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Event rewards


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Bioware, you couldn't have taken time from your Cartel Market, to add new rewards to the Nightlife Event?


Guess Cartel Market thrumphs all.


Thrumphs huh??






a thumping, rumbling sound, usually repetitive:

the thrump of artillery echoing through the valley.


I for one have never heard the CM making a thumping, rumbling sound. :rolleyes:


Perhaps OP, you might have meant Trumps??


trump 1 (trŭmp)


1. Games

a. often trumps A suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand.

b. A card of such a suit.

c. A trump card.

2. A key resource to be used at an opportune moment.

3. Informal A reliable or admirable person.


As for your off handed jab at them & the CM. Be glad they even brought it back & TOOK the time to fix the missing achievements for some from last year.

Currently they are working on a LOT more pressing things than adding a few new decorations/rewards to an event that happens once a year.

Which if you paid any attention to this game you'd know they barely if ever add ANY new rewards for their special events.

Rakghoul has no new rewards aside from couple decos (that was added in stronghold time only, nothing new since then) you can ONLY get during event.

Gree has none that I know of.

Nightlife is only 2nd time it's come around. So get over yourself & special sense of entitlement. You don't like the rewards, don't play the event. That simple.

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Wow, I've never seen someone that impassioned to write so much about 1 typo. That little speech doesn't work when we're all subscribers paying for the game. You also contradicted yourself heavily as Gree and Rhakgoul both got new items and Summer event didn't.


People shouldn't just be happy we're getting the summer event at all. This isn't charity they're doing for us, we pay them.

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I have absolutely no reason to do the event as I got all Achievements and items last event. They could of added new certificate items at least. I do happen to see it as lazy on their part.


Similarly the CM Nightlife packs should have been held in reserve until the event and re-released only during the event, would have made them more valuable.


At least I don't have to waste any credits (credit sink) and time on the event...both the primary purposes of the event for Bioware...fun doesn't count or we would see 1/4-1/2 of all CM items from packs as rewards for actually playing the game (rep, quests, random drops, etc).

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Thrumphs huh??






a thumping, rumbling sound, usually repetitive:

the thrump of artillery echoing through the valley.


I for one have never heard the CM making a thumping, rumbling sound. :rolleyes:


Perhaps OP, you might have meant Trumps??


trump 1 (trŭmp)


1. Games

a. often trumps A suit in card games that outranks all other suits for the duration of a hand.

b. A card of such a suit.

c. A trump card.

2. A key resource to be used at an opportune moment.

3. Informal A reliable or admirable person.


As for your off handed jab at them & the CM. Be glad they even brought it back & TOOK the time to fix the missing achievements for some from last year.

Currently they are working on a LOT more pressing things than adding a few new decorations/rewards to an event that happens once a year.

Which if you paid any attention to this game you'd know they barely if ever add ANY new rewards for their special events.

Rakghoul has no new rewards aside from couple decos (that was added in stronghold time only, nothing new since then) you can ONLY get during event.

Gree has none that I know of.

Nightlife is only 2nd time it's come around. So get over yourself & special sense of entitlement. You don't like the rewards, don't play the event. That simple.


They added decorations to the Rakghoul Event, the Gree Event, the Bounty Contract Event. This is the only event they didnt even bother to add a couple of decorations for. Which they very easily could have done even with their more "pressing issues". Is it nice that they fixed the achievements? Sure. Does that mean we should all be completely satisfied and not even slightly disappointed they were too lazy to add decorations live theyve done for every other event? No.

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Yeah. Bioware's laziness is astonishing. They could have added at least some decorations, but that's obviously too much work. :rolleyes:


I was 99% sure that they would have some kind of decoration or decorations in the event but that was sadly to much to ask.

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Pretty sure the reason why they didn't touch this event was because too many people blew a gasket the last time they updated a slot machine.


That makes no sense because they could have added decorations without ever putting them on the slot machines and still given people something to spend the golden certificates on besides legacy gear and a mount or two

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That makes no sense because they could have added decorations without ever putting them on the slot machines and still given people something to spend the golden certificates on besides legacy gear and a mount or two


Agreed, they could've added something. I don't feel like its much of an event now for those of us who've already got the previous achievements etc. Oh well,..

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Part of is with the theme of this thread wondering why they didn't add new items. Another part of me is thinking well at least they brought the event back for people who didn't get to participate last time or didn't get everything they wanted (I.E. me).


I think if they're going to bring something back after almost a year at least update it.

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Wow, I've never seen someone that impassioned to write so much about 1 typo. That little speech doesn't work when we're all subscribers paying for the game. You also contradicted yourself heavily as Gree and Rhakgoul both got new items and Summer event didn't.


People shouldn't just be happy we're getting the summer event at all. This isn't charity they're doing for us, we pay them.


Such entitlement from you. LOL :rolleyes: Yes, you pay to play a game. Which you are doing. It never states they have to add special events, nor update rewards for said special events. So in turn you're the one who's making a big deal over something that you think should have happened.


As for my opinion, I never said I was for or against it. Some decorations might have been nice. But on the flip side, last time most the new decorations came from the limited edition Casino Cartel Packs.


Really? And what were they aside from the decos that have been mentioned.


Yes, and again, you pay for a service which you are using. Even to type up your response. That's the only thing you pay for. Nothing else. They can change what they want & when they want on their terms. It's all in the TOS you agreed to when starting this game. lol


Similarly the CM Nightlife packs should have been held in reserve until the event and re-released only during the event, would have made them more valuable.


Who's to say they aren't bringing them back in a week or two? It lasts from June 9-August 25. They probably will embargo the last ones, or add some new ones. :)


They added decorations to the Rakghoul Event, the Gree Event, the Bounty Contract Event. This is the only event they didnt even bother to add a couple of decorations for. Which they very easily could have done even with their more "pressing issues". Is it nice that they fixed the achievements? Sure. Does that mean we should all be completely satisfied and not even slightly disappointed they were too lazy to add decorations live theyve done for every other event? No.


But there is a difference between the Nightlife event & the other previous events.

The Nightlife event started after the Stronghold stuff. So in all honesty the decos should have been implemented on the get go. But it all goes back to the decos being in the packs, so you buy the packs. The other events don't have special CM packs to go with them. Plus this is really not an event per se like the others. You don't have any daily quests to run, you don't have any rep to grind. You just go there & sink credits in like an idiot. lol In hopes for that RARE rancor or the other similarly rare mount.


The machines should have been more designed too, so that when the bars lined up it was a better chance at something, than just "oh look it lined up, and all I got was my coin back.". :(


"At least they brought the event back for people who didn't get to participate last time or didn't get everything they wanted (I.E. me)".


I think if they're going to bring something back after almost a year at least update it.


Exactly, at least those who didn't get to do it last year can this year. Especially all the achievement chasers.


But again that falls back on what event has been updated aside from the few decos on each event that were around before strongholds?

Edited by CaptRogue
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The Nightlife event started after the Stronghold stuff. So in all honesty the decos should have been implemented on the get go.

This is incorrect. The first iteration of the event was over before the Strongholds were released (or maybe there was a small overlap of few days, I honestly don't remember exactly, but it definitely started long before Stronghold release).

Edited by Danylia
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The Nightlife event started after the Stronghold stuff. So in all honesty the decos should have been implemented on the get go. But it all goes back to the decos being in the packs, so you buy the packs. The other events don't have special CM packs to go with them. Plus this is really not an event per se like the others. You don't have any daily quests to run, you don't have any rep to grind. You just go there & sink credits in like an idiot. lol In hopes for that RARE rancor or the other similarly rare mount.

around before strongholds?


You are incorrect. Nightlife came out roughly the same time last year as it did this year and Strongholds were not released until August or September, after the event had either ended or was almost completely over. So my point still stands

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This is incorrect. The first iteration of the event was over before the Strongholds were released (or maybe there was a small overlap of few days, I honestly don't remember exactly, but it definitely started long before Stronghold release).


Actually no, the day the event ended (August 19, 2014), early access began.

But you're correct I was incorrect on my dates. lol But still my point stands. lol

The Decos for this event were in The Nightlife Packs. It was/is all an in game credit/RL money sink. That's what this event is about to be honest.


You are incorrect. Nightlife came out roughly the same time last year as it did this year and Strongholds were not released until August or September, after the event had either ended or was almost completely over. So my point still stands


It was June 10-Aug 19, 2014.


READ above, especially italicized comment. My point still stands.

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It was/is all an in game credit/RL money sink. That's what this event is about

Just like last year, an attempt to drain creds before (in this case a new) GSH release to "force" people to use CC for a SH rather than creds.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Just like last year, an attempt to drain creds before (in this case a new) GSH release to "force" people to use CC for a SH rather than creds.


Which is a huge derp moment on their part given how many people already had everything they would want from the event.


As it stands right now, i have no reason to participate/spend any credits there and the events been going for two days. Leaving me a billion credits to spend on SH unlocks. More really since we have a month more for me to stockpile :p


If there was something -new- to buy, id happily be playing the slots, especially if there were decos, they usually let us collect/use 50 of them after all

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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I concur.

I got all the 'cheeves last time and have a stack of certificates waiting to be spent on whatever I want. I have no reason to go back and spend lods of emone on the slots unless there's new stuff to be acquired.


Yeah, people flipped out about the slot machines before, but if they introduced new ones (for other cartel reps) and:

-optimized and finalized the drop rates BEFORE releasing them and

-made them available through the Nightlife event (credits) rather than costing cartel coins (dollars),

people would be cool with it. What upset people was the bait-and-switch of something that people spent real money on.

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Actually no, the day the event ended (August 19, 2014), early access began.

But you're correct I was incorrect on my dates. lol But still my point stands. lol

The Decos for this event were in The Nightlife Packs. It was/is all an in game credit/RL money sink. That's what this event is about to be honest.




It was June 10-Aug 19, 2014.


READ above, especially italicized comment. My point still stands.


Reading is hard I know. But go back again and re-read what i said and actually try to comprehend it. It might be difficult but I really cant use much smaller words. I said the event ended before the strongholds were released or very shortly after . Apparently you stopped reading once you decided I had said something incorrect and didnt bother to read everything. But regardless, there were no decorations in the nightlife pack and no decorations in the event itself. Decorations werent added to packs until the Stronghold packs were released. They went back and added decorations to every other event, to all the operations and flashpoints that had been in the game up until and after that point, decorations for pretty much every planet, and yet they couldnt bother to add decorations for this one event when they re-released it? You can make excuses all you want, but your point is still wrong. You cant bother to learn facts, and delight in trying to prove me wrong (when you absolutely didnt) you keep making false and incorrect statements. So no your point doesnt stand.

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