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I don't understand...Bioware what are you thinking?!


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All classes should be viable, BW shouldnt even start another season until they have pulled their heads out of their asses and balanced the classes.


It would be nice, but this is honestly unrealistic. The PvP balancing act in every MMO I've played has always suffered from a lack of balance...some to lesser degrees than others. That's because PvP class balance is a chimera. If you want diversity in classes, there will always be imbalances. Class balance is a nice goal to shoot for, but rarely attained.


In 3.3, Alex is making it as easy as possible to compete in Ranked PvP on any class. Peeps now have 12XP to level faster and more easily (i.e. any FotM class they need), and when the new patch hits, they will be able to gear those Alts easily and quickly.


Personally, I PvP for the competition and good fights. I don't PvP to RP, i.e. as a Merc or Sniper, or whatever your favorite AC may be. If rolling a Sorc is what it will take to compete and have fun, then I'm totally down for rolling a Sorc. I will adapt accordingly. Alex has made this easier than ever for anyone to do in 3.3, and in the meantime while BW continues to figure the classes out, I think that's okay.

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You do know he's talking about RANKED games right? A ranked match is usually over with in about 4 minutes with some running longer and others being shorter.


With that as an average time, a person could knock out that many matches a night.


Yeah Ranked, I budgeted 12 minutes average from accepting the pop to being back to fleet to stronghold. That is assuming the match is at least somewhat competitive. If it is a 2-0 blowout you are talking about 2 minutes for loading in and for the match to start assuming noone /ready's then at least 30-40 seconds of jostling for position and 1 minute for an extremely short fight shellacking with no steathouts and healing, 30 seconds for getting ready and another 2 for the second round. Then 30 seconds to leave the match and to queue up assuming zero breaks. That is like 7 minutes minimum 2 rounds to be in the queue again.


Assuming each match is a 2-0 (why are people still queuing?) blowout with the next pop occurring 1 minute from pressing the queue yeah you can play a ton of games in 4-5 hours.


But lets be honest, there's breaks, the matchmaking takes a while (even longer the greater the rating disparity), every round is not a 2-0 /stuck face roll. And this is only in regards to 4v4 DPS.


Even pre-season 4 when I played a ton of ranked all weekend there were pops for a wide range of times but it was rarely instantaneous, usually 5-8 minutes delay. And the game made matches without consulting an ELO table.


As much as I would like the queue to be at least that healthy I still don't think pops will get that frequent. The sub bronze players need some incentive to play and 5k matches 50% win rate isn't going to cut it. The only way things are going to improve is to somehow get pops as frequent as regular warzones so ELO will work and people can get mildly balanced games so they don't feel frustrated getting globalled every round. That is how ranked will improve. No idea how to get there, but 5k games for the worst players wont cut it.


But at this point anything is an improvement. And I am glad they are trying something.

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You're taking their post way out of context. "60 game a week" was given as an EXAMPLE of what it would take a BAD PLAYER to do, in order to buy higher tier rewards. While I'm sure there is room for improvement in their new system, lets not jump to conclusions just yet. Keep in mind BAD PLAYERS shouldn't just be ENTITLED to things. This new system still allows for players of all skill levels to participate and have a shot at obtaining all the rewards. Which I think is a really awesome idea, moving forward, as it will promote more people to queue, and for longer.



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