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New Daily Areas on Old Planets


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I'm all for new planets for daily areas. I think Oricon, Rishi and Ziost were fine, but I really miss that distinct Star Wars feel I got from running through Tatooine in the base game. So, I would love the chance to take my characters to old worlds again. Hoth, Tatooine, and Taris are all planets I think we could see a lot more of.


We've seen this sort of thing done with Belsavis and Corellia in the past, where they add a new area to an existing planet. So give me more of that, but with the planets I really care about. With Rishi, we've even seen different times during the day, and I'd love to see Tatooine at sunset outside of my stronghold, or to see Hoth in a blizzard.


I think this also has the opportunity for some interesting, new reputation rewards. You could have new decorations, mounts and gear based around the old planets. Rubble and Rakghouls from Taris as decorations, or igloos from Hoth. Personally I would be overjoyed to see a Krayt Dragon world boss roaming around or in a cave, and this would give the devs that chance to do that!



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