mention of previous events in my character's storyline, but I, as the Sith Warrior, can't shove my rank as Emperor's Wrath in that officious prat Calum's face.)

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Don't recall the quest dialog specifically, but taking action "in somebody's name" doesn't mean that somebody gave you direct orders. It just means you're doing something on their behalf. i.e. you're doing something that you think they will want.
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