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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Automate a name purge for people inactive every 30 days


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Send them an email warning their name will be purged in a few days.


Don't even have to delete them, just make it they have to either log in or re-name themselves upon next log in.

Edited by Jboath
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Don't you think 30 days is too short? People do takes breaks. They should purge those that haven't long in longer than 1 year. If a player has not log in for two years it's a pretty good bet they won't be coming back. There are exceptions, but generally when a player is gone for more than two expansions chances are they aren't coming back. Edited by Knockerz
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the idea i agree with sort of.

The length of days not even slightly.


Don name purge people, delete them.


30 days is way to short. People have alts they dont play on for long periods of time because they're leveling a new toon for example.


I'd say that after 600 days of not playing that char can be deleted.

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NO to automatic name purges HELL NO to automatic character deletion.


yes I understand that you want that shiny name for whatever reason, that is taken. find a way around. system where name purges are done every once in a while WITH WARNING, and that preserves characters created? is a system that should NOT be changed. and yes, I say that as someone who logs in regularly


and in any case - name changes should be on per account, not per character basis. if account is active? they should get to keep their character (and their name) intact, even if they are not playing that character at this time

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I don't like this idea because I don't live in this game. I play often, I take breaks, sometimes huge breaks. For example after SoR. I break like 3 months, then I returned. Next, I plan to take a huge break after July and not sure if return around September.


I disagree with this idea at 99% because of the time lenght.


This idea is just too exaggerated. Probably 1 year in length or half year would be better, reasonable. Like I did in post before, I am not a hard-core player. I just play often, but I do enjoy a lot this game.


Think it like this. There are players to have deal with stuff in the outside of the game. For example, you move to another house, or you went off to travel, specially on this Summer. Probably, you move to another state, or another country. There are people like me that have family in another country. Don't you think that 30 days is too short? :rak_02:

Edited by jamyz
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Reforming the name system to allow a space and a second capital letter thereafter is a FAR better solution.


Name taken? Come up with a unique surname (which is generally far easier to do than find a new first name that isn't mumbo jumbo, some abomination of special characters, or already taken). I've NEVER had an issue with naming characters in games that allow this.


It also would allow us to differentiate surnames within our legacy (the legacy system had so much wasted potential here)...

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Purging names annoys returning players. 30 days is way too short a time. A year, maybe (of course if people expanded their naming "creativity" beyond "variations of Revan and Nihilus" they would have no problem coming up with names).


Agreed, to all points.


Especially the last one :p


Oh we cant forget all the Luuke Leiia and Haaaaans :rolleyes:

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No. My boyfriend is fixing to be in basic training and that is 8 weeks (2 months) in the Air Force. No one that is a subscriber should have a name purge no matter how long it is. They are still paying for the game the name should stay.


100% This. No subscriber should ever have to worry about losing their name, no matter how long they break for. They are paying.

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Purging names annoys returning players. 30 days is way too short a time. A year, maybe (of course if people expanded their naming "creativity" beyond "variations of Revan and Nihilus" they would have no problem coming up with names).


Purging names annoys potential returning players, but not purging them annoys many active players. 30 days is definitely far too short a timeframe, a year certainly isn't if the player is no longer subscribed or logging in. There are many names that are not copied from other places that are no longer available. And if players choose not to be creative, that is their own preference. I'd prefer to have a non-creative name available for someone who plays actively or is just starting than saved on the off chance someone who quit a month after launch because SOA was bugged will come back.

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100% This. No subscriber should ever have to worry about losing their name, no matter how long they break for. They are paying.


Exactly. Adding to what you said, (and in keeping with the idea presented by the post you quoted in your reply), if someone in the military deploys for a year and is unable to log in at all during that time, they shouldn't have to worry that their character names will be gone when they get home.

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And their problem.


Clearly BW should tell players to piss off if they don't want super unique names with special characters and x's before and after. It would be way better for them to choose not to play and bring in potential revenue instead of purging some names of players with a very remote chance of returning.

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I think 30 days a a mite short. Also, are we talking people, or characters?

It's bad enough that I lost so many character names during the forced server merges, but if I were to lose my character names, randomly, while paying my sub, just because I don't play on Smuggler#2 every single month? That would be VERY upsetting.


I'm all for clearing out some names, even overhauling the name system altogether, but truly 30 days seems a little short.


HELL NO to automatic character deletion.


Have to agree on that.

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Send them an email warning their name will be purged in a few days.


Don't even have to delete them, just make it they have to either log in or re-name themselves upon next log in.


With respect: this is a bad idea. Some folks are AFK (so to speak) for dozens of reasons. Some of which are simply hard times in their life. I STRONGLY disagree with your suggestion. It seems as though this comes up every now and again ... to "purge unused names" .....


If I didn't know better someone has a name that you would like to use (or perhaps someone you know) ... Sorry that is just a part of the game.

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Clearly BW should tell players to piss off if they don't want super unique names with special characters and x's before and after. It would be way better for them to choose not to play and bring in potential revenue instead of purging some names of players with a very remote chance of returning.

I guess why the game has shut down and we can no longer play it.

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You're right. Since the game isn't dead and shutting down, they shouldn't do anything to improve it. I'm glad you made me see the light.


your idea of "improvement" is my (and others) idea of making the game worse. so... where does that leave us?

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Clearly BW should tell players to piss off if they don't want super unique names with special characters and x's before and after. It would be way better for them to choose not to play and bring in potential revenue instead of purging some names of players with a very remote chance of returning.


Except if a person is still paying a sub how would they know if a person is not going to return. There are times a person pays to play but because of real life responsibility (such as military, etc) they don't play for awhile but yet they are still paying a sub, so in your way of thinking they should just give someone else they name that they have paid for.


No. If someone is paying for the game no matter whether they are playing or not the name should not be removed from them.

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Clearly BW should tell players to piss off if they don't want super unique names with special characters and x's before and after. It would be way better for them to choose not to play and bring in potential revenue instead of purging some names of players with a very remote chance of returning.
















Those are just a few of my characters, most of those were made in the last year and a half. Except Chisher, Eizzey, Lyraine, those three are nearing two years of age.


Sure, some have unneeded extra letters (Aishilynne doesn't need the other n, but I thought it looked cool), but unique names are possible.


Once a year would make sense, every month does not. Like said up thread, if we pay (and still pay) a subscription, we should be allowed to keep all of our names.

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I guess I don't understand where people are coming from. If you read my previous post, I said they should look into purging names more than a year old that are not subscribed and with no activity on the account. If you haven't logged into the game in over a year and are not subscribed, there is no reason to save your name. 30 days is far too short, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't happen.


There are a lot of accounts that were leveled to 50 within months of launch and haven't been logged into since. Those people aren't coming back and if they are, then they can have the special characters and multiple letter names. I wouldn't even change my current names if this happened, but I recognize there are many players who would or many new players who would like some normal names. Simply because you CAN play the game with a name you don't want, doesn't mean you should have to if there is something the devs can do to help.

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I'm not sure a name purge needs to take place anytime soon. Only BioWare knows how many accounts have been abandoned for how long.

If BioWare has plans to merge some servers in the near future then don't expect a name purge before that happens.

I think the way BioWare implemented the first name purge was well done and fair. Any future name purge should have the same criteria as the first purge for keeping your name.

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