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TISSUE paper for Armor


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I have a 38 mara and I'm curious as to what you guys have to say.

Is it just me or does the marauder class suffer a little too much damage for your liking?

Especially in pvp, I find myself getting killed by other people under level 20.

Perhaps I just suck at pvp, but that's ok because that can change.

But does anyone else here who have pvp'd with a marauder have any insight for this?

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It does not get any better.




While armor will help some, you will always be a glass cannon. The sad part is that you break before you can set off the fuse. I mean don't get me wrong when you can get on someone, you will rip through them..if they don't cc,kite or some other bs.


Even in pve, the level 50 solo content is such a pain that you will just laugh at how badly the balance is. Let me give you a example.




A group of mobs I tried to solo with heal pet and biotech. I died after killing 2 they was not even elite.



My wife who is a sorc, goes in and kills them with ease and faster at a safe distance. Did not even lose her pet.






This is the fate that awaits you.




People on this forum will say, you are bad l2p I can do it just fine. They are trolling, many other people on my server and this forum sees the same problem. If I can't do it, I know they are not doing it.

Edited by Teladis
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the marauder is stupidly squishy and seem to be the only class with ramp up(other class will smash your face with 3k instantly while you hit for 200-300 trying to build rage)


There's nothing much to say. the only reason i have not rerolled is because i'm 50 and i don't have the petience to reroll. i'm just hoping Bioware isnt like blizzard and actually fix things.


edit : jug suffer from ramp up aswell but atleast they have the defence to survive mor than 3 hits

Edited by mastersloup
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Maurauders in pvp are cannon fodder.


They have to swarm 2-3 people vs. 1 to kill him. 1v1 any other class(cept jug) will win simply because they have cc and the same dps. Not to mention you have to be at melee distance, they can sit back at ranged.

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Maurauders in pvp are cannon fodder.


They have to swarm 2-3 people vs. 1 to kill him. 1v1 any other class(cept jug) will win simply because they have cc and the same dps. Not to mention you have to be at melee distance, they can sit back at ranged.


completly wrong, check the other threads in the forums for more advice on how to play the class, 1 v 1 no1 stands a chance against a mara if you spec right and play right - I take on people who are level 40 1 on 1 and stil come out on top and I'm only 28 - (Anni if your stil leveling , Ive also heard rage become real good after level 40)


The only reason why a mara dies a lot is if you jump into 2 to 3 people expecting to survive.. You have to choose your targets properly not jus jump into battle - look who is standing alone run up 2 them and finish them off - But Mara's do get targeted a lot, but that's because if we are left alone we will destroy our target - and also we are melee so we are always on our targets (not like range who can stay 20+ yards away) - so I do agree better armor would be good, but the amount of damage we do if left unchecked and in 1 on 1's is quite insane , so this class is fine

Edited by Majinr
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From a pve perspective the class is squishy but you can solo just fine. The class does require that you pay attention constantly so it isn't the class to play when you want to be lazy or half watch tv half play the game.


Interrupts are highly important for a Mara you need to learn which abilities to interrupt and which ones you can let the mobs fire off. Save force choke as an interrupt don't just use it to build rage. You don't have to use Quinn as people say, but if you use a dps companion you will need to micro them a bit.


I was doing my lvl 50 dailies earlier and a Sorc was there was well, I was blowing through the mobs she was struggling. In the end she asked me to help her get it all finished.

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You obviously don't understand how to solo with a Marauder if you find yourself Squishy. You NEED to use your defensive CDs in order to stay alive. Keep aggro on Mobs, Use cloak of Pain, pop saber ward if you're taking a large amount of damage, Force Choke to eliminate damage from 1 mob for 3 seconds, Obfuscate the strongest melee/ranged mob, Interrupt abilities...



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It does not get any better.




While armor will help some, you will always be a glass cannon. The sad part is that you break before you can set off the fuse. I mean don't get me wrong when you can get on someone, you will rip through them..if they don't cc,kite or some other bs.


Even in pve, the level 50 solo content is such a pain that you will just laugh at how badly the balance is. Let me give you a example.




A group of mobs I tried to solo with heal pet and biotech. I died after killing 2 they was not even elite.



My wife who is a sorc, goes in and kills them with ease and faster at a safe distance. Did not even lose her pet.






This is the fate that awaits you.




People on this forum will say, you are bad l2p I can do it just fine. They are trolling, many other people on my server and this forum sees the same problem. If I can't do it, I know they are not doing it.


You died after killing two 50 regular mobs and expect anyone to take you seriously? What are you wearing, greys?


I started questing on Ilum solo at level 49, blue quality mods/hilts from Corellia commendations that everyone and their mother should have an obscene amount of. I used Quinn and had no trouble taking down elites, 2 strong mobs at once, a strong mob with standard mobs, or large groups of standard mobs. To make it easier on myself I'd CC a droid whenever possible, but it was never necessary.


You have an AoE Fear, a combat vanish that drops threat on a 45 second cooldown, defensive cooldowns, medpacks, relics, interrupts, force choke... It's not as easy as many AC's to solo, but if you tout yourself as any kind of intelligent player you're either grossly exaggerating or you REALLY ARE terrible at Marauder, no troll intended.

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