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learning curve in stats, achievements

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I am curious if there is a way by comparing gsf achievements to see what was/is the learning curve for the pilots out there - especially curious about the best pilots.

For example what skill achievements did u complete before u had 10,50,250... matches played in your starting server legacy. I know, there are many factors that would limit the objectivity of this - like the gsf state when u started to play or if u focused on one ship from the beginning or u rotated ships frequently, read the guide prior to playing and so on.

Edited by DarthMeridian
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I can only remember one, because as it unfolded, I saw a target and just missed it. I started on Red Eclipse as soon as GSF went live, I had played the second beta weekend (and had the privilege of dying to Dulfy's guns in the process), and I tried to get the 500 MVP awards in 500 matches. I missed, it took 514, but I was still happy as there were only the 3 at that point, kills, assists and damage, so I was almost averaging one a game.


Some of those achievements end far too early, it would be nice if the fun stats pages they added later could show some hidden figures once you've gone past the achievement targets. I guess it's another of the odd legacy vs character disconnects that GSF carries from the early days.

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I'm a relatively new pilot, barely over (Edit: I legit have no idea, and changed this after trying to do the math using deleted alts) games total across every server/alt as a rough estimate.


TBH I didn't (and still really don't) give a damn about cheeves, although it's likely that when I get 100% I will screenshot and post in sig as a status symbol - not because I'm proud of them. They don't really mean much, and new pilots are going to have a progressively harder time gaining them against all these aces if the playing field isn't leveled at least a little bit (A better tutorial would be nice, or practice matches)

Edited by CommanderKiko
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I've been only missing the "kill a bunch of turrets in one game, multiple times" one, for a long time. Turrets spawn from red nodes. Red nodes are to be eliminated. Bad cheeve imo!


Yeah, that one is hateful, think I'm up to about 45/100 even after approaching 3k matches. The higher healing still evades me too, I get bored in bombers and tend to save my clarion heal for when I run low on ammo, instead of being a helpful team player :)

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It partly depends on how you distribute your flying time among ships too.


I flew strikes for 90% or more of the time, and hit an achievement plateau after 2 or 3 months after subscriber early access. When I eventually got around to spending more time in scouts, gunships, and bombers the remaining achievements started dropping like flies.


The one that's giving me the most trouble is the defending for a long time many times one. Even on a bomber I tend to move around enough that I don't clock up the full four minutes. If the node isn't in contention then it's sort of a waste to just park a bomber there. I've been working on it in lopsided matches where I take pity on the other side and decide to, "park for the cheeve," instead of helping my team 3 cap.


I think I'm down to that and unlocking Imperial side crew members that don't have compelling passives or actives.

Edited by Ramalina
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