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NOISY fountains....

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All of a sudden all my fountain decos are making way too much noise, that can be heard from outside the rooms they are in. I don't know if this was a recent change in the latest patch, but it's very annoying. The sound effect distance radius needs to be reduced by about 90%, and the volume should be reduced by about 50%.
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LOL, I noticed that when I entered my Coruscant stronghold. Even though my fountains are near the landing platform, I could suddenly hear them all the way down in the lobby once I got off the elevator.

My poor Jedi Knight probably thought the plumbing must've broken down or something, and that the place was flooding. :p

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I truly wish this topic never came up. Why? cause now if people complain about fountains being to noisy, Bioware will just over nerf them and they will have no sound at all. You just watch. I'm predicting it now, sounds for fountains will be completely turned off.
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I truly wish this topic never came up. Why? cause now if people complain about fountains being to noisy, Bioware will just over nerf them and they will have no sound at all. You just watch. I'm predicting it now, sounds for fountains will be completely turned off.


No one wants them off, we want them returned to what they were originally. I get a headache whenever I spend any time in my Nar Shaddaa which has fountains all over, and you can hear all all 7 of them no matter where you are in there.

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I agree the original volume was preferable.


Personally, I'd like to be able to click-toggle anything that makes noise to have it shut off. Right now I can only display speeders on my balcony that don't make a "zooming" noise because I don't want to hear them on the inside room. I don't understand why noises penetrate walls and air locking doors, but if I can't have it local-only then I'd prefer to turn it off when I want the appearance without the sounds.

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