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If I Hated the Jedi Knight Story...


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I really like the Sith warrior story but felt it fell off right after you get your Apprentice.


To be honest, I hate the apprentices are that are forced on the player in both Sith stories. Jaesa is an absolutely absurd, moronic companion who is horribly written. She is just a mindless psycho that should be locked up, she knows nothing about the dark side or being Sith, and instead just thinks it means slaughtering people left and right and being a sadistic creep. She's nothing but a sociopathic serial killer who needs a straight jacket. If you don't make her "dark", then it's a little better because at least you don't have to deal with an idiotic psycho "look at me I'm so evilz, I like blood, muhahaha", but the fact is if she stays "light" then she remains an actual Jedi. As in, she still thinks she's part of the Jedi Order, and that your character wants to be a Jedi too. The story then starts implying that your character is some sort of traitor and secret Jedi admirer, which couldn't be further from the truth. The logic doesn't make sense at all. So if your Sith isn't a mindless psycho, he/she is a traitor?


That would mean Malgus, Marr, and pretty much the entire Dark Council are in the same boat, and to me, they are as truly as Sith as one can be, not this moron Jaesa who knows absolutely nothing about being Sith then all of a sudden she thinks she's so Sithy and cool because she put on some goth makeup and became fascinated with blood. The story takes that dumb turn into not understanding what it means to use the dark side and be a Sith. It equates it with being a psychopathic serial killer, which is very disgraceful. This is also apparent in the Sith inquistor storyline, where they force Xalek upon your character. After he murders the other acolyte, the one who actually passed the trial, and you have absolutely no option but to tell Harkun off and accept Xalek even though what he is done is moronic and he needs to be punished, as Harkun says.


Instead, all the options available essentially say the same thing, that you want Xalek and like what he did, and you take him as your apprentice. I find it very odd how the npc Sith in the game are portrayed as opposed to how the player characters are. It seems the game wants the player to be a mindless psycho, while at every turn the game shows Sith who are nothing like that, nothing like Jaesa or Xalek either. Sith after Sith you meet in your journey, and most of them, are reasonable people who understand Sith law and don't murder for fun. But when it comes to the character you actually play, you get pigeon-holed throughout the story with silly lines and companions that belong in a mental institution, not traveling with a Sith Lord and becoming Imperial citizens. If we have to have apprentices, then they should have been written a lot better than what we got. They should have been given depth and complexity, and not over-the-top idiotic behavior. At least Xalek is a little better than Jaesa, who has to be the worst written character in the entire game...and whose stupidity is completely intolerable. At least Xalek has a warrior mentality that he will kill or be killed, but he's willing to learn that Sith philosophy is far more than what he understands of it.


There is so much they could have done with those characters, instead they made them either silly cardboard psychos or just pure Jedi who have no business traveling with a Sith anyway. It all makes me cringe every time my character has conversations with them. This is the only time when Jedi Knight story is actually superior, because they get Lord Scourge as their companion, a character with actual depth and complexity, and very well-written. While he often clashes with the knight due to the difference of their philosophies, he actually fits in with the story quite well because he's a well-thought-out character and not just a dumb caricature psycho evil type nor does he want to be a Jedi or agree with their philosophy. That's an example of a companion character I'd want to have, not the terrible jokes of characters we got for the Sith stories. I imagine for the Sith stories they could have done fallen Jedi for companions, but ones that are actually complex, and ones that make sense as fallen Jedi. Instead you get either psycho idiots like "dark" Jaesa whom need to be locked up and throw away the key, not running around undermining the Empire with their ridiculous psychotic episodes, or Jedi that are obviously still 100% pure light Jedi and completely in denial about their situation like "light" Jaesa and Ashara.

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Aw, you forgot Ashara in your rant there.


But truth be told, TOR is something of an exception in the portrayal of the Sith. For the most part, while they might not kill randomly, they're generally pure evil and would have no compunctions about killing anyone if convenient. TOR is considerably lighter and softer in regards to the Sith, probably to make them a workable faction; however, being a light-sided SW does sort of make you closer to a Jedi than to most other Sith (the LS SI has enough personal ambition and dark side power to not go quite as far).

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so I'm wondering which story you'd recommend if you also hated the knight story?

Thanks. :)


Not that I hated the Knight story, I enjoyed them all for different reasons. The JK story felt like KOTOR 3, so the epic world threatening scale fit.


But at the same time, I found the Smuggler to be in many ways just as cliche, (You basically end up playing Han Solo, you have young naive kid, the Wookie, the Princess, and the "Jedi".


Basically, I recommend playing all the classes, since if you do you get the full picture of what happened. Yes all the stories are linked, many companions know each other, and yes some stories are better than others.


My personal favorite story from a writings perspective was defiantly the Agent, however I also really liked the Bounty Hunter story a lot.


The Smuggler possibly has the most humor in it.


And if your Trooper is Female, it's hard not to compare the story with Mass Effect.


I found the both the warrior and knight fun stories but they were definitely over the top characters. While the Consular lives up to her name, and the inquisitor feels right to be a bit dark.


So in summery. (TL;DR Table)


Knight = KOTOR 3

Consular = Diplomat story

Smuggler = Star Wars as told by han solo.

Tropper = Mass Effect-ish


Warrior = (played LS, most LS character I have) Galaxies biggest jerkface.

Inquisitor = just trying to survive the day with pure Darkside power.

Agent = the Empire really sux

Bounty Hunter = You paying? whatever, Mako's hot, and a bit of revenge.

Edited by gothshark
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Aw, you forgot Ashara in your rant there.


But truth be told, TOR is something of an exception in the portrayal of the Sith. For the most part, while they might not kill randomly, they're generally pure evil and would have no compunctions about killing anyone if convenient. TOR is considerably lighter and softer in regards to the Sith, probably to make them a workable faction; however, being a light-sided SW does sort of make you closer to a Jedi than to most other Sith (the LS SI has enough personal ambition and dark side power to not go quite as far).


At a certain point in the SW story I really felt he was an Eddy Izzard routine.


"Tea and Cake or Death?"


spoiler free thing on a planet for a reason.


Massive slaughter to get to the well guarded old couple.


Guards "oh my god you killed them all!"

SW "they opposed me, and suffered a fate worse than death!"

Old Couple "spare us please!!"

Guards "I will defend them to the death!"

SW "well first let me give you a choice, Tea and Cake or Death?"

Old couple 1 "tea and cake"

old couple 2 "..or death?"

Old couple 1 " what you really mean is Tea and cake"

old couple 2 "ok I reluctantly take tea and cake."

Guards "...um...?"


Later when planet is done.


SW "Master it is done old couple are on the way to you."

Master "ah yes, so we can torture them?"

SW "nope, they choose tea and cake, so sent them up with the deluxe luxury package."

Master "ahh, I see your evil genius, by making them happy they will conceive person A how horrible we are."

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Aw, you forgot Ashara in your rant there.


But truth be told, TOR is something of an exception in the portrayal of the Sith. For the most part, while they might not kill randomly, they're generally pure evil and would have no compunctions about killing anyone if convenient. TOR is considerably lighter and softer in regards to the Sith, probably to make them a workable faction; however, being a light-sided SW does sort of make you closer to a Jedi than to most other Sith (the LS SI has enough personal ambition and dark side power to not go quite as far).


I disagree that choosing "light" options for the Sith brings them closer to being a Jedi. Essentially, a most of those "light" options for Sith are simply to capture someone and take them in alive than to kill them. We know that the Empire uses torture on its captives, and any Sith would know this as well, that he/she is not saving the person by capturing them, and the "nicer" option would really be to spare them the agony. Generally, I found the "light" choices to be the ones that benefit the Empire, and if you choose them, you will usually get messages from Sith npcs that commend you on your tactful action. A lot of the "light" options also have to due with a strong sense of honor that would make sense for Sith nobility to have. I no way felt that my light 4 warrior was anything like a Jedi or believed in anything close to their philosophy. A lot of the "dark" options were just mindless kill for no reason, not all of them, some of them were actually following out orders or doing what a Sith would deem practical, so therefore I chose them because it fit what my character would do as a Sith, and my other warrior ended up being dark 2.


As for Sith being "pure evil", some may be like that (Palpatine is a good example of that), and mostly it is because they become drunk on the power of the dark side, but I find the portrayal of Sith npcs in the game to be accurate as to what they are really like. I don't believe they see themselves as evil or bad at all, and they see their rule and society as completely legit. They see themselves as having a difference of philosophy, and I don't believe the Sith code or philosophy is evil in and of itself. I found a lot of them to not be "pure evil" at all, and I don't think it's just to make them a workable faction, or that TOR has a lighter softer attitude towards them at all...you have plenty of idiotic psycho choices for the player character to make, and there are actually quite a number of Sith that are portrayed that way as well. In addition, the game generally does portray them as villains and the Republic as the heroes.


But in general, they are portrayed with depth and complexity for the most part, and when you play on their side, you get the feeling you're born into that society and that you believe in what it stands for, you don't see yourself as the bad guy at all. I just wish the companion choices were better. Jedi Knight at least got one of the best companions in the game in Lord Scourge. As a Sith you either get a goody Jedi or a psycho...Xalek at least is more warrior mentality and not really a deranged lunatic. He makes more sense as an apprentice, although the Empire and \ Sith would generally look down on him because he is an alien.

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I disagree that choosing "light" options for the Sith brings them closer to being a Jedi. Essentially, a most of those "light" options for Sith are simply to capture someone and take them in alive than to kill them. We know that the Empire uses torture on its captives, and any Sith would know this as well, that he/she is not saving the person by capturing them, and the "nicer" option would really be to spare them the agony. Generally, I found the "light" choices to be the ones that benefit the Empire, and if you choose them, you will usually get messages from Sith npcs that commend you on your tactful action. A lot of the "light" options also have to due with a strong sense of honor that would make sense for Sith nobility to have. I no way felt that my light 4 warrior was anything like a Jedi or believed in anything close to their philosophy. A lot of the "dark" options were just mindless kill for no reason, not all of them, some of them were actually following out orders or doing what a Sith would deem practical, so therefore I chose them because it fit what my character would do as a Sith, and my other warrior ended up being dark 2.


As for Sith being "pure evil", some may be like that (Palpatine is a good example of that), and mostly it is because they become drunk on the power of the dark side, but I find the portrayal of Sith npcs in the game to be accurate as to what they are really like. I don't believe they see themselves as evil or bad at all, and they see their rule and society as completely legit. They see themselves as having a difference of philosophy, and I don't believe the Sith code or philosophy is evil in and of itself. I found a lot of them to not be "pure evil" at all, and I don't think it's just to make them a workable faction, or that TOR has a lighter softer attitude towards them at all...you have plenty of idiotic psycho choices for the player character to make, and there are actually quite a number of Sith that are portrayed that way as well. In addition, the game generally does portray them as villains and the Republic as the heroes.


But in general, they are portrayed with depth and complexity for the most part, and when you play on their side, you get the feeling you're born into that society and that you believe in what it stands for, you don't see yourself as the bad guy at all. I just wish the companion choices were better. Jedi Knight at least got one of the best companions in the game in Lord Scourge. As a Sith you either get a goody Jedi or a psycho...Xalek at least is more warrior mentality and not really a deranged lunatic. He makes more sense as an apprentice, although the Empire and \ Sith would generally look down on him because he is an alien.

No one really sees themselves as evil. People like Palpatine just see themselves as beyond any petty conception of morality, and I think for many of the Sith here, that remains true (including for, for what I know of him, Scourge). Though there are admittedly those who see themselves as moral and remain evil anyway.


What is it that you think of Ashara?

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No one really sees themselves as evil. People like Palpatine just see themselves as beyond any petty conception of morality, and I think for many of the Sith here, that remains true (including for, for what I know of him, Scourge). Though there are admittedly those who see themselves as moral and remain evil anyway.


What is it that you think of Ashara?


Don't get me wrong, I don't think the Sith are the "good guys" or anything. It's the reason I took Senator Parvil's documents on Coruscant. While his assistant saw it as hindering the democratic process, the fact is we're dealing with the Sith and the Empire here. When they hear a Republic senator wants to establish ties with them, you can only imagine how eager they will be to manipulate and the fool and use him to their advantage, like the constantly use the Treaty of Coruscant to their advantage. They have the Republic treading on eggshells, because they can yell "violation of the treaty!" at any action the Republic takes, even though the truth is that obviously the Sith do not want peace. Look at what they do on Balmorra with Cheketta. They use how he "violated the treaty" to incite public anger at the Republic all to their own advantage. There are numerous examples of how they are just manipulating the Republic and it's people, and I definitely don't sympathize with that. Anyone who actually thinks they want the treaty of peace to remain and their goals stop short of destroying the Republic is a fool.


It's true that Sith manipulate and deceive, and I'm not saying that I like the Empire or that I even connect very much to the Sith characters I play. I'm just saying, the portrayal is pretty accurate, as they aren't raving lunatics, but an authoritarian government that seeks to conquer the galaxy. As for Ashara, she just remains a Jedi. She's not really a dark Jedi, she's just an impatient young Jedi. At least she's not as much in denial about her circumstances as "light" Jaesa is. And she's ton better than psycho Jaesa, who doesn't understand what being dark side means and thinks it's about being a bloodthirsty hedonistic psychopath. It would have been cool if they had written Ashara to be more like Anakin, conflicted about the Jedi Order and Republic, and then ripe for manipulation. Instead, she keeps reminding you that she's a Jedi. At least she doesn't think you're want to be a Jedi too though. At least she accepts the Empire better than "light' Jaesa, and doesn't think you're a Jedi sympathizer.

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  • 1 year later...

Jedi Knight story: Boring, predictable, bland repetive. act1. Everyone wants to blow a planet you have to stop it.

Act2: It gets better you have to find the emperor's secret foretress confront him. while it was better, I still think it was rather stupid becasue it comes all of a sudden. You barely finished killing the sith from act1, and u are dumped into hunting down the emperor. no connection between first 2 chapters at all.


Chapter3. The Emperor want's to consume every planet. Voss, Belsavis Corellia too, and of course AGAIN you have to stop it. In conclusion: The Emepror is some kind of a weapon of mass distruction from chapter 1.. and you do the same thing as you did in act 1. lack if creativity ? yes.


The other worst part of the story is the massive spoiler you get on tython when BEngall MOrrr thinks you are destined to stop the sith. From this point Onward the story becomes clear.. no twists and turns, unexpected outcomes, it's just a borefest.


Jedi Consular


Compared to the Jedi Knight story this one actually has some intellect in it but it has a weak point too in it's chapter 1. Many people find it boring and give up. THe best part of chapter 1 is that unlike in the Knight story, here you have no clue what the plague is, where it did come from, who is behind it, and you always WANT to find out more. The first time I played consualar I liked it's first chapter because of this. It was a quest for discovery.


Act. gets better you build and allience and so on, make allies, meet imporant people, talk with sith> It really feels like a classic bioware rpg. Even your companions are better than Jedi Knights bland boring ones. Your ship becomes a community , a base of operations.


Act. It gets even better as you go on to surch for the main villain. Unlike many people, I had no clue who it was until the very end. I wasn't dumb, I just didn't figure it out. Plain and simple. For me it was very well hidden.. until the last moments and this made the ending more dramatic. The chapter is about the rep vs empire fight and it was very well written. For me consular was the best Republic story without question.

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I just want to give a little shout out to the Consular story. Act 1 is really weak and the voice acting is bland, but I found I didn't really mind either of these. The story has some inconsistencies if you try to go "off the rails" into the dark side, and works best with a moderately light side character I've found.


But the story is more like the classic Jedi story. Politics, intrigues, the Consular is a little more behind the scenes. Like I said act 1 and the voice acting are both a little weak, but the story imo made up for this in act 2 and 3.


As much as people like to bash the Consular story (it usually ranks at or near the bottom of the 8 class stories for most people), I also think it was overall a better story than the Jedi Knight. The main character sounds much more like a Jedi than the Jedi Knight as well, at least on the light side path.


The Jedi Knight far too often seems annoyed or angry, even when choosing neutral or light side dialogue choices, which seems a bit out of character for a Jedi. The Consular in contrast seems much more zen, as he or she should be.


People like to knock the voice acting as well, but I think the female Consular had some of the best voice acting in the game. She actually sounds like a Jedi, unlike either of the two actors who played the Jedi Knight.

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Honestly I consider JK to be the absolute bottom of the barrel story wise purely for the unending cheese.


I'd put Agent easily at the top of the list which most people agree, and which most people seem to disagree I'd actually put the Consular story pretty high up there as well. Most of the rest of the stories I put about equal, I don't particularly love any of them, but they all have their moments and interesting bits.

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It's true that Sith manipulate and deceive, and I'm not saying that I like the Empire or that I even connect very much to the Sith characters I play. I'm just saying, the portrayal is pretty accurate, as they aren't raving lunatics, but an authoritarian government that seeks to conquer the galaxy. As for Ashara, she just remains a Jedi. She's not really a dark Jedi, she's just an impatient young Jedi. At least she's not as much in denial about her circumstances as "light" Jaesa is. And she's ton better than psycho Jaesa, who doesn't understand what being dark side means and thinks it's about being a bloodthirsty hedonistic psychopath. It would have been cool if they had written Ashara to be more like Anakin, conflicted about the Jedi Order and Republic, and then ripe for manipulation. Instead, she keeps reminding you that she's a Jedi. At least she doesn't think you're want to be a Jedi too though. At least she accepts the Empire better than "light' Jaesa, and doesn't think you're a Jedi sympathizer.


When the rule is "It's okay to strangle if not kill an officer who pisses you off." There is a problem with the government. :p


Moffs have to apologize to lowly Siths, when they talk back to them.


While some older Sith may become more wise, even Marr admits they're not quite right :p The Sith Empire is a government ruled through fear and manipulation by powerful force users who are only kept in check by other powerful force users, all of who'd like to see the other taken out.

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I don't like the Jedi Knight Story . I found it overrated and hyped too much . It was a big let down when I played it .


In comparaison to Sith warrior , it's Utterly Boooring . You don't have the ''everyone challenge you every step'' . And while you get to take on the emprore......by the time I got there..I was sooo bored...I wasn't paying attention to him anymore lol .


I admit though , the female Jedi Knight voice get on my nerve..so that didn't help at all .


The only good thing I got from it ? I got to hear Gray Warden Duncan again from DAO :p

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So I've read a lot of discussions about people ranking their favourite class stories, and I'm kinda perplexed. I've only finished it with one character so far, which was a Jedi Knight (with a bit of passion and vengeance), but I found the story to be so awful, and yet there are so many people praising it, so I'm wondering which story you'd recommend if you also hated the knight story?


To be clear, what I disliked about the knight story was that it was utterly cliche, no interesting plot developments, and almost every planet was just about finding and disabling some doomsday weapon. Even the Emperor's motivations seemed just weird to me, and I didn't buy it at all. The main character's lines were so badly written, I cringed like a hundred times throughout the main story. I'm not saying that to piss anyone off who likes that story, I'm just explaining which kind of story I dislike.


I've heard the Agent story is the best, but a lot of people saying that ranked the Knight story as the 3rd best. So either the other stories are ludicrously bad, or people have some very strange taste, which is why I'd like the opinions of people who share my dislike for the Knight story.


Thanks. :)


People like different flavors of tea, and jedi knight story is indeed quite cliche. However some people like a power fantasy with all the cliches. I certainly do, except I want to be a villain. Sith warrior story is very similar to JK but player is a Sith, thus it is my favorite story by a long shot.


You are in the search of something different. Well, imperial agent story is very non-starwarsy, and as big a departure from JK story as you might get. You should give it a try. Its definitely multi-faceted wtih mystery, deception and one of the few class stories I know of that actually has multiple endings. (Not that I have actually played it more than once)


Another possibility might be the bounty hunter story. It starts somewhat slow but after most of the first chapter things start spiraling out of control and it develops into an interesting sort of anti-hero story. Also my most favorite romance, but thats just me.


ps. I have played all the class stories. Some are so dull Ive forgotten most about them (at least jedi consular is).


pps. Keep in mind that words "good" and "bad" are often subjective. What you are looking for is "different".


ppps. I didn't like agent story, because its not what Im looking for from my character stories. I cannot deny it is excellently written though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A bit late w/ that necro lol.


Scourge and the general revelations that come up are the only saving grace for that class. The JK story was so cringeworthy I nearly dropped this game and never came back that first year, expecting the rest of the class stories to share a similar template or be derived from similar threads. Fortunately, it's mostly an outlier.


I personally think it's the voice acting. Hero worship is nothing new; it's often a big (or even subtle) selling point in most games today. The JK just provides no value or content intrinsic to themselves beyond the often necessary mary sue dynamic to justify that influence. The character fumbles along, naive as f***, through everything they ever do. There is no "growth," no personal development, no valuable defining attribute that interacts w/ or stems from any accomplishment you see on screen. In place of calm, collected, and discerning motions taken on a path to the wisdom and stature that might yield a perceptible context for being assertive in the face of a terrible foe... It's the same muted reactions, inelegantly confused inquiries, and petulant, unimposing and uninformed expressions of dopey frustration from chapter 1 to the conclusion of kotet. While I'm open to argument I'm even willing to contend there are no valuable personality traits that emerge for the JK other than whether they're willing to do the right thing at times someone else might have bowed out and the fact they win, survive, and take on some gnarly ****.


Psychosocially, I'd peg the JK as a preteen through any content released up to date. If I were optimistic I'd say this was even intended—as a deconstruction of what the jedi code looks like played out over the life of someone who never acquires natural life experience to interpret and apply it. Would probably place this on the casting director and the mechanics of how voiceover is done instead though. Any nuances have a lot of obstacles to overcome in order to adequately be conveyed to the actor in time for studio prep.


Tl;dr - I will firmly contend that the only folk who are satisfied w/ playing and experiencing the JK are looking for raw entertainment and don't dwell on the details or they lack the personal development to even identify the portrayal's shortcomings (neither of which should be criticized). OP was not looking for or inviting insight from these players. It was mostly a matter of taste. While the story itself is worth revisiting on a later alt provided you can stomach it, if it rubs you wrong you can definitely drop it and still thrive, which should answer the post's main question.


That said, every other story has pretty well done VA (to varying degrees). You want more quality behind the voicework (which is the larger crux I think inspired the OP) I'd suggest:


a female agent


sith warrior

a male inquisitor



bounty hunter


The agent deserves some primacy in this respect :p


// You'll notice immediately if a companion isn't worth talking to. Most classes have more than one that will likely earn your time

// The female JK is marginally better (outbursts are less like tantrums)

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I had no problem with the JK female voice. It's not my favorite admittedly, that goes to female Inquisitor/Warrior. However, it brings up a point, that the story line can feel better depending on the VA.


I know I don't care for the female Trooper VA. Something just felt off the whole time I played the class and I played it twice.


I do feel the naive part of the JK can be removed, if you pick the right chat questions. This works for a lot of the classes. All one has to do, is pick the chat options that make it sound like you already know.


Like, I stopped asking questions like "What's CorSec?" :p Really, this might make sense for a couple of the classes, but some of them shouldn't be so out of touch with Rep/Emp life/planets etc.

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To be clear, what I disliked about the knight story was that it was utterly cliche, no interesting plot developments, and almost every planet was just about finding and disabling some doomsday weapon. Even the Emperor's motivations seemed just weird to me, and I didn't buy it at all. The main character's lines were so badly written, I cringed like a hundred times throughout the main story. I'm not saying that to piss anyone off who likes that story, I'm just explaining which kind of story I dislike.


If you find the Jedi Knight story cliche, predictable, and badly written, I'd highly recommend the Imperial Agent and/or Sith Inquisitor. Heck, any of the Imperial Classes (Sith Warrior, Sith Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, or Imperial Agent) might be more up your alley, especially if you play a Light Side Sith/BH/Agent. They all subvert and play around with the "standard hero story" that you seem to dislike about the Jedi Knight. And the villains' motivations in these classes are always clear and understandable; they're not all just stupid evil megalomaniacs.


If you want better-written dialogue, I think you'll find the Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Sith Inquisitor, and/or Imperial Agents' lines much better-written. The former three all have some of the wittiest and snarkiest lines in the game, and the last one is "a professional liar" who engages in a lot of intrigue, manipulation, deception, and mind games throughout the story.


I've heard the Agent story is the best, but a lot of people saying that ranked the Knight story as the 3rd best. So either the other stories are ludicrously bad, or people have some very strange taste, which is why I'd like the opinions of people who share my dislike for the Knight story.


To be fair, different people like different things. It's not a mathematical certainty that people who like the Agent story will automatically hate the Jedi Knight story or vice-versa. We're not all one giant hive mind (ha, Imperial Agent in-joke). What someone loves about the Agent questline will probably be different for the JK storyline and vice-versa.


For myself, I do find the Imperial Agent to have the most engaging, deep, complex, suspenseful story with the most layers, mystery, and unpredictable twists, turns, and reveals in the game--and I do find the Jedi Knight story to be the most painfully cliche, predictable, and black-and-white in the game.


With that said, I also prefer the Smuggler and Bounty Hunter stories to either, even though the Smuggler is kind of the standard "lovable rogue" and Bounty Hunter the "deep-voiced ******" of the game. That's because I personally find the Smuggler to be a light-hearted romp through the underworld, the BH's companions to be the most lovable crew in the game (except Skadge--**** Skadge), and in general I prefer to play free agents who do the right thing without being beholden by the system (the way Jedi, Sith, Troopers, and Agents are to their respective systems).


So, I hope that answered your questions.

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The smuggler story is great just because it is basically comic relief. Lots of great small comedic moments, innuendo, plus the fact that they basically have a flirt option in every other convo with the opposite sex to the point that I think Corso even eventually comments on it.


The IA story is just really well done intrigue. It's also ironically full of some of the best commentary on the Jedi and Sith in the game. *All* the class stories are basically telling different sides of what is going on in the galaxy, but the IA story really ties it all together. IA gets kind of punked companion-wise though. The only likable one is a bug.


I'd say either IA or Warrior is my favorite. Warrior is more cinematic, IA is more deep and interesting.


Then again I liked most of the stories. The only story I really disliked was Trooper.

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The smuggler story is great just because it is basically comic relief. Lots of great small comedic moments, innuendo, plus the fact that they basically have a flirt option in every other convo with the opposite sex to the point that I think Corso even eventually comments on it.


The IA story is just really well done intrigue. It's also ironically full of some of the best commentary on the Jedi and Sith in the game. *All* the class stories are basically telling different sides of what is going on in the galaxy, but the IA story really ties it all together. IA gets kind of punked companion-wise though. The only likable one is a bug.


I'd say either IA or Warrior is my favorite. Warrior is more cinematic, IA is more deep and interesting.


Then again I liked most of the stories. The only story I really disliked was Trooper.


I agree with pretty much everything you said. And Vector is a very nice bug :) I may rate the agent story as the best but warrior edges it out just a little bit as my favorite and I'm not even sure why. I've never analyzed my feelings about it much.


It's just fun being The Wrath. And the VA is wonderful and relatable(sp?). (Female anyway, I've barely heard the male warrior.) Plus the gut-wrenching spoilery thing, even when I know it's coming. It's a great adventure whether dark or light or in-between, and sad when it ends.


It was the first story I started and finished when the game came out, I'm very sentimental about the SW :o

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I found my favorites to be the Inquisitor, Smuggler and Trooper stories.


The Inquisitor class story gives the best sense of accomplishment at the end. Your character starts with nothing and continues to grow in power and status until he/she reaches the pinnacle of the Sith Empire.


The Smuggler is just fun in general. I know its compared a lot with Han Solo, but other than the ship you get, that's not really true. Yes, your character can be just as smart assed as him, but you spend more time trying to make a profit and take revenge than becoming some smuggler turned hero of the Republic. It will feel awkward if you try to go full Light or Dark. I found myself in the Neutral by the end of my first play through.


The Trooper story I enjoyed was partly because it was so different from the others. You really get a feel for the life of a soldier in the Republic, and all the politics that go with trying to complete a mission. I felt that the decisions made mattered more in the overall scheme of the class story. Your character has to make choices that even may go against their superiors orders. Those were definitely fun. (The Senate is composed of idiots, just to give you a heads up).


One of the highlights was the voice acting for that story. The female Trooper's voice actor was pretty good and meshed well whether you wanted to make light or dark choices. I know that its mentioned over and over again that she did the voicing for the female protagonist of Mass Effect, but since I've never played it, it was good work either way.


Another was Aric's voice actor, Tim Omundson. His performance is my favorite over all the NPCs in the class stories. The straight laced military man matched with my sarcastic, sometimes reckless Trooper, was just great to watch.

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I agree with pretty much everything you said. And Vector is a very nice bug :) I may rate the agent story as the best but warrior edges it out just a little bit as my favorite and I'm not even sure why. I've never analyzed my feelings about it much.


It's just fun being The Wrath. And the VA is wonderful and relatable(sp?). (Female anyway, I've barely heard the male warrior.) Plus the gut-wrenching spoilery thing, even when I know it's coming. It's a great adventure whether dark or light or in-between, and sad when it ends.


It was the first story I started and finished when the game came out, I'm very sentimental about the SW :o


I think the female Warrior VA is the best character VA in the game. There's a few sequences that I am glad are repeatable just because she is so awesome in them, like the Moff Kresk conversation before Czerka Corporate Labs (pick the deflect bolts option). I love her being kind of reserved and not over the top, so for little things like the side mission on Belsavis where someone condescends to the Warrior and the Force Choke response is something like "GAZE UPON ME AND WITNESS THE MOST POWERFUL CREATURE YOU WILL SEE IN YOUR SHORT LIFE", or some such, she pulls off perfectly but would be totally corny if the actor was bad.


Female Agent and male Smuggler are close though.

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My choices were:


In third, Sith Warrior storyline is a MUST. Many stuff and a really good story for me [my first Character is a LS Sith Marauder and is totally worth it], you should try the whole story line: Jaesa's hunt was awesome.


In Secont, Imperial Agent was a little confusing on Hutta, but I found myself very interested in the story, specially chapter 2 and 3... was good at start, but in the end was great. I tried my first Chiss Female there and Hoth is an awesome planet to do with an Agent...


In First, Sith Inquisitor was really good story and a little linear but very intriguing: lots of twist and turns on those stories, there is the best of the Sith and I personally fell in love with the female Sith Inquisitor voice. My main character is a human female Sith Assassin and it will be for a long time...


If you didn't liked the Jedi Knight story line, perhaps is not a good idea to try the Consular story... I found it really more cliché than the Jedi Knight story... Imperial story line on Makeb is better than the Republic.

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Yeah. Consular feels kind of like the Sunday Morning Cartoon version of a Jedi story. Not bad but if you didn't like JK you probably won't like it either. It's better than its reputation, IMO, but not up to the others in depth. Good companions though.


Inquisitor has amazing companions and I liked the story a lot. Khem Val is just great, you start out with him thinking you are going to ditch him when someone better comes along, but he just gets more and more awesome. Qyzen is kind of the same for Consular I guess. His tie-in to Mako is cute.

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Agent I recommend, since the story connects all stories if you played them all at that point and have good memory you will enjoy it a lot. When I was playing, I was like: "Oh, so that's what happen?! or WOW so my other character did this and now my Agent needs to etc,etc..." After that to me, Inquisitor was best (his still my main)... because of the reasons mention by many already. Also you realize his the only character who you can actually picture surpassing Valkorian, achieving true immortally and mastering the force both Light and Dark beyond what Revan ever could in his lifetime, as the story kinda indirectly hints you, even if you took the worst choices. His the only Story that makes you feel...free to pursue anything, whether its ruling, mastering the force, romance or all of the above, ect,etc well like I said anything.


The other classes are ok... JK is like a classic hero story or classic Anti-hero depending which side you took...


I still wish this knew expansion continued this type of class story interaction and not much it up all in one story.


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