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Could Malgus and Jadus have teamed up


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If Jadus and Malgus accelerated there plans at around the same time do you think they could or would have formed an alliance due to them having a good portion of the empire under there thumb.


No, because both wanted to rule. I also don't see them agreeing on much as they were very different people.

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They had very different visions for ruling the Empire. Their ideals clashed in some very important places.


Malgus wanted to include non-human races as equal contributors to the Empire's might, and to let non-sith into positions of power, equal to a Sith Lord. Jadus wanted to democratize fear (meaning that non-sith could rule, if they had the power to rule), but that did not include aliens, and they would still be beneath the Sith hierarchy.


Malgus would be Emperor. Jadus would rule the Dark Council, and support the current Emperor (Some think that Jadus learned of the Emperor's plans and that's why he moved to put himself above the Dark Council. His next step being to supplant the Emperor, after revealing the Emperor's plans to a greatly weakened Dark Council. Or something like that.)

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They had very different visions for ruling the Empire. Their ideals clashed in some very important places.


Malgus wanted to include non-human races as equal contributors to the Empire's might, and to let non-sith into positions of power, equal to a Sith Lord. Jadus wanted to democratize fear (meaning that non-sith could rule, if they had the power to rule), but that did not include aliens, and they would still be beneath the Sith hierarchy.


"Blood purity is a notion whose time has past. Consider an Empire where there is no limit to what an alien might become."

― Darth Jadus

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No, but that won't stop the idiots on the internet from writing fanfic




Pretty sure there's a slash-fic somewhere that also includes Baras. Oh, and Marr, too.



Malgus and Marr were closer in their philosophies, and the two of them might have been able to keep Jadus well enough in check for everything to work out.


I feel like Malgus would've tagged Jadus as a racist/classist and simply killed him at his earliest convenience.

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