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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

12x XP on Makeb or not?


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is there? I thought I read somewhere that the main was 12x but it doesn't look like it....at least for me through the first couple missions.



Also, did I read somewhere on the forums about the ability to turn on/off?

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Yes, 12X does apply to the main Makeb story missions, provided you are not yet level 55.


(Hint: If you stack up 3 turn-ins just before hitting 55, you can get halfway to 57 with them.)


To toggle off 12X, go to fleet and get a White Acute Module from a vendor next to the Respec trainer for zero credits. It will let you toggle the bonus on/off.

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12x XP isn't a matter of where, but when.


12x XP ends when you hit level 55, regardless of where you might be at that time.

Not according to yellow posts, though I never tested it myself.

  • The Epic Story XP Boost applies to the Class Missions of each class in the core game. In Rise of the Hutt Cartel it applies to the main story mission for each Faction.


The Epic Story XP Boost applies to Class Missions in the core game and then the main "critical path" storyline of Rise of the Hutt Cartel. We are not putting the Epic Story XP Boost for Shadow of Revan (55-60) since it was already designed to be a much more streamlined and faster leveling experience.
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Not according to yellow posts, though I never tested it myself.


Its actually a bit of both.


The 12X bonus applies to all the main 1-50 class story missions, including the small Ilum chain, as well as the Makeb story mission chain.


However, 12X will not apply to any missions turned in (key being turned in) at or above level 55.


Once you hit 55, you will not get the 12X bonus on any mission turn-ins, even if the missions would have qualified, such as the main story line on Makeb.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I think folks are misunderstanding what I was saying; I wasn't talking about level 55, I was talking about planets after Makeb. The person I replied to seems to say that the planets added after Makeb do give 12XP if you aren't 55 but the yellow posts seem to indicate that the planets after Makeb do not give 12xp if you visit them (excluding Yavin, of course) before level 55.
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I think folks are misunderstanding what I was saying; I wasn't talking about level 55, I was talking about planets after Makeb. The person I replied to seems to say that the planets added after Makeb do give 12XP if you aren't 55 but the yellow posts seem to indicate that the planets after Makeb do not give 12xp if you visit them (excluding Yavin, of course) before level 55.


In that case, I believe Forged Alliances series will the first time through.

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In that case, I believe Forged Alliances series will the first time through.


Only missions in the class story 1-50 chain, the Ilum story chain, and the Makeb story chain qualify for the 12X bonus.


Nothing else qualifies for the 12X bonus.


Additionally, the 12X bonus will only be applied if a qualifying mission is turned in before reaching level 55.

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Additionally, the 12X bonus will only be applied if a qualifying mission is turned in before reaching level 55.


If you hoard 3 missions (don't accept them after you hand them in) on Makeb whilst on 54 and then except all 3 you still get the 12xp bonus on all 3 of those missions usually giving you enough XP for level ~56-56.5 :cool:


EDIT: I can't word right today :p

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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I think folks are misunderstanding what I was saying; I wasn't talking about level 55, I was talking about planets after Makeb. The person I replied to seems to say that the planets added after Makeb do give 12XP if you aren't 55 but the yellow posts seem to indicate that the planets after Makeb do not give 12xp if you visit them (excluding Yavin, of course) before level 55.


Pretty sure it is impossible to do the entire class + Makeb quest lines at x12 XP and NOT be 55+. Which is exactly why they chose the number 12...

Edited by Zharik
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If you hoard 3 missions (don't turn them in) on Makeb whilst on 54 and then except all 3 you still get the 12xp bonus on all 3 of those missions usually giving you enough XP for level ~56-56.5 :cool:


Actually you do turn them in, you just don't accept the rewards.

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